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For what?

My sweet nat, your devil eyes running red with this one. Why me? Why pot? Why watson?
Pot’s being fake, all town reads and no scum ones (when a townie should be paranoid). And also his reads are stale. I changed my mind like 10 times on players in the last 20 pages, I find it bizarre someone doesn’t.

You just remind me of your scum self, very composed and reasonable. I need to see some FIRE in your veins!!!

Watson eeeeh she’s not sounding as nearly as tinfoil level 10000 like I know her.


Vote lynch Pot

Vote council TAC

See ya tomorrow :hurry:
I did ask his reasoning and he said they were tonal/he feels good.

Which isn't a good reason to put someone in a cleared, town position. That means you're reasonably confident they aren't scum. More confident that they're good than not.

I don't think we have enough info to make any verdicts like those for individuals, let alone a group of 4.
oh you did? k well that reason seems pretty valid to me

guess your idea of a comfortable town read is different from pot's
Aye seems more like a difference in playstyle if anything


Sinister Blade
First off, i use my copy ability and target Flower

i tell Flower in thread, "yo, this is coming from me, don't reject it"

Flower doesn't reject it and allows me to copy one of their abilities

it matches the flavour and style of ability she already did with the Time Stop thing

it also shows me Flower is not afraid to let other players see her abilities, she didn't hesitate at all, which makes me trust her

then, after i got the ability

Flower told me to use the thing i copied from her, to change my original copy from Flower to SK

once again, all this in thread

so i said i'm gonna send it to SK, not harmful

SK is then given the option, just like Flower, and rejects right away


people are saying both me and Flower are lying

which means 2 scum mates would do this shit on Day 1, in a 50 player game, for nothing, we literally gain nothing from this

it's a shit plan if either of us was scum
@Councilman TheAncientCenturion just read this, this pretty much sums it all up


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Won't be able to get your janitor off huh? Sucks
town has more abilities than scum early game, using this ability n1 just denies town investigations/killing roles and slows down momentum.

like am okay with reducing the game to a semi vanilla state, but in this game size we need mech and vigs to help out with PoE.

also herein lies another problem. since flower announced doing this publicly, pretty sure scum will have some ways to circumvent it or plan for it, reducing the gain you get from it. it effectively just slows down town momentum now.


this is what you said "so you think two scum teammates are gonna out themselves lying on D1 on a 50 player game?" as a point that you and her are both town and im telling you flower has done it as scum before so why wouldnt we put it past her and you today?

why wouldnt i as someone who won an entire game with flower based off d1 liesand carrying it til the end hell Ratchet was apart of it as well.

these things actually happen so you cant spout xyz wont happen when they literally happened already
it's case of bad wording tbh, there's no 2 identical reads so you could always say you have "different reads"

is it convenient to town read dude for steering wagon away from you? it is
He was not steering the wagon away from me though, not even close. If anything i was telling a player who is voting someone not me to not vote that player because not only I don't think the dude is not scum, it provide almost zero information and your chances of getting scum is more likely on one of the players who hopped my wagon. Like look how things piled up on me in matter of minutes. You think they all are townies? The right move here is to focus on the players who hopped into my wagon.

I will go back and reread that bit later tonight myself. But for now, I am enjoying the chaos. Alot of juicy info.

You have any opinion regarding my wagon?
Can you elaborate? I'm lost in the plot rn
I could be mixing smth up, but flower said she has an ability that allows her to fix mistakes, which if i get right is same ability Indigo copied and then changed his action from flower to SK.

But why would checking flower be a mistake so that Indigo can activate ability from flower and switch target to SK?
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