It boils down to free will. If God intervened and stop being people from doing bad things,he wouldn't be respecting their free will.
That's - once again - something to rationnalize the impassibility of God in front of suffering.
First, this ignore the fact that a lot of people are suffering not because of the actions of others but because of natural disasters. Disasters created by god themselves.
Second, even if we consider freewill as real thing (which it's not, I'll come back to that), the reality is that the intervention of God would absolutely
not negate the respect of free will.
That's the Superman conundrum. When Superman stops a bad guy from doing a bad thing, does he negate their free will to do said bad thing ? No.
This means that even having an infinite power is NEVER an excuse not to act in front of oppression.
If god was really infinitely good and omnipotent AND infinitely full of love of everyone, he should be able to prevent anyone from being suffering because of others or natural causes or natural disasters. We should be already all be living in a paradise.
But that's not the case.
Now.. Free will do not exist.
And the reason is simple : the electrical and biological interaction in the brain that form consciousness are determined by a combinasion of the influence of our genes (not controllable), our environment (not controllable) and the interior physical interaction of matter in our brain (not controllable).
On top of that, this combination of factor creates a biological and electrical reaction that is prior to our awareness of said interaction.
In other word, we do not have will, we have the illusion of will. Our consciousness and the illusion of free will is the projection of what happens in our brain.
And all of that is confirmed by one of the fundamental laws of the Universe. If free will really existed, it would mean that we would mean that our brain, as an entity, would be able to create ex nihilo a form of energy to influence the interaction of the material world in your brain.
In other other words, if free will existed, it would mean that we possess the power of a god in our brain.
And I'm sorry, but if my condition proves something, is that the brain is not enough to create ex-nihilo a Will that has the power to overcome the influence of the environment and matter.
We are not gods.
Consciousness is what makes us distinct from animals.
It's not, conciousness is a spectra with us on the end of one side and animals scattered in between the other side and the middle ground.
Yeah, addicts and mentally ill people don't have free will. Free will is something that can be taken from us.
Wow.. yeah that's an highly problematic thought. Nice way to dehumanize people in difficulty and rationnalize the worst atrocities on those people.
I'm sorry but if free will exist. you and me are on the same level on that front. But that's not the case.
So using freewill to justify the impassibility of God is not a good argument, it's just a way to rationnalize their inaction.
Our definitions of good and bad change all the time. We can't be objective about it.
I think that we can all agree that what is good is what creates positivity and a better conditions for people. No matter the culture, this should be a common understanding.
Now, some people are calling good things that others are not. For example, some consider some conservatist actions good, when other do not. But even in this context, good is not relative as some actions are hurting others. Those doing those actions are therefore wrong to call those actions "good".
But if good can't be defined and objectively observed and God is infinitely good, then the notion of good loses completely it's meaning and if I hurt my neightboor for no reasons, but I say that i'm doing it "for good", I'll be right.
That's why I says that the existence of a classical god completely destroys the meaning of the notion of goodness.