Nope it would look exactly like what we saw from roger and whitebeard who did no touch... look lol i showed you and ill show you one more time.
- here is the panel of what oda does if two swordsmen clashed and separated.
- It is clear that zoro and king did not do this.
- king was about to take zoro swords away like he did before.
- Zoro then choses to push king away with his haki/no touch when he said you will not take these blades away.
- Finally this no touch effect from zoro is shown the exact way as roger/wb who also did no touch.
- Also one thing that i never noticed until now. Thanks or i probably never would have. Zoro and king arm positions never change this just supports what i am telling there is no momentum pushing them back from there arms its just a separation further proving that this is zoro using a hakibarrier/no touch
Zoro was in precarious position, he held on his sword with sheer force and will power it created Haki sparks.. If there was no touching it would have been 1 of these 2 instances..

What do you mean!.. Zoro got freaking flung and rolls in the air, mutiple backflips..