Character Discussion Is Vegapunk a fraud\ evil?

He’s a conflicted character. Not everybody needs to be really evil or really good. He’s a guy who put his need for knowledge and technological inventions ahead of his morals and is obviously regretting it
its hilarious the only thing he did well was giving Bonney control of the Pacifistas and all the ones on the island got destroyed. Also he keeps insisting whoever would kill him might not be evil which was bordering on insanity.
Vegapunk knew learned about Ohara's research with Clover

At that time he still worked with Ceaser at Mads

He has then a secret meeting with the Gorosei

There he betrayed Clover and told to the government everything he knew about what was going on in Ohara.

After that he recieved a promotion and was designed as World Government's top scientist, earninng lots of money

Meanwhile, in Ohara

Nowadays he regrets it, but Vegapunk caused the Ohara incident
Vegapunk knew learned about Ohara's research with Clover

At that time he still worked with Ceaser at Mads

He has then a secret meeting with the Gorosei

There he betrayed Clover and told to the government everything he knew about what was going on in Ohara.

After that he recieved a promotion and was designed as World Government's top scientist, earninng lots of money

Meanwhile, in Ohara

Nowadays he regrets it, but Vegapunk caused the Ohara incident
What rat behavior. Shanks would be proud

Kizaruber Eats

"To live, would be an awfully grand adventure."
Vegapunk knew learned about Ohara's research with Clover

At that time he still worked with Ceaser at Mads

He has then a secret meeting with the Gorosei

There he betrayed Clover and told to the government everything he knew about what was going on in Ohara.

After that he recieved a promotion and was designed as World Government's top scientist, earninng lots of money

Meanwhile, in Ohara

Nowadays he regrets it, but Vegapunk caused the Ohara incident
Kizaru killing him really has been the most based and best decision and moment ever, just wow.

No wonder he has an "evil satellite" in Lilith and an actually evil and greedy one in York too (although he really fucked her over by fate/design deliberately too, along with the seraphims, kuma and such).

I never expected to hate vegapunk this much, I knew he was gonna be somewhat controversial and morally grey but vegapunk really thinks he's self righteous, justified whilst being blind to or ignoring the evil shit he does too. No wonder he was so willing to work with MADS and the Gorosei too.

Not a coincidence the most "good natured" and thus the one meant to be designated as "Good" Satellite was the first one to be killed off by one of Punkass's own traitorous clones.

I was sad when kizaru killed him somewhat but now I'm genuinely glad he's dead. I'm surprised oda actually killed him off and didn't let him cheat death but he probably will find a way to bring him back and fuck it up, since oda loves making a mockery of death for most deaths/characters who were meant to die.

Time to start a fuck vegapunk/vegapunk hate club I guess.
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Kizaruber Eats

"To live, would be an awfully grand adventure."
Count me in.

His guilt after the Ohara Incidente was so big that he had to split his personality in seven satellites
Thats an excellent point, I never thought of that being the reason for him splitting himself up like that but it makes sense. A way to completely externally disassociate from your own conscience/remorse/guilt or w/e, as you said ofc. Thats really put some food for thought now.


Also thank you for joining the club hahaha, Im sure we're gonna have plenty of members easily ofc!

I cant be bothered to edit this but its still somewhat appropriate, relevant, just change world government to vegapunk here although he falls under them too ofc:

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Kizaruber Eats

"To live, would be an awfully grand adventure."


Funny how such a self righteous and "moral" man has committed so much evil and atrocities yet condemning others for doing the same or not acting against it too.

DoflaminGOAT's prophetic speeches will not stop aging brilliantly and making him out to be a true sage/oracle too:

Vegapunkass trying to insinuate Imu and thus the World Goverment are not "truly evil" and are "misunderstood" or w/e, that we cannot "judge them" just made me want to pass into a coma of how fucking stupid and awful it was.

So much for Vegapunk screwing over the entire WG and leading the most ultimate rebellion, revolt, revolution or w/e against them, turning everything against them and upside down. But at least hes doing more than that fucking fraud, coward and genuinely the most useless character to ever exist in a series, Monkey D. Dragdown. The D is for Dickhead or Douchebag.

We waited decades to see Vegapunk and now he is dead along with almost all of his clones. And one of them is evil and wants to be a Celestial Dragon.

Goda I weep, I kneel, because you have broken me, I cannot stand it anymore. I am in awe at your ability to self sabotage even greater than myself. Vegapunk is a self insert for Oda in many ways I swear.

He's genuinely the worst character in the story for me now by far, I can't believe I was extremely hyped for him since Alabasta, well more so since after Thriller Bark especially and most of all in Punk Hazard and then WCI and Wano.

Fuck man....its even worse how much Oda loves science too.

It doesnt help hes making Judge fail upwards and succeed too, making New Mads and teaming up with Caesar again and still being alive too for that matter. Having Sanji save him and letting Judge double down on being a stubborn sociopathic POS who still thinks hes right, fautless and thus justified too.

Stussy Jr/New Stussy deserves so much than being the fucking bodyguard for Vegapunk and his slave effectively, she shouldnt be so devoted to him, even if hes the reason for her to even exist.

At least Stussy meeting her originator, the original Stussy should be interesting IF it actually happens but Oda has let us down on so many awaited character interactions and moments, I'm not expecting much either at best anymore.