This sounds like a punishment not a sacrifice.
Yes, to you. But in their culture for X reason, this would be considered a sacrifice for both the man and his wife who would willingly put her head against the blade. (as you can see, I'm not using just one culture as an exemple, but multiple)
Idk I'd have to assess my options always keeping in mind my own safety and the potential repercussions any form of intervention would have on the local community. As a guest in a foreign you'd do well not to piss off the locals for whatever reason. I might want to leave this imaginary country tho.
Well, that's your choice.
I consider that I should refuse to let that happen since I consider living human life as sacred. I might get arrested for it, I might get killed for it. But there is no world where I could stand letting a person be killed without a rationnal and materialistic or deep personnal reason.
Technically yes. It makes me an imperialist, but that's what we ALL are when we stand for our own morality against others no matter if we are a radical leftist or far rightist.
Because moral relativism is about the difference of culture, but the differences of culture don't start at the borders of our countries. There are cultural disparities inside of our own social systems.
So, what is the right question ? Well.. for me its simple:
"Where do I draw the line of my actions against what I consider to be immoral behavior ?"
What I do is that I apply exactly the reasonning I explained with the example of Mariko in Shogun. If I know that my action against what I consider to be immoral will create more harm than good, then I consider that I should simply
not act at all.
For example, I consider immoral to push children toward belief systems, but this is something that I will do nothing about since fighting this choices would create actually more harm than good and resolve absolutely nothing.
I draw the line to a very specific thing that is human life and human suffering.
For example, if I live in an imaginary outside country and I see something similar to a stoning or a death sentence, I consider that I should try to make it stop EVEN if that's not my culture, and yes I'm talking about the US.
Raphaël Arnault, an antifa leader, was elected deputy at the last elections in France. Interestingly, the man was also "fiché S" by the DGSI (French interior "counter"-intelligence agency).
He has a wild Ragnar aura, I like him !
In current America, only Trump could convert his some of his harshest critics to his loyalists
That tell you something about him
Oh but I'm not negating the rallying skills of Trump, I'm simply saying that when the working class will understand, after 4 or 8 years of Trump and his loyalist in power, that they did absolutely nothing to help them...
The awakening will be... like we say in french "tendax"
Of course, that's if the US did not fall into fascism before that.. because if that's the case, they can wake up all they want, it will be too late.
No they'll still blame it on trans people, the Jews or aliens. Trust me, they find a way
Yup... that's the consensus. They might never wake up and continue to think with their racism or transphobia
But there is a liiiiiiiiiiiittle voice inside of me that keeps believing in the hearth of those people.
Look at this brainwashed shill.
Well, he is not wrong there. Trump is good to appeal to conservative and even to confused and apolitics. Its the complete opposite of Luffy's ability since it works on everything but a good heart, but it works the same way...
perfectly representing far left criminal extremists like you
Do not insult our official antifa
Now I'm going to sleep, good day