I'll ignore the rest of this post because I don't want to waste time writing essays about this anymore:

Well, for me its immoral.
See, so you do have your moral standards. I could go on and yap about some stuff like "OF creators just use their fans for money" and so on and forth but that's not even my initial message since I have no pity to them anyway. So just as you clearly have your moral compass, I do have mine. For example, you believe every criminal has a right to defend themselves although they are definitely guilty. Again, it's their right but from the hypothetical situation which I brought up here, the lawyer already KNOWS this guy is guilty af, yet he's still defending him. So how is this morally acceptable?
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Blame the far right

So let me guess, I'm apparently an incel, far right, I deserve no respect and so on. Wow.
You're clearly blowing this stuff outta proportion lmao. See, that's why I didn't want to start a debate with you. It always ends with stupid shit like that.
Forget sex workers, I can't even respect you lol. Actually, I respect sex workers more than people like you.
woooo he's escalating 🙈Bro who stole your ice cream? I never see you in political discussions.
Kid 1: "My dad is a software developer"
Kid 2: "My mom is an engineer"
Kid 3: "My mom's doing OF!"
fck stem degrees
Logiko, is he disrespecting his own body for doing some drinks? Yes or no?
Depends in whether there is alcohol involved, then the answer is clear.
woooo he's escalating 🙈Bro who stole your ice cream? I never see you in political discussions.
fck stem degrees

Depends in whether there is alcohol involved, then the answer is clear.
Apparently he'd be fine if his partner does sus stuff as profession. Nobody stole my ice cream, I'm just flabbergasted at this conversation. Besides, it's Logiko...
Also, this is most likely the last time engaging in political discussions. I don't think I'll do that soon. I'm also glad I'm not so invested into all these things. Now I understand why people do get corrupted by consuming too many political themes.

The bartender is merely doing the drinks. How does that person disrespect their own body?

Why did you bring up unrelated topics in this obvious troll thread?
It was about moral questions and when he tried to disregard my moral values, I brought up some hypothetical situations. It was in the context of this topic. Also, I didn't even bring it up, Logiko started this all.
See, so you do have your moral standards
Yes. Based on rationnal reasoning : Here being the fact that a person in difficulty can feel used in this context. This is therefore immoral because its hurtfull.

You see ?

Reasonnable and rationnal reason + hurtfull behavior >> Immoral behavior.

No reasonable and rationnal reason to stop sexwork + Noone hurt by sexworkers >> Not an immoral activity.

Saying "its bad because its bad" means nothing to me


So let me guess, I'm apparently an incel, far right,
I was not talking about you. I was talking about the situation in my country and my need to have a distraction right now.

so you would be fine if your girl does the deed with other people as long as it's her profession and vice versa?
Technically I do not love the idea. But I really don't see why it would matter since it would not involve feelings..

I might even try caudaulism one day if I have a partner. I don't mind as long as we agree that this will not be a repetetive thing that could create feelings.

Its her body, its not up to me to decide what she does with it. I can only say that I want to be sure that she will not fall in love through physical intimacy.

As long as we communicate correctly and we stay always honest with each others, there is no problems.

Logiko started this all.
Nop. OP started it.

Yes. Based on rationnal reasoning : Here being the fact that a person in difficulty can feel used in this context. This is therefore immoral because its hurtfull.
You see ?
Reasonnable and rationnal reason + hurtfull behavior >> Immoral behavior.
No reasonable and rationnal reason to stop sexwork + Noone hurt by sexworkers >> Not an immoral activity.
Saying "its bad because its bad" means nothing to me
Immorality doesn't always translate to hurtful things. It's simply the contrast to what the public views as morals.

Sure, in the environment where you're probably residing or constantly debating, it wouldn't be immoral but that's the thing. You guys do not make the norm here.

If you say there's morally nothing wrong and it's perfectly acceptable and respectable, it would be socially acceptable on a much larger scale, instead of meeting with ridicule and mockery.
You pretend like it's some vocal minority, so-called incels - yet most of the OF creators are in fact disowned. I've seen a short when a brother told his sis how he's constantly getting bullied and you can see the hurt in his eyes. You still believe this kid is bad for not accepting his sis like that?

I was not talking about you. I was talking about the situation in my country and my need to have a distraction right now.
Ah I see, then I misinterpreted the far right stuff.
Which country are you coming from?

Technically I do not love the idea. But I really don't see why it would matter since it would not involve feelings..
Bro, there's physical intimacy involved.
It's her body, her choices but it's also your choice to decide if you want to spend romantic time with a partner who does sus stuff, yk? Regardless of what I said before, I do hope you do not really end up in such a position unless you're really poly.

But well, it's not really my business lol.
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Immorality doesn't always translate to hurtful things
Immorality has no sense if what is immoral is not hurtfull in some way.

You pretend like it's some vocal minority, so-called incels - yet most of the OF creators are in fact disowned.
No. Actually sexist people in the world are the majority...

yet most of the OF creators are in fact disowned
Bad parents..

I've seen a short when a brother told his sis how he's constantly getting bullied and you can see the hurt in his eyes.
The responsible is not his sister, its the bullies.

You are again blaming the victims instead of blaming those who have despicable behaviors..

Which country are you coming from?

Bro, there's physical intimacy involved.
Yeah, but not involving feeling.

"Making love" =/= loving a person

but it's also your choice to decide if you want to spend romantic time with a partner who does sus stuff
Its not sus if its something we agreed on. If she wants to have fun or if I want to have fun with someone else, that we discuss about it and that we set healthy boundaries, there is no reason for anything to be sus.

You know, when someone is saying your husband "cheated" on you. It doesn't mean that he f*cked someone per say, it means that the husband went against the trust of the other person.

Trust and love can be maintained despite having open relationships.

What I seek is love and trust. Not the ownership of the body of a person.

And for some shenanigans in New York

Can you stop the fallacious propaganda ? Or do you want me to step in ?

For those who wants to understand what the RN (far right is). Here is a little map with the deputee that are running for the election for a place in the assemblee.

Click on on each colored region, copy paste the text on google translate and admire the problem....

Link toward "the map of shame" :

Immorality has no sense if what is immoral is not hurtfull in some way.
No. Actually sexist people in the world are the majority...
Bad parents..
The responsible is not his sister, its the bullies.
You are again blaming the victims instead of blaming those who have despicable behaviors..
Again, I fail to see how things have to be hurtful in order to be immoral, lol.
It's hilarious how you always have some excuses to every point I bring up.
> OF creators often get disowned
You: Yeah, they're just bad parents.
> Sex workers isn't really a job which is socially acceptable
You: Yeah, everyone bad and intolerant
> The ridicule happens because those people literally make themselves vulnerable by showing their private parts
You: Nah, nothing wrong. Others just bad for not accepting.
> That's why I don't respect stuff like that

Honestly, Idek what to say at this point. It's clear we're running in circles lol. As for the brother, he wouldn't even be in such a position if his sis wouldn't expose herself over the internet like that, c'mon. Victim blaming? The lil bro is the only true victim here. :suresure:

Yeah, but not involving feeling.

"Making love" =/= loving a person

Its not sus if its something we agreed on. If she wants to have fun or if I want to have fun with someone else, that we discuss about it and that we set healthy boundaries, there is no reason for anything to be sus.

You know, when someone is saying your husband "cheated" on you. It doesn't mean that he f*cked someone per say, it means that the husband went against the trust of the other person.

Trust and love can be maintained despite having open relationships.

What I seek is love and trust. Not the the ownership of the body of a person.
Nah, I don't comprehend how people wire like that, my honest opinion lol. Like, if it's your kink, there's not much to say... but I wouldn't personally do it at all.
Now I'm not wondering why you have beliefs like that above. It doesn't matter to you if someone claps your partner's cheeks because there are no feelings being involved. Alright.
Let's agree to disagree.
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Can you stop the fallacious propaganda ? Or do you want me to step in ?
When the locals had just about enough of the migration bs and they start vouching for the so called "far right" propaganda that you claim these things to be as 😡

Unless you want to slander them in your so called github map as homophobic, conspiracy theorist (people who were cautious of the vaccines were declared conspiracy theorists but turns out they had a point yada), and some other defamatory bs...
Again, I fail to see how things have to be hurtful in order to be immoral, lol.
What is the point of immorality if something is not hurtfull ?

Lets say, someone says "white" is an immoral color.
Ok. On what basis ?
What the point of saying that it is immoral ?
Why should I stop using it ?

Immorality without a reasonnable and rationnal basis is simple arbitrary rules without purposes and devoided of sense. Its useless.

Immorality needs to stand on a real basic fact. For example, killing someone is immoral, not because killing is bad, but because it remove a life and the possibility of a person to do good for society. It a rationnal reality base basis.

Sayin "showing your naked ass is immoral" means nothing if there is not a rationnal reality based reason behind said moral rule.

Why is this bad ? Why can this be hurtfull for you or for society. If you argument is good, then it can indeed be immoral, if your arguments are not based on reality and rationnality however, saying that it is immoral is a nonsense.

Do you understand ? Its simple logic here.

> OF creators often get disowned
You: Yeah, they're just bad parents.
Yes, the responsibility doesn't lies on the creator but on the parents who are bad parents.

> Sex workers isn't really a job which is socially acceptable
You: Yeah, everyone bad and intolerant
INdeed, its not socially acceptable because everyone spread morality like you are doing it now without reality and rational basis. Just pure traditionnal hatred and patriarcal oppression and sexism.

> The ridicule happens because those people literally make themselves vulnerable by showing their private parts
You: Nah, nothing wrong. Others just bad for not accepting.
Who told you that someone is vulnerable because they are showing willingly their *ss ? You have sexist prejudice mate.

> That's why I don't respect stuff like that
Yeah, you are participating in an oppression so... stop :)

Nah, I don't comprehend how people wire like that, my honest opinion lol.
Yeah. Because society wired you (and me and us and every one but mostly men) in a way to think that our partner's body (mostly women) belong to us.

Its not the case. Other people's body are their own and they do whatever they want with it.
You owe respect to others as long as they are respectfull mate. Its not an option. If you do not agree, stop leaving in society and go create a town in the desert.
It's a shame because a significant number of migrants have abused the "generosity" extended to them (consider the murder of Samuel Paty), and now even innocent migrants are being dragged into this mess.

Additionally, when a migrant commits attacks like this, it exacerbates the problem.

It's frustrating because no one, not even the migrants themselves, wants to be associated with or deal with such incidents. These situations make migrants as a whole look bad. Moreover, increasing the population of France with migrants inevitably leads to drastic changes in the lives of the locals.
It's a shame because a significant number of migrants have abused the "generosity" extended to them

Only is the delusionnal minds of far rightist

Additionally, when a migrant commits attacks like this, it exacerbates the problem.
You want me to show you the attacks of french people on other french people ?

Stop your fallacious far right rethoric. I won't let that pass.

It's frustrating because no one, not even the migrants themselves, wants to be associated with or deal with such incidents.
Indeed, because its literally an information bubble, massive insecurity is not a thing.

These situations make migrants as a whole look bad.
No. YOU and guys like you make them look bad. Not them.

Moreover, increasing the population of France with migrants inevitably leads to drastic changes in the lives of the locals.
Based Sanji
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The problem is not Sanji. Whole cake is indeed an amazing arc. The problem is Oda's sexism that he is projecting toward Sanji (or Brook). Oda simply do not see those behavior as very problematic and when he does he plays them like a joke.

This is the big problem of One Piece.

For us, metoo passed by. So we understand how problematic those behaviors are. But not Oda. He is trapped in a format and a still very sexist culture.

Remove the sexism of Sanji or the sexist jokes, and Sanji will be an amazing and indeed, very kind character.

That's why I choose to ignore Sanji's moment of sexism (while remembering that they still exists), it allows me to really appreciate the arc for what it is supposed to be.

I would love for Oda to come back on his work and erase some of those very problematic moments.

This one however is really not a good example of said sexism.

Sanji is not asking Nami to buy a sex slave. Anyone with two neurons can understand that it would be dumb. He is just asking Nami if they can save this girl too (since they intend to buy Caimie back) to bring her back with them.

Its simple simpness, nothing more.


Also, I want to add that this is not something we can't do nothing about. We can try to make Oda understand why it is problematic.

Send him letters, makes reasonnables critics on twitter etc.

The purpose is not to trash the manga but raise his awareness of the subject and maybe make Sanji grow a little bit.


Also (x2)

Respect Sex workers please.
Wrong bro
Sanji is used to show how based Oda is