Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Or you could simply tell me that I'm wrong and that you are not a cop.. which could help show just how dumb I was to assume sh*t about what you said in the first place.

You ARE assigning political leaning to job titles.....that's one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard.....you always keep reaching a new low. Impressive actually lol
The Cold War is really going wild, France needs a new revolution, IMO. Preferably with less beheading, this time.
I vote for more beheading.
IMO we should just arrest all these mega criminals, and put them in prison, and film it are reality TV.
Replace prison with a sharp blade.

I don't like murder, I'd rather just humiliate the eLite fools until they realize what kinds of jokes they really are.
They never will and execution is not murder

Coming to MTV, soon: Orange is the New Orange.
Wait.. I think I just understood why you and I are in complete opposition.

Everything makes so much sense now..

He's a cop and covertly threatening you with arrest.
You ARE assigning political leaning to job titles.....that's one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard.....you always keep reaching a new low. Impressive actually lol
Bruh he will never respect you again😂😂😂😂😂
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I fought with every fibers of my being to change this system (the forum), while showing the reasons why this forum was a mini representation of our system ... knowing that I had representative of the moderation doing bad things and a staff laughing at me for doing so (people like you), but completely ignoring that in reality I was facing someone who is literally the representation of the hold of the power on the status co on this society.

This irony is just Freaking Hilarious lmao

You ARE assigning political leaning to job titles.....
Yes I am. Some jobs implicate a political vision of the world.

that's one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard.....you always keep reaching a new low. Impressive actually lol
I'll ignore the irrespect, let's test that assertion, shall we ?

Tell me : How would you fight an oppressive system as a police officer in the limits of your working freedom ?

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
I fought with every fibers of my being to change this system (the forum), while showing the reasons why this forum was a mini representation of our system ... knowing that I had representative of the moderation doing bad things and a staff laughing at me for doing so (people like you), but completely ignoring that in reality I was facing someone who is literally the representation of the hold of the power on the status co on this society.

This irony is just Freaking Hilarious lmao

Yes I am. Some jobs implicate a political vision of the world.

I'll ignore the irrespect, let's test that assertion, shall we ?

Tell me : How would you fight an oppressive system as a police officer in the limits of your working freedom ?
Let's test your ignorance and you insulting people who died trying to do the right thing. All are cops regardless of jurisdiction, and everyone in the military, liberal or right-wing by default?
And acting like a detective over something I've mentioned for years lmao.

State Cops
Federal Cops(Military, Homeland Security, FPS, Treasury etc)
Secret Service
Private Security
Prison Security
Court Security

All these dudes are now right wing by default lol
Can you tell me how those workers can fight a potential system of oppression (systemic) created by their own institution they are payed to protect ?


For C4N, it's the entirety of society. :moonwalk:
Do not confuse "society" and "system"

"The society" includes everyone in society, "the system" only describes the institutions and systemics behaviors.

But it's funny that you think it's imaginary... It's telling more about you that about me :shocking:
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Oda said he would be a cop irl
And he would turn against his superior and the entire system the moment he will saw said system oppress people.


Trust.. Zoro might become cop in another life. But he wouldn't be a cop for long hehe.

Do right winger and fascist count as insults?

Imagine if that was considered an insult...

"You are a leftist!" "OH NOOOo I'm sooo offended"..


The moment you start to see political labels as insults, is the moment the system starts to turn authoritarian.

And that's precisely why I made a thread about this specific subject : >> HERE <<