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Okay first up, you're wrong in your conclusion and this is absolutely a wild leap. I will admit to the language hiccup, but I've referred to flower as Fleur in the past as well so this isn't a gotcha as you believe it to be. I assumed, without having checked, that it was the German word for flower due to it being her name on MU.

Though yes, I don't refer to her as that very often it has happened before, and whether she remember that or not doesn't really matter to me.

So what if it is specific, playing the championships was a memorable event, and coincidentally I re-read some of the game I played not too long ago.

Your reasoning here is entirely that I couldn't possibly remember her name, and the only reason i would refer to her by this name is that I must be on a team with someone who is a MU frequenter.

I know some people like to question my intelligence, but is this the level of standard I'm being held to?
I don't know if I should feel offended lmao
I remember Flower entering as Fleur, BLM Brad blamed racism for getting caught , threw the game and ruined it for everybody too to prove sort of point
@Pot Goblin
gonna return to you later. i expect a solidified town core later

yes, but some people like myself have moments of poor impulse control. if you get tunnel vision toward a specific thing you take offense to it's much harder to simply walk away from the screen in a moment of ire. yes, ideally, people /should/ walk away from the screen and it's the most optimal move. but that doesn't mean humans will be able operate on that. i agree in theory tho

it takes a lot more neuronal conditioning for the brain to fully build a different habit -- it's a hill to climb most don't understand how to climb in the first place
I get it, I'm also a human being, I am however not a defeatist
@Flower what have you been up to ?

@hime i'd like to hear your opinions on Watson, The Orca, Ratchet

@The Orca i'd like to hear your opinions on hime, Zemmi, Michelle
Hime- She is playing dumb in many regards imo, so I'd lean scum, but since I don't read her well gonna say null in general for me

Zemmi- i like most of her posts, tone, and just in general, so I'd lean town currently

Michelle- read her town at the beginning but that has slowly eroded to slight scum lean. Activity waning and lack of intent to solve i think are issues im seeing pop up with her

There is a difference between abilities getting checked and giving one of your abilities to someone.
You think you can catch scum with this? What is the point here? Let say Soul did give Indigo a Roleblock ability, what does it mean? What did you achieve?
Well the game evolves views change i haven't kept up how you interacted with other people/ the current situation on the thread after that post so i feel like rn my read would be too outdated
Can't remember why I quoted this lol
Yeah i basically just wanted to see how strong Hime's read on Watson was
Seems like the long way around

You know full well I find it deeply and personally insulting when I express something and then have it be framed as AtE.

I do apologize but this is not something I tend to enjoy reading.
Ironic ain't it
i rarely if ever lose my cool like this and i apologize profusely for doing so. please do not.
Unvote Watson

Not smth I would agree on. Mangos message to flower is smth I consider planned speech, not smth that rolls of the tongue, so Mango calling her Fleur and shit is prolly intentional
Agreed. That is how I read it. Not AI one way or the other though for me
If you guys can talk in civil manner go for it, but we had 1 flower too much already
This guy im liking. Great thoughts
Lemon, Abi, Akane.
So the players ducking the thread came from you....
Because I expected Worst to blast SK given Nao sent him an amp. Why waste actions on somebody you think is going down?

I also never suspected Luugen. I even said he‘s probably Town. Blatantly wrong and just shade yet again.
The "amp" was going to come from me, but I didn't send it
I didn't got any amp you get notified if you get any ?
Correct and yes you would
He is your prime suspect and you did nothing to increase his chances of death lmfao

Worst himself has no clue wtf is going on and he never received any amp.

This is fucking horrible
Adam nailing these posts
More so in the sense of AMP and shooting SK which flower thinks it was done deal yet actual plans and confirmations were never done
Alright reset it is, 1 hour before EOD, no point wasting good town hours yet
Please no lmao

@Charlie looks like it was Orca not Naomi xD

@The Orca i didn't got the amp senpai someone might be after you ( or me )
I didn't send it. Don't agree with your use and not wasting it on you said it was better to use at night

Only about 20 pages back still...might just skip to live
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