One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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:seriously: HOW CAN MARCO > Oden when his haki is trash
His hype is trash
His feats are trash
Commander oden =/= Wano Oden that fought kaido

Nice try again
And also Marc was never respected by WB and Roger like Oden was
WB even aas gonna make Ace pk not Marco
We've already gone through that point. You have no proof that Marco's haki is trash.
His hype isn't trash.
His feats are debatable but I wouldn't say they are really trash. After all his opponent was an Admiral.

Of course.
What the fuck are you talking about? Marco was WB's right hand man, he didn't earn enough respect from WB? Lmao.
Yeah, since Ace' potential was greater. But Oden is not Ace, hence moot point.
Didn't look like he said it because he is waiting for a challenge that can surpass Pranks to be ready for him, but as admiration for Pranks. like Pranks is great I wonder when someone will surpass even him.

if vc is cannon, then mihawk doesn't have coc. or other strong character don't have haki at all.
Garp is the prove that CoC is not necessary ...


I will never forgive Oda
and Pranks grew stronger and mihawk remained vista level and still stands above all swordsmen
you dont say
Mihawk might be a top tier too.
But we cannot automatically conclude Mihawk > Pranks because we know Pranks grew drastically over the years. Their duels as High Tiers made them equals, but what's the likelyhood they had the same growth rate?
We do not know if Mihawk turned Yoru black or if he took it like Zoro did.

I'm sure Mihawk's very powerful, but Yonkou-Pranks is the strongest iteration of the character. So you can't automatically put Mihawk > Current Pranks because Mihawk was deemed an equal of someone far below Current Pranks
Mihawk is classified as the worlds strongest swordsman even while Pranks is a yonko and a is Pranks not a swordsman my guy stop the mental gymnastics this is a Japanese cartoon oda says Mihawk is stronger then Pranks why do you fanboys go against that
We do not know if Mihawk turned Yoru black or if he took it like Zoro did.

I'm sure Mihawk's very powerful, but Yonkou-Pranks is the strongest iteration of the character. So you can't automatically put Mihawk > Current Pranks because Mihawk was deemed an equal of someone far below Current Pranks
I can when Oda tells us he is currently the world's strongest swordsmen. I don't understand how hard that is for people to understand.
Didn't look like he said it because he is waiting for a challenge that can surpass Pranks to be ready for him, but as admiration for Pranks. like Pranks is great I wonder when someone will surpass even him.

if vc is cannon, then mihawk doesn't have coc. or other strong character don't have haki at all.
garp doesnt have coc
dealt with rocks regardless
pretty solid point you have there mate .
the vc reveals what it needs to and withholds information the story may later show. it is canon . sengoku having coc is canon. wb in rocks was hinted in his vc
he waits the day a swordsmaster will surpass his rival Pranks is pretty clear. If you have a different translation, hit me up.
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