
Let the Past Die
It's not true, the Supreme Court just reread what the constitution says and left it to the lower courts to rule. It doesn't give any "new powers" to any former president.
not what 3 of those 9 said in their decisions

but i guess we will ignore that
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It's always gonna be the 6 v 3 thing

Conservatives majority on the Supreme Court

they will literally do whatever they want


I think the major democrat politicians are handling this very well. It's the only way tbh if they want to survive this incident. Going forward they will have to shift their narrative on the presidential election because not only would it be wrong, but hurtful to their campaigns returning to the narrative that Trump is equal to hitler or a threat to democracy.

I think Trump's best bet would be to move to a narrative of unity. It's also the right thing to do because we don't want any nut jobs attempting retaliation against innocent people.
not what 3 of those 9 said in their decisions

but i guess we will ignore that
Fam literally their ruling did nothing but repeat the constitution and tell the Government to prove his guilt on accounts where presidents are not immune. If you wanna prove some kind of misuse of power, you're barking on the wrong ruling :josad:

Republican majority in the Supreme Court is no news, they always had it.

Well, that would be funny to call him that lol
You know.. since the guy is literally a dictator who uses religion as a way to use people and create an interstellar war..

I think you just made Horikoshi puke

That's gotta be the thing I disagree with you the most.
Oh well..
:kayneshrug: Let's agree to disagree on this subject.

and all the leftist media channels continuesly demonizing Trump and spreading actual lies and misinformation.
What channel ? HBO ?

Leftist are not used to spread lies and misinformation mate. At least not the channels.

If you know how it works, you know something true about it

You're trying to say knowledge can be had without truth

Holy shit who deprived this kid of milk or formula growing up
Again, science is not about truth, its about understanding.

Why are they relevant? Lol

Everythings just matter, atoms interacting with atoms right?
Because without morality, we can't exist as a specie. So morality is relevant.

But I don't need to be an idealist to know what is right from what is wrong. In reality, I can be much more precise about it if I'm a materialist.