the slave system aroused little protest until the 18th century when rationalist thinkers of the Enlightenment began to criticize it. They argued that certain rights, including liberty, belonged to all individuals. Quaker and other evangelical religious groups also condemned slavery for its un-Christian qualities."
Here the full quote again. Please read it again.
You are all soon to be Mohameds. I'm pretty sure you said you had muslim roots too. Probably just another one of your lies too. It doesn't matter.
Nice how you change topics so easily when the debate doesn't go your way.
@Zenos7 "slavery was abolished in despite of religion"
"Despite its brutality and inhumanity, the slave system aroused little protest until the 18th century when rationalist thinkers of the Enlightenment began to criticize it. They argued that certain rights, including liberty, belonged to all individuals. Quaker and other evangelical religious groups also condemned slavery for its un-Christian qualities."
Yeah, Christianity has nothing to do with the abolition of slavery.
Do you feel like the depsychiatrization of Gay and Trans people has something to do with religion ?
interesting way of putting me on ignore, spamming me with posts lmao.

the new testament isnt doing anything to go against what the old establishes for slavery. no matter how much you cry
oh yeah, Christ asking slaves/servants to be treated farily did nothing to improve their condition. Dude, just admit you ignorant on christian history. I'm not educated in a bunch of topics either and so is everyone else. Take your L like a man. There is nothing Christian about slavery. Slavery existed in despite of Christianity. The first nations to abolish slavery were Christian ones too.
Last edited: the average joe was a philosopher? Popular pressure had nothing to do with it? Are you sure the slave owners(which were the people that had money and time to study philosophy) would just let their slave trading empires die because they decided it was a good thing.
Nice, more goalpost moving and topic changing, very effective trolling from your side here, congratulations 👏👏🏼👏🏾👏🏽👏🏿👏🏻
Are you dumb? Before Christianity there were a bazillion religions. How does that imply it was okay to murder? You murder someone from a different tribe you are getting yourself and your tribe into a conflict with a nearby tribe. It wasn't okay, but it happened. Just like war is not okay and we have Ukraine-Russia/Israel-Hamas going on right now.
Your schizoid personality must have degraded your IQ. These are obvious facts, but you don't really care about facts.
No there might have been cults, but no "religions". How did the hunter gatherer managed to survive without a morality based on religion then ?

The answer is simple : Because morality is a prerequisite to survivorship. Without it, you can hope to create a working society.

Also you might wanna take a look at this ma boy:

I was the first to ask for a Herrera ban.
Take care of your butt
Do you feel like the depsychiatrization of Gay and Trans people has something to do with religion ?
Its not about feelings. We are debating facts here. The entire debate towards homosexuality and mental health was destroyed thanks to militants like you. Science was censored thanks to people like you. What do i think of homsexuality? Currently i have no idea. I don't its just a preference, i believe there is more to it then that. Problem is, any scientist that cooks up an hypothesis that hurt the feelings of people like you gets his career destroyed.
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No there might have been cults, but no "religions". How did the hunter gatherer managed to survive without a morality based on religion then ?

The answer is simple : Because morality is a prerequisite to survivorship. Without it, you can hope to create a working society.

Also you might wanna take a look at this ma boy:
Hunter and gatherers definitely had religious beliefs lol. What are you talking about? Is morality is essential to survival. A community where theft,rape,murder and so on is prevalent will never thrive. That much is obvious. Religion has being a thing ever since men have being a thing. Burial rites are a proof of this.
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Take care of your butt
Wtf are you implying? Do you want to rape me or something?:gokulaugh:
so what?i thought its the word of god and gives us objective morality? why isnt it applicable at all times then?
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Exod 21:22-25 NRSVUE - “When people who are fighting injure - Bible Gateway
Dude,that is the old testament. This is the old jewish law. Christians moved past this. I don't know if you realize this, but God has made multiple pacts with humanity and the laws changed accordingly. Law changes according to human development. Its that simple.
Nice, more goalpost moving and topic changing, very effective trolling from your side here, congratulations 👏👏🏼👏🏾👏🏽👏🏿👏🏻
thats part of the script
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Dude,that is the old testament. This is the old jewish law. Christians moved past this.
objective morality where? not here then, which was one of my points earlier on
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they still cant be true at the same time, despite having values that are similar.

Big L indeed
holy do realize that creation myths are treated in many religions the same way we treat kids tales. They are methaphors to explain stuff, not necessarily like dogma. You putting all religions in the same basket,which is indeed an L take.
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Was talking about today's world, since it's by that standard he was holding the old religions, calling them cults.
ah ok, i missed the sarcasm. yeah, its his secular mind at play here.