[FNZ] Role Madness Bullet Train Role Madness

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So, these are the reads the previous player in my slot, and since from my POV this is information from confirmed town and i couldn't possibly catch up, I will let them guide me through this game for now:

-Polar bear (strongest town read, investigator, follow him when in doubt)
-Alwaysmind (town, could investigate and protect)
-Fujishiro (town, can send messages)

-Pot goblin (harmless indie, vouched by fujishiro, can make a deal with him?)
-Kiku (not so harmless indie)
-Soulkiller (suspicious but got innocent scan)
-Naomi (strongest scum read, was coasting, didn't want to claim and made a weak claim)
(Naomi and SK probably are not scummates)

I searched some of the keywords in the thread and seems like this is all stuff town already knows, right?

I'm also going to use this post to say what i'm allowed to about my role while trying my best not to break the claim rules:
- I roleblocked people visiting SK on N1 and PB on N2
- I only had 2 shots of the roleblock ability, I lied about abstaining
- I had some other ability left, however...
- I have been rolecrushed tonight, most likely by scum

Anyway, now that I've laid out the information I have, I'd like to hear from everyone what you make of it and if you have any strong points against these reads

the first thing i said is that i picked those reads from the previous player, so no, i'm not cherry-picking anything, just following the lead
can you clarify how it was cleared up? is there anything that proves what i said is wrong?
Hmmm ngl, these posts do strike me townie.

isn't SK literally being set up for a lynch with naomi and kiku being unlynchable?
@Fujishiro bro i will be honest with you, the way i see it naomi and kiku are pretty much open wolfing at this point
this lynch stuff is just too blatant
I am gonna be honest, these posts do strike me townie, and at this point i am not sure I feel comfortable lynching the guy, I think I would be more okay with an AM lynch over him. Didn't he survive Naomi shot that was redirected by Luka? I feel like charlie abstained from taking a stance last DP and gonna disappeared, that does not look good in him tbh. But overall he was mostly in my town read list. But after what transpsired so far, I do believe I have a deep wolf in my townie list. Polar Bear also survived a gunshot if he used the gun given by fuji, he has a good chance he might be the deep wolf, he also claimed miller which is ultra role counter. I don't see why scum would not claim miller DP1, i seen people do it before.


Lead them to paradise.
Why Luka? Why not Orca?
Because I asked Pot to kill The Orca, after last phase I had some doubts about him. Your clear was interpreted one way, Orca(Miller) and SK ( Town or GF) but it could’ve also been Orca scum and SK town or vice versa.

So then the failed kill is yours on yourself or on Kiku, Ill choose to believe its on Kiku for now.

And then the faction kill is on Luka.


Lead them to paradise.
Hmmm ngl, these posts do strike me townie.

I am gonna be honest, these posts do strike me townie, and at this point i am not sure I feel comfortable lynching the guy, I think I would be more okay with an AM lynch over him. Didn't he survive Naomi shot that was redirected by Luka? I feel like charlie abstained from taking a stance last DP and gonna disappeared, that does not look good in him tbh. But overall he was mostly in my town read list. But after what transpsired so far, I do believe I have a deep wolf in my townie list. Polar Bear also survived a gunshot if he used the gun given by fuji, he has a good chance he might be the deep wolf, he also claimed miller which is ultra role counter. I don't see why scum would not claim miller DP1, i seen people do it before.
Naomi said her kill fails on Prince.
Because I asked Pot to kill The Orca, after last phase I had some doubts about him. Your clear was interpreted one way, Orca(Miller) and SK ( Town or GF) but it could’ve also been Orca scum and SK town or vice versa.

So then the failed kill is yours on yourself or on Kiku, Ill choose to believe its on Kiku for now.

And then the faction kill is on Luka.
This is a terrible post from you. You want to clear people based on "what is their motivation for doing something as scum"

What was Orca's motivation for any of it lmao.

You are seriously starting to sound like scum, bc your reads have been dogshit

You lynched Alexis after I said not to and you killed Orca after I said not to.

Is the reason those guns are not working is that you are Prince and they only work on the white death lol
Yeah SK it is for me. Unless someone can make a better case against
Why me? you copped me, my watcher abilities been verfied by naomi and fuji, and my neighborchat ability is confirmed by fuji. You think I am scum because? like make it make sense, why would I limit myself in a PoE and get other people out? why I as scum would shoot my PoE and thin the line? if you are not scum, then please use your brain here.


Lead them to paradise.
This is a terrible post from you. You want to clear people based on "what is their motivation for doing something as scum"

What was Orca's motivation for any of it lmao.

You are seriously starting to sound like scum, bc your reads have been dogshit

You lynched Alexis after I said not to and you killed Orca after I said not to.

Is the reason those guns are not working is that you are Prince and they only work on the white death lol
I didnt like The Orcas play around Ekko when I was presenting reasons to town read him and he was dismissive of it.

My reads are dogshit? You lynched Ekko lol.

I told you exactly how the gun works from day 1. And Yo Tan Wa explained to me today how the backfire mechanic works.


Lead them to paradise.
This is a terrible post from you. You want to clear people based on "what is their motivation for doing something as scum"

What was Orca's motivation for any of it lmao.

You are seriously starting to sound like scum, bc your reads have been dogshit

You lynched Alexis after I said not to and you killed Orca after I said not to.

Is the reason those guns are not working is that you are Prince and they only work on the white death lol
This part of the post is bad bro.

You lynched Emil after I said not to both can play this game.

I lynched Alexis because he fucked up his claim, I am not to blame for that.

The Orca is your interpretation fo the parity cop. I choose not to trust it after you got Ekko lynched.
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