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lol damn i couldnt even gain a killshot from Blue when he died ut someone was able to grab 3 abilities eh....

unless super delayed

damn you can jut spam those abilities or whats the catch?

@Indigo why dont you ever say anything to flower when she insults others?
Perhaps because of how I ignore when you do it, but just try to encourage you not to so you aren't kicked out the game. Which would make me sad. :josad:
I've always said this type of role isn't for me. And it's actually tragic I got this role because I imagine some people would've of been amazing with it. It's well done.
I‘m probably one of the best Town Vigs. And I always get Town KP in Mashes on MU lmao. Previous two Mashes my hit rates were 3/3 and 1/1 (sadly got killed N1) and in a game here 2/2.
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