I can only share what's helping me coz I stay alone myself and had rough time few months back- rest you have to figure out.
Everyday I wake up and express gratitude to whatever I have and I am blessed with.
Then, I reframe my thoughts to think all the positive thoughts. No complaint, no playing victim card but all the positive thoughts to fuel me
Then, I go on with something that helps me move forward to achieve my purpose...
What's purpose? See, most people are unhappy with their lives because we end up not going after our purpose/passion.
Purpose/Passion can't be a place or thing or a person or a job.
It's something which energize us...expand us. I hope it makes sense.
Figure that out and work on it.
Find comfort in your loneliness and make the best out of it
And, I would shut my mouth before anyone calls me to do so