General & Others Fujitora vs Mihawk as conquerors

Their rivalry isn't alive
It stopped 12 years ago when Shanks lost his arm
It is alive, you can be sure of it. It is a shounen, why would Oda made WB talk about their "legendary duels" just to resolve it in a "well, now it is no linger valid" and it has been shown more than once during the manga. While the reasoning to say it is invalid it is the assumption that Shanks surclassed Mihawk in power through the years, Mihawk improved too and, until it is stated or shown otherwise, we have to assume their rivalry is still alive and well (the last concrete proof is still at the end of Marineford).

@Just a member no, Mihawk’s only rival is Zoro, same way Zoro’s only rival is Mihawk

I just think its entirely a waste of time to speculate about the power levels of either mihawk or shanks from 12 years ago… oda doesnt know so why should us the readers care

the only past event surrounding Mihawk’s power level that matters is whatever event got him the WSS title… and we know shanks aint got nothing to do with it
Zoro is not yet worthy to be considered a rival of Mihawk, an aspirant for the title but he is still not at Mihawk league. Shanks on the other hand has been a rival of Mihawk, now the feeling is still alive but I agree partially on your point because we will never see Shanks challenge Mihawk for the title of WSS, that is a thing of the past for Shanks yet the rivalry still lives (again, see Mihawk at the end of Marineford).

And I don't care either, all I'm saying is that these 2 were and are still rivals (even if not in the same way as in the past). And this implies their overall powerlevels were and still are comparable. Then of course Shanks will 99% have better coc while Mihawk to compensate will most likely have better coa. A bit like I expect his hawk eyes are what let him counter Shanks FS and super speed. Still Mihawk must have a good level of coc to survive Shanks plus we also have Zoro with coc so Mihawk will have at least something better than Wano Zoro.

That is a problem of Mihawk, he severely lacks serious feats and so his fans a lot of times have to go take from Shanks feats.
powerlevels were and still are comparable
Ah rivals isnt code for “comparable power levels”

all the supernovas were rivals in sabaody yet they were not comparable in power

rivals just means competes for similar goal… Shanks and Mihawk arent rivals since their entire rivalry was centered around becoming stronger than the other person and Mihawk stopped caring about Shanks’ combat ability 12 years ago
I guess one way of explaining Shanks vs Mihawk is Michael Jordan vs Allen Iverson.

Shanks (Michael Jordan) is very, very good on his own and unbeatable on a team, perfect leader that won it all.

Mihawk (Allen Iverson) was the most skilled in the world in his time, perhaps even of all time. Yet he never won any team awards and was lacking as a leader.

1 vs 1 Mihawk (Allen Iverson) wins as in a sense he is the best in the world.
Overall Shanks (Michael Jordan) wins because teams trumfs individuals.
Ah rivals isnt code for “comparable power levels”

all the supernovas were rivals in sabaody yet they were not comparable in power

rivals just means competes for similar goal… Shanks and Mihawk arent rivals since their entire rivalry was centered around becoming stronger than the other person and Mihawk stopped caring about Shanks’ combat ability 12 years ago
Between the supernovas there was only clownery in the end. Oda played the tough card at first when he introduced them in Sabaody but in the end even the toughest ones (Law and Kidd) were turned in cheerleaders of Nika. Clearly that will never happen to Mihawk (otherwise Oda can go burn this manga). Imo the closest relationship to Mihawk/Shanks should be Luffy/Zoro (but the problem is that Nika seems too overwhelming compared to Zoro now) or Akainu/Aokiji. We don't really know how their powers compare now but imo it is to be expected they will be comparable as they are (true) rivals.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Whitebeard would have to be an entire level beyond Roger.
I believe this:
  • Whitebeard was the strongest man when Roger was alive
  • The fight that established Whitebeard as Roger's equal according to Buggy was the very fight in which Whitebeard did not use his Devil Fruit

I don't think Roger really had anything to match Whitebeard's Gura + haki. It could also be the case that haki just > DF, and Roger's swordsmanship + haki was enough for 1 vs 1 and the Gura really only shone in 1 vs many scenarios.
I believe this:
  • Whitebeard was the strongest man when Roger was alive
  • The fight that established Whitebeard as Roger's equal according to Buggy was the very fight in which Whitebeard did not use his Devil Fruit

I don't think Roger really had anything to match Whitebeard's Gura + haki. It could also be the case that haki just > DF, and Roger's swordsmanship + haki was enough for 1 vs 1 and the Gura really only shone in 1 vs many scenarios.
I think Whitebeard ~ Roger and that Roger had a unique ability that allowed him to fight along par the Gura. We’ve gotten hints of the Will of D all the way back since drum, so it’s probably going to be related to that
Mihawk has CoC.

He's the person who traveled the world by himself seeking stronger and stronger opponents until there was no more worthy challengers. Those are characteristics of a conqueror. That's no different than somebody going country to country to conquer the world.

We know he was called the Marine Hunter. It's not hard to understand that name came from Mihawk's reputation to go after Marines to prove he was stronger than them. That's crazy because nobody seeks Marine just to beat them in a fight. Not even the Yonkos. They typically stay in their territory avoiding each other and the Marines.
We know he was called the Marine Hunter. It's not hard to understand that name came from Mihawk's reputation to go after Marines to prove he was stronger than them. That's crazy because nobody seeks Marine just to beat them in a fight. Not even the Yonkos. They typically stay in their territory avoiding each other and the Marines.

He went after Marines cuz he suffered a great betrayal and also got chased by them. It has nothing to do with proving he was stronger than them.