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The End and the Beginning
Why are you even asking me then if you know I see her as scum and you see her as locked town lmfao
I believe I asked you what your reasons were, not what your read of her was. As for why, isn't it obvious? If I have a read of a player, and I see someone with the complete opposite of that read, I become curious as to why that may be. Maybe you are seeing something I'm missing... or maybe I'll disagree anyway, but if your thought process/approach to reading her makes sense, then that in turn helps me read you favourably. And likewise, if it doesn't, I'd read it unfavourably. You know how this works Adam, come on lol.


I‘m not spiteful at all. Want me to listen to you? Maybe next time don’t insult my intelligence and ability at the game when I‘m just trying to HELP which rendering at least most scum actions useless certainly accomplishes.
I don't feel like going back and forth with you. But you know I will never just agree with someone when I think something is a bad idea.


The End and the Beginning
@xenos5 I think you have the right of it though, yes if someone is acting like they do as town, you'd be more inclined to read them as town. I think there is some nuance here being missed though, in that the "town mo" being discussed is something that the one doing the reading thinks is favorable and thus entirely dismissable. That's the position anyway.
I don't like Flowers play and situation in the game at all but I think it is pointless to argue about it. If Flower wants to play solo then we should not pay attention to her shit and not extend help to her ourselves. She will be resolved one way or another, I just think it is wasteful to engage with her

I believe I asked you what your reasons were, not what your read of her was. As for why, isn't it obvious? If I have a read of a player, and I see someone with the complete opposite of that read, I become curious as to why that may be. Maybe you are seeing something I'm missing... or maybe I'll disagree anyway, but if your thought process/approach to reading her makes sense, then that in turn helps me read you favourably. And likewise, if it doesn't, I'd read it unfavourably. You know how this works Adam, come on lol.
Because Naomi is on my ass from the start when I said poison on Saber could be fake one since scum has no advantage into poisoning someone this early ,especially someone who didn't even push anyone up until that point in the game.

Saber has been very focal point of council main candidate and IMO scum always likes to piggy back onto someone prolific in the game, hide in their shadow so to say and influence their actions a bit.

Naomi is acting like that, when I explained to her why mafia poisoning Saber makes little sense unless it is a major rookie, and so being a fake poison is an option, she called me scum and voted me up lol

Just because something appears in the WU doesn't make it true and I am the first one who will admit that i used to fake mafia action on me as scum to gain town points
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