Powers & Abilities AdCoC Lightning is Red, KoH Lightning is Black..

Of course not. That's where the AdvCoA comes into play. Which was represented as a skill that allows you to hit without touching, literally. Which, by the way, makes sense that it doesn't apply to AdvCoC, because it would be confusing.

And by the way, I have given you like Kaido's attack, which clearly has AdvCoC, Luffy tells us, how I hit him. And I insist that I can give more examples, including those of Zoro himself.
I dont think the mechanics are that complicated… i think oda simply doesn’t know what he was writing hence why it’s all jumbled up

For example the general debacle regarding what black lightning means.

Stuff like why is Zoro the only person who has Haki smoke? Even Oden, the other user of Enma, didn’t have Haki smoke

Big mom has NEVER been demonstrated to posses AdvCoA so it bizarre that she would ONLY USE IT ONCE against Page one… same way it’s bizarre that she ONLY USED ADVCOC ONCE again on page one

Luffy in Egghead was complaining about topman being too hot to hit yet we already dealt with this with Kaido and Luffy forgot to ever use his AdvCoA on Topman… Luffy also forgot to use his AdvCoC on topman too… Luffy also forgot to use AdvCoC or AdvCoA on the seraphims too

See what I mean? Haki is just a mess of a poorly written power system and any attempt to try and make a cohesive statement about it falls apart
I dont think the mechanics are that complicated… i think oda simply doesn’t know what he was writing hence why it’s all jumbled up

For example the general debacle regarding what black lightning means.
It's actually quite simple:

Untouched hit = AdvCoA
Contrail Strike = AdvCoC
Two hits with trails without touching each other = AdvCoC in both attacks.
1 hit with trails and without touching = AdvCoC + AdvCoA.

By applying these rules, you will realize that everything is justified except for two moments:

Oden's attack that left a scar on Kaido, which Oda confirmed that she had AdvCoC and Zoro's attack that also left a scar on Kaido. Taking into account that Zoro used it in a desperate and completely random manner, we can say that these two cases simply had too low a level of AdvCoC.

Stuff like why is Zoro the only person who has Haki smoke? Even Oden, the other user of Enma, didn’t have Haki smoke.
Simple artistic decision. It tells us that Zoro is using a lot of Haki. And it's also a green smoke because it matches Zoro's representative color.

Big mom has NEVER been demonstrated to posses AdvCoA so it bizarre that she would ONLY USE IT ONCE against Page one… same way it’s bizarre that she ONLY USED ADVCOC ONCE again on page one.
Precisely the fact that he hit Page One without touching him shows that he had AdvCoA. Something that is also not so strange. Kaido said that he could also see the future, so we have Kaido giving AadvCoC + AdvCoO to Big Mom with AdvCoC + AdvCoA. It's something logical.

And the explanation of why he didn't use them with Kid and Law, Big Mom was simply nerfed for the sake of the plot. We already saw how Shanks Oneshot Kid with a single attack with AdvCoC.

Luffy in Egghead was complaining about topman being too hot to hit yet we already dealt with this with Kaido and Luffy forgot to ever use his AdvCoA on Topman… Luffy also forgot to use his AdvCoC on topman too… Luffy also forgot to use AdvCoC or AdvCoA on the seraphims too

See what I mean? Haki is just a mess of a poorly written power system and any attempt to try and make a cohesive statement about it falls apart
And in Egg Head it's Luffy and even Zoro who are being nerfed. Things that happen.

Something that people don't understand is that in One Piece the scales of power are at the service of the plot and not the other way around.
One Piece the scales of power are at the service of the plot
I know this… not only power scales but character, themes, even the physics of the universe bend to plot… everything is only as consistent as plot wants it to be

But Haki is UNIQUE even among everything else that makes no sense in OP… Haki specifically is just ENTIRELY POORLY CONCEPTUALIZED

I read the rest of your post and the simple answer is, I disagree. Basically nothing you said is supported by the manga because the manga doesn’t make sense
I know this… not only power scales but character, themes, even the physics of the universe bend to plot… everything is only as consistent as plot wants it to be

But Haki is UNIQUE even among everything else that makes no sense in OP… Haki specifically is just ENTIRELY POORLY CONCEPTUALIZED

I read the rest of your post and the simple answer is, I disagree. Basically nothing you said is supported by the manga because the manga doesn’t make sense
What exactly is not supported by the manga?

- I can give you the definition of AdvCoA in which it is specified that it consists of hitting without touching, at least the basic part since there is another part that does touch. And I can also give you examples of people hitting without touching without AdvCoC.
- I can give you and I have given you examples where there is clearly AdvCoC hitting their enemy, like Kaido to Luffy, Kinemon, Luffy to Kizaru, Zoro...
- It has been proven that until the presentation of the AdvCoC in the Oden flash back, the visual effect of the trails did not exist. Just as it has been shown that Luffy, once he understood AdvCoC, began to show them and later Zoro followed in his footsteps just when he awakened CoC.
-I can give you the conversation where Kaido tells Luffy that he is not the only one who can see the future and I can give you explanations about how everyone usually specializes in a Haki...

What I can't prove to you is that Zoro's fire makes any sense, which is why I attribute it to an artistic design. Just like the black rays don't have a meaning either, so it also seems like a design criterion...

Haki is not perfect, far from it, but in general it does have a sense and an easily identifiable criterion.
What exactly is not supported by the manga?

- I can give you the definition of AdvCoA in which it is specified that it consists of hitting without touching, at least the basic part since there is another part that does touch. And I can also give you examples of people hitting without touching without AdvCoC.
- I can give you and I have given you examples where there is clearly AdvCoC hitting their enemy, like Kaido to Luffy, Kinemon, Luffy to Kizaru, Zoro...
- It has been proven that until the presentation of the AdvCoC in the Oden flash back, the visual effect of the trails did not exist. Just as it has been shown that Luffy, once he understood AdvCoC, began to show them and later Zoro followed in his footsteps just when he awakened CoC.
-I can give you the conversation where Kaido tells Luffy that he is not the only one who can see the future and I can give you explanations about how everyone usually specializes in a Haki...

What I can't prove to you is that Zoro's fire makes any sense, which is why I attribute it to an artistic design. Just like the black rays don't have a meaning either, so it also seems like a design criterion...

Haki is not perfect, far from it, but in general it does have a sense and an easily identifiable criterion.
You are wasting your time. Rootbeer always uses this :willight: on himself before replying.
Oh this is also purple red. Irs the xact same color as Oden’s panel

Sp are roger and whitebeard also not using advcoc here too since its not red?

I aaked you where the black red haki on the middle panel is coming from even though Roger and whitebeard are using CoC?

i mean is this not from the same AdvCoC clash they just did?

anyway no, we know what the zoro vs king panel looks like without CoC involved… it lools like this

this attack involved King and zoro colliding swords and then King pulling away his swords and snatching Zoro’s

the collision of King and Zoro’s swords has never been strong enough to launch king or zoro away… The only time King was ever pushed away was when Zoro used his CoC burst to push him off

also, Kaido has never done No Touch… Yet you claim he has AdvCoC… But For Zoro he MUST have no touch to have AdvCoC and that time he uses No touch on king doesnt count

I putting this part in bold because i know you will never have an answer for it
The nitpicking on colors just to say no, ain't it..

King flew down on Zoro while Zoro was in mid air from dodging King's previous attack.. They collided, he resisted to not have his blades taken again and got flown the side.. There's no AdCoC '' no touch '' there..

Kaido has done No touch..

There's an argument that can be made, that just like CoA barrier and CoA internal destruction.. AdCoC may have 2 levels to it when you become efficient in using it, it touches and is less powerful. Just like when Luffy got his first hit on Kizaru on Egghead.. Kaido said that Luffy's used of AdCoC at first wasn't optimal or something..

My brother in christ , No touch is AdCoA.
Bruh.. CoA Barrier doesn't do internal damages.. AdCoC does..

Foul Legacy

That's because her VC was released before her flashback where she demonstrated CoC as a kid, unlike Zolo's which covers Egghead shit and still lists him only as a CoA/CoO user
Lmao she already used Thunder Bagua before this was released.
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You're the only one broken lmao.

Foul Legacy

I mean to say Zolo doesn't have CoC, he's a CoC-less fodder, as his Vivre Card confirms.
Don't go back on your words now.
Zori didn't CoC or AdCoC in egghead now.
Thanks. I'm quoting this forever.
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Yamato's Thunder Bagua was never proof of CoC.
Bro too desperate.
Which mean it also confirms Ashura wasn't CoC.

Foul Legacy

He can't use what he doesn't have, yeah.

Zolo = Lucci, maybe if Zolo awakens CoC, he'll be above him, but not right now.
Zori One tapped him.

So in short you're telling me.
G5 + Haki + 3 Named Attacks = Recovered in less than 30 sec and scratchlesw
Base Zori + Base Haki + 1 Named attack = destroyed and made him cry.


Anything you choose works in our agenda here.

Bro thought he cooked
Zori One tapped him.

So in short you're telling me.
G5 + Haki + 3 Named Attacks = Recovered in less than 30 sec and scratchlesw
Base Zori + Base Haki + 1 Named attack = destroyed and made him cry.


Anything you choose works in our agenda here.

Bro thought he cooked
Zolo didn't one tap shit, he's Lucci's equal, the VC confirms it.

What I'm telling you is that Zolo's a CoC-less fraud and equal to Lucci, factually stated.