One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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WSS isn't even that scary of a title. There's probably only 2 people in the verse who care about it. Shanks doesn't even care about making his sword black either. Makes sense when Oda said Gryphon is basically a prop to Shanks :gokulaugh:
a prop he has drawn out everytime he gets serious in battle?
flashback in edd war
when ace came over
what a lad
I don’t think it’s off given that the entire story has been that way, and if Shanks and Mihawk, the personification of Luffy’s and Zoro’s dream, don’t follow that way, the story would invert on itself. But we can wait and see.
I would believe mihawk is not far surpassed by shanks if he himself is considered a top tier/legend and shanks isnt the strongest character in the series. His bounty doesnt give that impression either .
Rox vs. ???
WB vs. Roger
Kaido vs. Garp
Big mom vs. Kong
Shiki vs. Sengoku
??? vs. Rayleigh
Kaido and Big Mom were said to not be at the same level as now!

I'm expecting
Garp vs Rocks
Roger vs WB
Rayleigh vs Kaido (Maybe the student of Rayleigh, Luffy will repeat what Rayleigh did)
Sengoku vs Big Mom

And it was said Shiki was still a rising person on the ship, so he wasn't as important as others yet. Maybe Scopper faced him, or Zypher.
However I am not expecting Kong honestly. That is simply because he is most likely was Fleet Admiral. If that's the case, then, Fleet Admirals barely make a move, they usually send admirals to deal with the matters. Look at Akainu now as an example

Even Sengoku, he only participated in Marineford at the VERY END, when they reached the execution platform.

But I could be wrong of course

MD Zolo

There was a mistake last chapter with numbers when the offical changed it from 10k to 100k on what franky said. Its worth waiting for the offical translation.
I know. But it was from JB who are usually very quick to translate. But I noticed that EtenBoby took a long time to translate that panel. Plus Shanks becoming a Yonkou 6 years ago is a very big deal because it contradicts previous info, if an error was spotted, we would know by now.

It doesn't matter if Shanks became a Yonkou 6 years ago anyway. Besides, those who said that Mihawk was below Shanks before, will continue to believe it nonetheless and those who thought the opposite will continue to believe that. The info itself has no significant consequence.

But I am guessing Yonkous are going to fall very soon (I give it 3 more years). And then we can decide who was right.
Zoro already said true swordsmen don't get hungover (Which Shanks has done) Not to mention this...

You tell me if Shanks takes swordsmanship as seriously as Mihawk or Zoro do
Lmfaoo what in that tells you he’s not an Swordsman? Seems to be like that’s what you are hoping it leads to
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Lmfaoo what in that tells you he’s not an Swordsman? Seems to be like that’s what you are hoping it leads to
Dude literally named his sword Lmfaoo
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