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Certified Memelord
I did ask his reasoning and he said they were tonal/he feels good.

Which isn't a good reason to put someone in a cleared, town position. That means you're reasonably confident they aren't scum. More confident that they're good than not.

I don't think we have enough info to make any verdicts like those for individuals, let alone a group of 4.
oh you did? k well that reason seems pretty valid to me

guess your idea of a comfortable town read is different from pot's


Zem, I liked playing with you. You know Muugen always pushes me, you know it gets me riled up, you know it makes me feel like crap. Yet you support the guy‘s idiocy when he‘s the last person you should support when it comes to him pushing me. I‘m probably the most obvious Town in the game right now, too. I tried keeping it together, but there are certain triggers you should never pull. It derails the thread. Also I don’t spite play. The only ones who are close to being spite targets for me are Orca and Polar because they are just always obnoxious as hell and even with them I‘m objective.

So are you going to do some scum hunting right now? You can’t deny you‘ve been fairly passive so far.
Just because I agree with him and against you doesn't mean what you think it does. It just means me and him have the same opinion. Which isn't exactly odd. You know he's my mafia husband.

I actually do not think I have been playing passive. I haven't pushed anyone no, but I have been scum hunting and eliminating those I don't believe are scum since the start.


The End and the Beginning
Also my time stop exists for a reason and I‘m trying to HELP and save lives. It‘s annoying as hell to get flamed for trying to support your team by preventing harmful actions coming their way.
Flower please. You're not getting flamed. They could be scum trying to discredit you, or town with different ideas about how these things should be used. You're getting yourself caught in a negative spiral by assuming malice first and then using that as justification for getting upset. Keep a clear head, take a break if need be, and be ready to come at it again with a fresher outlook. Let's go
Flower please. You're not getting flamed. They could be scum trying to discredit you, or town with different ideas about how these things should be used. You're getting yourself caught in a negative spiral by assuming malice first and then using that as justification for getting upset. Keep a clear head, take a break if need be, and be ready to come at it again with a fresher outlook. Let's go
I go play Brave Souls.


Sorry. I just can’t enjoy this here anymore.

It‘s so frustrating when you just want to chill and help people and then get called a detriment to Town, spiteful (when it isn’t spite and the reasons are valid, what scum hunting is Zem doing like at all?) and your intelligence gets insulted at every turn, too.

Literally they should stop treating me like crap every game.
then just sub out.

minamato can sub in for you
You said, me town reading pot is because I agree with him and his reads, but the dude barely posted, we have different reads, and now you trying to spin this as 'convinent' because I told TAC that pot probably not the way to go and we should look at the players who hopped into my wagon instead.

Like i don't even know how you came up with the conclusion that I town read players who have same town read as me, which was your premise at the beginning, but when told you that's not the case, you turned this into 'convinent' lol.
it's case of bad wording tbh, there's no 2 identical reads so you could always say you have "different reads"

is it convenient to town read dude for steering wagon away from you? it is
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