Week is almost over get ready for more lame nika piece :suresure:
Oda will be awarded Nobel prize for his Nika piece.
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Chapter 1120 Spoilers
Title: A Captain's Orders

The chapter picks up where we left off. Warcury does not recover from the robot's punch. The robot sends him flying with another punch.

Luffy is still amazed by the robot. More dialogue from Joyboy: "Emeth, when the time is right for me to return, you have to teach him—the one who will inherit my will…"

Vegapunk's broadcast continues: "Rocks and Roger were the closest to fulfilling the Will of D! But why they chose not to remains a mystery even to me…"

We see Buggy's reaction; he looks a bit sad: "Rocks…"

Ju Peter swiftly swims through the water, attempting to take a bite of the ship, but Luffy catches him, ties him into a knot, and throws him back to the island.

Luffy starts laughing. At that moment, the ship gets hit by an attack from Nusjuro. Sanji has to protect Bonney from the shockwave. Sanji: "Luffy, this is no time to be laughing!"

The robot speaks directly to Luffy: "Joyboy had the same problem as you. If you want to fight seriously, you need to overcome the will of your Devil Fruit."

Luffy's eyes become stars and pop out: "The robot can talk?!"

Luffy transforms into his base form and looks a bit more serious: "So that's what I had noticed… Gear 5 is crazy strong, but sometimes it feels like someone else is trying to take over."

We see Chopper thinking of his Monster Point: "Luffy, there are ways to control the will of your Devil Fruit! But it might take a lot of time."

Luffy looks with a very serious face in the direction of the Elders. We see two small flashback panels of Sentomaru and Vegapunk getting attacked: "I couldn't protect Axe Guy and Apple Guy while using Gear 5. There is no time; I need to control this form no matter what! Otherwise, I can't protect my friends!"

The robot says that Joyboy was able to control his awakening by maintaining a state of complete calmness.

Luffy: "I see... shishi." He starts smiling and talks to the Straw Hats: "Guys, this is the captain's order: Sail ahead, I will keep these monsters busy. I'll come after you, I promise!"

Shocked Straw Hat and giants' reactions.

Luffy then quickly speaks to Dorry and Broggy: "Hey, giants, do you remember the island where we first met? There was one moment where everything went calm, and I felt as serious as never before…"

The giants look at each other, confused, not knowing what he is talking about.

Luffy: "I need to embrace this feeling right now. To save my friends, I need to go one step further!"

We see a flashback to Little Garden, during the fight with Mr. 3.

In the present, Luffy starts transforming into Gear 5, but he does not laugh and looks very serious.

The chapter ends in an epic double spread, with Luffy standing resolute as he undergoes a mysterious transformation, his hair becoming blazing orange that mirrors the fiery intensity in his eyes. We see speech bubbles from Luffy and Vegapunk at the same time.

Luffy: "This power… it’s like it’s calling out to me!"

Vegapunk: "...and the Will of D beckons, as once it did for Rocks and Roger, to lead us to the dawn!"

Editor's Note: The saga of dawn continues!
This is too long for 13 pages