That degenerate above me has finally understand it.

„There is no need to kill political opponents to bring back fascism mate.“

just like any western woke countries with their globalist elitist agenda. Congrats. The only beacon of hopes in the West are Argentinia and El Salvador.

How ironic. Socialists countries returning to normality, while the countries that swore to fight communism and socialism have turned into that.

This planet deserved to be erased from existence.

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
You are voting for the far left labor party and seriously hesitating to vote either blanck or the far right ? Are you serious here ?

The far right is AGAINST the interests of worker. They are literally working for billionnaires and the bourgeoisie.

And voting blank ?

Do you prefer creating a revolution against a centrist leftist party that will bring you the CRS or against the far right that will be in your home before you even go to the streets and later maybe shoot you in the streets ??


Dude, I've seen literal anarchists votes because they know how dangerous the situation is. Lutte Ouvrière has completely lost its way.
How do you bring revolution against the far-right if far-right doesn't come to power? People need to see how's RN while they're governing. You're talking to about revolution while you're keeping your days posting here.
just like any western woke countries with their globalist elitist agenda. Congrats. The only beacon of hopes in the West are Argentinia and El Salvador.
My dear ignorant mate. How can you be so ignorant ?

Argentina is falling under a far right libertarian gov. They are a few years close to fascism. Me and other leftist are literally fighting those guys. Can you stop saying BS you don't even understand ?

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
My dear ignorant mate. How can you be so ignorant ?

Argentina is falling under a far right libertarian gov. They are a few years close to fascism. Me and other leftist are literally fighting those guys. Can you stop saying BS you don't even understand ?
How can they be fascist if they're libertarian?
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Dude you’re making that horseshoe theory relevant lmao. What’s so appealing in rouge brun ?
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Also using cult of personality is systematic in dictatorships
I didn't vote in adhesion to RN. RN will never stop growing until people understand that it's shit. For that, they need to lead the country for a period.
How do you bring revolution against the far-right if far-right doesn't come to power?
You don't. There is no revolution possible against the far right. Simply because you will be annihilated.
People need to see how's RN while they're governing.
That's called "accelerationnism". Its the belief that "people who voted for the far right will discover how bad the far right is and then start to vote for the left".

Its a dangerous and deeply flawed belief because its doesn't take into consideration that:

- The far right in power means that it will be the start of a chain reaction that NOONE will be able to stop unless there is a miracle. This is what I'm talking about here:

To create an allegory, this is what putting the far right in FULL power looks like in real life:

Each dominos is ones steps closer to fascism.

- The first domino will be the mastering of the mainstream press. With the far right in power, you can be sure the mainstream owned by billionnaires will align with the interest of the power since liberals won't be affected too much by a far right government.

- The second domino is the devaluation of the truth. We live in a world where information is far harder to fact check than it is to spread. The far right, because of their nature tend to FLOOD the informations and minds of people with so much lies and fake news that it will be impossible to fact check everything. The truth will lose its value. This is something that is already happening today. You just have to look at example like Trump, Macron or the RN in France.

- The third domino is the murder of the public press. With the mainstream media aligning to the POPULAR power. The public press will be pressured by all sides to stop the "liberal propaganda", population included, and because the far right think that the press should not be hold by the power and therefore should not spread information that favors the power, they will privatize of the public press.. Those stations will be bought by billionnaires that will.. logically align themselves with the interest of liberals or the far right power. As you can see, I'm talking about the public press as mainly defending the interest of liberals. A leftist press would be absolutely non existent, so you can expect the radicalization of the press and the public debate toward reactionnary agendas.

- The fourth domino is the radicalization of the rural masses. Yes, I'm talking about the radicalization of everyone who ALREADY voted for the far right in rural zone with little to no big access to internet. The reason behind that is the echo chamber created by the previous dominos. The absence of viable and truthfull informations and the absence of diversities in media, will push the media to radicalize themselves and this will in result push the population who watches those media to radicalizes themselves as well. We will start with journalists saying that migrants could be a potential danger for our villages to end with journalists saying that trans people are pedophiles, that black people who live in "no-go zones" are lazy, that psychically ill people - like me - are mostly faking their illness, that we must force poor people to work etc. andthe population will follow..

- The fifth domino is the radicalization of the politics. Because don't expect political people to be spared by the radicalization. Far right people are not people who follow science. They are mostly climatosceptics and do not accept the entierity of the scientific spectrum as legitimate. So if an echo chamber is created, you can expect far rightist political deputee to be radicalized the same way as other people or their own voters. In short, theirs own ideology will push them to radicalize themself. It literally like a spaceship going faster and faster in space because it has fuel and it is moving without resistance. The fuel of the far right is literally its own ideology and the more they will be in power the more radical and dangerous they will be. So you can expect worst and worst politics in EVERY domain. Politics they didn't even had to begin with.

- The sixth dominois the murder of the institution and the constitution. You guys have to understand that fascism hurt us SO BAD during the war because the constitution was ripped appart that a LOT of countries created a fail safe. They created institution to oppose or discuss any change to constitutionnal rights. Well, guess what. Some far rightist's main goal is to get rid of the institutions that could block them from creating their far right politics (such as the national preference in France for ex.). In France, with a majority or a referundum, the president could delete completely the constitutional counsil and destroy any resistance for their politics. They would have therefore free range to do what they want.

With the assemblee with a radicalized far right, without anyone to stop the far right from changing the constitution or applicate its politics, with a population that radicalize everyday more and more..

I give them less than 3 years to transform any country into a fascist one WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT.

Because as you can see, the only thing that is really intended here, is the ideology. EVERYTHING ELSE is a RESULT of said ideology. The far right in power without counter power would result in a majority completely OUT OF CONTROL from the people and the politic themself since those politics will be forced by their own situation and place to follow the train.

The ones who will resists even a little will be annihilated and will be left all the others who are not realizing that they are radicalizing themself more and more.

80 years ago, fascism did not appear because people wanted fascism. Fascism appeared because people didn't think about the consequences of their actions !
- It ignore the fact that the far right in power will annihilate the left
- It ignores the fact that once the far right is in power, it will NOT let it go !

You're talking to about revolution while you're keeping your days posting here.
I'm not a revolutionnary, not yet. I'm a reformist.

You are voting for a revolutionnary party. Which is cool. But the problem is that this party just made a HUGE political mistake by not giving clear voting directions to fight the far right.

When you are voting for a far leftist party and you don't understand why the far right is 1 000 000 times more dangerous for you than a centrist, you are losing your political compass.

How can they be fascist if they're libertarian?
Liberianism is a far right ideology.

- Its heavily reactionnary
- Its wants to deregulate capitalism to the maximum
- Its heavily meritocratic

Its a parrallel ideology to identitarism. A liberatarian country can fall into fascism without much resistance.

RN will never stop growing until people understand that it's shit.
That's what you don't understand.

RN will be even MORE popular once in power.

Did you felt like Trump lost any popularity once in power ? Absolutely ZERO.

That's because people do not care about their own interest when they are defending the far right, they care about their racist politics ONLY. And once in power, the RN will manage to content ALL its voter:

- By applying more racist politics
- By creating propaganda about the opposition blocking their potential politics
- By blaming the institutions and the constitution from creating their politics.

In short, the far right in power will find all the reasons to be popular and once they gets rid or will attack the constitution and start to attack DIRECTLY all those people who voted for them, yes, those voters MIGHT understand (even if its not certain) but it will be too late to resist.

We already TRIED the far right before !! We had to call the Americans to get rid of it !!
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You don't. There is no revolution possible against the far right. Simply because you will be annihilated.

That's called "accelerationnism". Its the belief that "people who voted for the far right will discover how bad the far right is and then start to vote for the left".

Its a dangerous and deeply flawed belief because its doesn't take into consideration that:

- The far right in power means that it will be the start of a chain reaction that NOONE will be able to stop unless there is a miracle. This is what I'm talking about here:

- It ignore the fact that the far right in power will annihilate the left
- It ignores the fact that once the far right is in power, it will NOT let it go !

I'm not a revolutionnary, not yet. I'm a reformist.

You are voting for a revolutionnary party. Which is cool. But the problem is that this party just made a HUGE political mistake by not giving clear voting directions to fight the far right.

When you are voting for a far leftist party and you don't understand why the far right is 1 000 000 times more dangerous for you than a centrist, you are losing your political compass.

Liberianisme is a far right ideology.

- Its heavily reactionnary
- Its wants to deregulate capitalism to the maximum
- Its heavily meritocratic

Its a parrallel ideology to identitarism. A liberatarian country can fall into fascism without much resistance.

That's what you don't understand.

RN will be even MORE popular once in power.

Did you felt like Trump lost any popularity once in power ? Absolutely ZERO.

That's because people do not care about their own interest when they are defending the far right, they care about their racist politics ONLY. And once in power, the RN will manage to content ALL its voter:

- By applying more racist politics
- By creating propaganda about the opposition blocking their potential politics
- By blaming the institutions and the constitution from creating their politics.

In short, the far right in power will find all the reasons to be popular and once they gets rid or will attack the constitution and start to attack DIRECTLY all those people who voted for them, yes, those voters MIGHT understand (even if its not certain) but it will be too late to resist.

We already TRIED the far right before !! We had to call the Americans to get rid of it !!
Anything Logiko doesn't like is fascism. Anything Logiko doesn't like is evil. So don't do things Logiko doesn't like, guys. You're just a little out of touch, fella.

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
Say this to the anarchists
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Reformists are the reason why the bourgeoisie always come to power. Reformists are a part of the bourgeois system as a security for capitalism to survive. You won't learn me politics. I was the one who sent you the sources about communism like 1-2 years ago.
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Anything Logiko doesn't like is fascism.
No, just a very specific far right system.

Anything Logiko doesn't like is evil.
You think so ?

So don't do things Logiko doesn't like, guys.
Well, listen to the guy


Say this to the anarchists
Libertarian and anarchism have similarities in the sence that they (mostly) want to get rid of the state or its influence. But in reality, they are opposed.

Anarchist believe in a classless society where capitalism is non existent. Liberatarian or anarcho libertarian believe in the opposite. They believe that capitalism must be deregulated to the maximum and implemented everywhere without restrictions.

This is why you might see libertarians become anarcho communist when they understand that capitalism is a problem.
No, just a very specific far right system.

You think so ?

Well, listen to the guy


Libertarian and anarchism have similarities in the sence that they (mostly) want to get rid of the state or its influence. But in reality, they are opposed.

Anarchist believe in a classless society where capitalism is non existent. Liberatarian or anarcho libertarian believe in the opposite. They believe that capitalism must be deregulated to the maximum and implemented everywhere without restrictions.

This is why you might see libertarians become anarcho communist when they understand that capitalism is a problem.
What's your thoughts on Bardella and his army of tiktok young-lady simps?
Reformists are the reason why the bourgeoisie always come to power.
Yes. I agree. In a perfect world, we should aim to transform radically society into a classless and anticapitalistic one.

The problem is that the world, for now, is completely uninformed about the reality and the potential benefit of such a system. We live in a society that is far too subject to missinformation. That's why a revolution now is quasi impossible, our only option is to reform RADICALLY capitalist societies... and ONCE enough people are on the radical left side, we might think about a popular revolution.

You won't learn me politics. I was the one who sent you the sources about communism like 1-2 years ago.
I learn quickly.

And now, you are the one who needs to understand.

Letting the RN pass is political suicide.

What's your thoughts on Bardella and his army of tiktok young-lady simps?
Its sad, but not really surprising.