Controversial Why does it feel like every online anime community hates their anime nowadays?


The only one who can beat me is me
People are overstimulated. Social media/twitter, has everyone turned into critics, who think their opinions hold weight. This applies to anything, not just anime/manga.

Go on x, all you see is people crying and whining 24/7 no matter what it is. Could be a topic on apples.
People are overstimulated. Social media/twitter, has everyone turned into critics, who think their opinions hold weight. This applies to anything, not just anime/manga.

Go on x, all you see is people crying and whining 24/7 no matter what it is. Could be a topic on apples.
Garbage is garbage. Its just some people like to live in the filth and smear shit on themselves.
Problem with fandoms.

People dislike something but are too emotionally invested to drop it.

Generally, treating their preferences as objective writing quality
If people come to forums like this, that means they’re regularly thinking and discussing these shows and sense they’re thinking about it and constantly reading theories or reviews and others takes about what’s going on, they are more prone to see the faults.
That doesn't mean you'll think worse of what you are reading, since you'll also see its strengths better.
I was shocked the first time I joined NarutoForums. Most of them had the opinion that Naruto is mediocre - they were more focused on the flaw of the manga - I was like how could they trash Naruto like this in NarutoForums. I guess thats what happens when people discuss a manga 24/7 over the years - its similar to whats happening in this forum with One Piece - people start to see the flaws more. Folks arent supposed to do a PhD on a manga written for 15 year olds - it was supposed to be read casually.
I remember the old days reading comment section of Mangastream. People always bashed Fairy Tail for its nakama power up, excessive fanservice and how author hyped the villains only to ruin them later. Bashed Bleach for blank background (compared to One Piece lively background) and nothing much really going on each chapter. Didn't really read Naruto so don't know much about complains beside talking no jutsu and too much flashbacks.
But One Piece was always praised to oblivion, Goda, One Piece had so much going on in 1 chapter compared to 10 chapters of Bleach, Luffy is more likeable than Naruto blabla.

Now the table has turned. All shitting received by other manga, now One Piece does it.
Maybe except nakama power up because Oda still tries to make Luffy as an underdog forever.
I was shocked the first time I joined NarutoForums. Most of them had the opinion that Naruto is mediocre - they were more focused on the flaw of the manga - I was like how could they trash Naruto like this in NarutoForums. I guess thats what happens when people discuss a manga 24/7 over the years - its similar to whats happening in this forum with One Piece - people start to see the flaws more. Folks arent supposed to do a PhD on a manga written for 15 year olds - it was supposed to be read casually.
Love and hate aren’t opposites of each other, I’d say indifference is more on the opposite spectrum of love. The more you like something, the more expectations arise and the more you pay attention to it. This makes it easier for you to see flaws and get affected by it.

That’s why niche forums like this will be more critical than casual environments of One Piece like twitter folks. Folks here most likely loves One Piece more than the average reader whether they’ll like to admit it or not. And the average reader has some form of indifference to OP.