light as the king cannot kill
and queen what are your current reads in the game
flower and melon are confirmed blue dragon
kiwi too, unseen has 2 members now, so they would get really screwed if one of them became the king
fallen cobra zara leaning blue dragon
marimo is my main sus, he is just avoiding to play the game
and I have NEUTRAL read on neutral, even though he still can be the mastermind, he is definitely not assassin or NK because he was jailed, that makes his much less suspicious
I have neutral read on sunita's sub too, since sunita was inactive for most of the game
I have neutral read on you too, but you should def be investigated
finalbeta or cobra: one of them is scum, most likely fb, there can't be 3 butlers
they can be sellsword of course BUT krogo could have borrowed his butler claim to finalbeta, since unlike cobra, there is no proof that fb was able to roleblock someone
IF there is no sellsword, this is my take: reborn is probably a 3rd party, the alchemist, not the neutral killer, who played the town leader and then killed the king expecting people to choose him as the new one