Why is the ultra Liberal/ liberal news outlets is not considered as leftist mainstream Media?
You can have more information about why in the "leftist library" HERE
I suggest those contents:
To understand the difference between a liberal (idealist) and a materialist (leftist) point of view:
- [VIDEO] - Idealism VS Materialism - An overview of Materialism - Foundamentals of Marx - IMPORTANT
To understand why liberalism and leftism are opposites :
- [VIDEO] - What is liberalism and why it has NOTHING to do with the fact of being "woke" - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - Leftism VS Liberalism or why liberalism is NOT leftism
- [ARTICLE] - Liberals, from a leftist point of view
To understand why the core ideology of liberalism (meritocracy) is problematic:
- [VIDEO] - Understanding the notions of capitals and the myth of meritocracy - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The American dream ? Its meritocracy - A con to control you
- [VIDEO] - Why meritocracy can't exist