Kizaruber Eats

Ion Fury the game is ridiculously fun and good!
I am still not taking to you loser
Other side took me seriously first
You should reply to him not me
People like you have such a terrible habit of not taking accountability for your actions at all. Must be that "delusion".

You provoke and instigate on purpose then flee like rats with tails between your legs when called out on it.

At least I knew in the past I was being toxic and getting baited, that I've provoked others and was doing wrong. You knew exactly what you were doing and doubled down on it unashamedly.


Kizaruber Eats

Ion Fury the game is ridiculously fun and good!
Stop falling in Ane's bait :suresure:
Thats just an excuse for them to say what they really think and get away with it.

Spineless people will say what they really think but claim its a joke because it offends others and causes drama, because its too "edgy" and provocative.

"Its just bait hurr durr."

If it actually was bait, that makes them look even more pitiful imo, a really sad individual who needs a lot of help then.

Miserable people will make jabs at what makes others happy and try to chip them down and soon as they're called out, they run like the hills.