Come on board and bring your vote,
For the candidate of your choice.
Together we'll shape the nation's fate,
In this grand electoral voice!
The Election!
Polls left behind,
They'll only slow us down.
Your heart will be your guide.
Cast your ballot, take a stand,
That legendary place,
Where democracy prevails.
It's only legendary,
Till the people make it real.
Through it all,
Through all the campaign time,
Through the debates,
And through the ads.
Know that we,
Will be there to stand as one,
Just like we know you'll make your choice.
So come on board and bring your vote,
For the future we can see.
Together we will find the path,
To what our nation can be.
There's always room for you,
If you want to have a say.
We vote!
We vote
On Election Day!
We vote!