Fanclub La Masculinité Enjoyers

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You are using rheotic that's been useless
Positive masculinity, useless ?? I think you don't know what you are talking about.

Male suicide rates is in all time high in *positive* masculinity
No. The suicide rates is high in men precisely because of the presence of toxic masculinity.

Toxic masculinity that keeps men in a lot of various self destructive beliefs and prevents men from seeking help.

I was literally saved because of positive masculinity mate.


Hustlerversity Graduate
Positive masculinity, useless ?? I think you don't know what you are talking about.

No. The suicide rates is high in men precisely because of the presence of toxic masculinity.

Toxic masculinity that keeps men in a lot of various self destructive beliefs and prevents men from seeking help.

I was literally saved because of positive masculinity mate.
Really? How

What kinda *Toxic* masculinity that personally harmed you


Hustlerversity Graduate
The belief that men should be strong no matter what and the beliefs that asking for help and accepting to be vulnerable are signs of weaknesses.
The issue ain't about showing vulnerability and weakness it's about how people's reaction when you show it

Countless times dudes get Mocked when they did show their weakness

Will Smith is a famous example,
His wife cheated on him and when he showed that sad face it becomes a Meme material
Countless times dudes get Mocked when they did show their weakness
Yes, that's precisely because of what we call toxic masculinity (which is a result of patriarchy)

The solution to allow men to be happy is not to bring men toward more and more toxic behavior linked with toxic masculinity, the solution is to explain to men that it is okay to show vulnerability.

The other solution is to attack patriarchy but that's another debate.

So instead of listening to Andrew Tates and his rethoric that accentued all those toxic behavior, search for people that will rather show you more positive representation of masculinities such as Newt in that Fantastic Beast movie.

, search for people that will rather show you more positive representation of masculinities such as Newt in that Fantastic Beast movie.
most people dont want to be boring. If you personally like that is fine but it is not something that is appealing.

instead you can teach “positive” masculinity in a more fun way. The gentle giant trope is probably the best case for that
most people dont want to be boring.
Positive masculinity is not synonimous of boredom. Do you feel like Luffy is boring ?
I guess not, and yet, he is an amazing representation of positive masculinity.

Being a good man doesn't mean that you can get emotional, angry or bland. Being a good mate, no, being a great man is being able to be all of that and stay a positive representation of what masculinity is.

Andrew Tates is the opposite of that. He is not only bad, but he is a bad representation, he is close minded, he believes in a mindset that can only bring you to hurt yourself.

If you want good example of masculinities here are some:

There is no boredom in positive masculinity.

Positive masculinity is an amazing way to act in life.
Positive masculinity is not synonimous of boredom. Do you feel like Luffy is boring ?
I guess not, and yet, he is an amazing representation of positive masculinity.

Being a good man doesn't mean that you can get emotional, angry or bland. Being a good mate, no, being a great man is being able to be all of that and stay a positive representation of what masculinity is.

Andrew Tates is the opposite of that. He is not only bad, but he is a bad representation, he is close minded, he believes in a mindset that can only bring you to hurt yourself.

If you want good example of masculinities here are some:

There is no boredom in positive masculinity.

Positive masculinity is an amazing way to act in life.
The character in that video is boring af. You hyper focus on the “positive masculinity” aspect and ignore that he’s just sounds like a snooze fest

Luffy follows the gentle giant trope lol. So do characters like Superman and Goku
The character in that video is boring af.
FOr you maybe, I find him amazing.

You hyper focus on the “positive masculinity” aspect and ignore that he’s just sounds like a snooze fest
I presented you a spectra of amazing representation of positive masculinity. If you find them boring, I don't think the problem is positive masculinity ;)

Luffy follows the gentle giant trope lol
Yeah sure

FOr you maybe, I find him amazing.

I presented you a spectra of amazing representation of positive masculinity. If you find them boring, I don't think the problem is positive masculinity ;)

Yeah sure

You don’t even know what the gentle giant trope is do you? The gentle giant is strong but compassionate character who does not use his strength just to hurt people but instead for more pure purposes. There’s plenty of panels where Superman is angry, same with Goku lol
You don’t even know what the gentle giant trope is do you? The gentle giant is strong but compassionate character who does not use his strength just to hurt people but instead for more pure purposes. There’s plenty of panels where Superman is angry, same with Goku lol
Yes, this is a positive trope. And what is boring about that ?

So, there is no problem since I literally showed you example of this trope.


You just commented in order to contradict me. Right ?
Is this the language barrier thing again? I pointed out the guy in your video is boring and probably doesn’t appeal to much people. I then said instead the gentle giant trope is more appealing

ain’t nobody contradict you. Your example is of a boring character

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
most people dont want to be boring. If you personally like that is fine but it is not something that is appealing.

instead you can teach “positive” masculinity in a more fun way. The gentle giant trope is probably the best case for that
My favorite positive masculinity moments is when elders correct men in fiction by giving them actually good advice.

Modern family structure removing grandparents from the house has been hurtful in a lot of cases, IMO. If the grandparents are good, wholesome people, it's way better to keep them around, so they can help the parents/kids. Still mad at my parents for moving and forcing our Aunt with physical issues into a nursing home.

I would have been a better man with my Aunt in my life.

Most fiction that tries to teach positive masculinity either justifies men's problems or attacks their problems too much. No middleground. Too much focus on punishment, rather than actual reformation/re-education.
Is this the language barrier thing again? I pointed out the guy in your video is boring and probably doesn’t appeal to much people. I then said instead the gentle giant trope is more appealing

ain’t nobody contradict you. Your example is of a boring character
Ok, then there is no problem.

That's what I said, its just an exemple. THere are a bunch of character that are positive representations :)