5 years of Worst Gen

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Kudos to the Mafia section being the unsung heroes of the Forum

Shoutouts to @Flower for being the defacto Mafia addict, playing upwards of 5 games at a time in different forums, and seemingly never getting enough. A true cornerstone of the Mafia community irrespective of what certain people say.
We may have all have our ups and downs, but a big personal shoutout for all the fun games - and storylines we've experienced together over the span of the years here and adjacent platforms!
I am your destined God Father!

@Ratchet for moderating, and being a pillar of the section to lean on. Truly our guardian spirit, a true veteran looking out for the mafialings - and possessing an ever intimidatingly professional diplomacy skill and effective interrogation of suspects that instill a fearful respect in those unfortunate enough to find themselves in a opposing faction of yours.
Thank you for your service and continuous blessings.

Special personal shoutout to @Rej for despite unfortunately being less involved in the section in recent times, has been a important figure in my Mafia and Forum adventure. It has always been a blast and educational working with you on some of the mafia projects I have worked on.
You're one of the very few players whom I played with even before coming to this forum, and I will never ever forget the Greed Island game hosted by @Adam 🍎 on TB where your Neuralink powered Dominion of Mankind aspirating Elon Musk teamed up with the most dishonest and greedy game dev; Todd Howard teamed up. A billionaire alliance which was lore-accurately devolved into top secret intell being sold off to outside parties, cold hearted betrayals and Pandemonium.
You will always remain a true G to me, and I'll let you know that you are very much appreciated!

@Fujishiro you get a big massive shoutout as well; You came, you saw, you conquered.
Truly, as I said earlier when you mentioned the "drama" surrounding a certain individual; You truly were a rising star in the section, and you settled for no less than a meteoric rise to the pinnacle of the section.
I think it is safe to say that you've easily etched your name deep into the foundation of the community as a household name and an ardent member of the community.
One thing I admire a lot about you is how you've completely embraced the role of earnestly and fearlessly spread the love, it may be a trifling action in a vaccuum, but your compassion and warm words does undoubtably make a difference!
I could go on and on, but long story short- Like you spread the love and positivity to those around you, these feelings are reciprocated as I, and I'm sure I talk on the behalf of many, have nothing but love and respect for you in return!

@Dragomir unfortunately you're at this point in time an echo of a memory now past, but I wanna give a quick shoutout as you're the one who headhunted me to join WG, and subsequently get involved with a few other platforms and overlapping communiites.
Though if you were here, I also want to mention that prior to your unfortunate departure that you were undoubtably a core driving force of the section and a magnetic and eager personality that glued the community together.
Your absense was strongly felt from the very moment you left, and even today it certainly feels like you've left a void in our hearts and community in your wake, but if you should for whatever reason see this message; I will make the excecutive decision to wish you on behalf of the community all the best wishes, blessings and luck for all of your current and upcoming endeavors!
We still love you and have you firmly imprinted in the back of our minds!

Some personal shoutouts and honorable mentions to people/ players who have made a huge impression and impact in my WG(+) mafia career that is very rarely or not playing anymore;

@AL sama, I have to give you a shoutout, as though I know getting you to play Mafia is probably a tall order - but even outside of that I want to give you a word of endorsement, encouragement and appreciation!
You were the first to welcome me on WG, and in a way you reminded me a lot of Syed back in the OJ days, who was the very very first to welcome me into these Forum Landscapes.
In a certain kind of way you are to me a sort of Beacon that carries on with it the light that is the legacy and memories of the treacherous journey of Oro Jackson. True to the name of the ship it got its name from, OJ forged a hell of a Odyssey and legend. A legendary crew, a formidable foe, and countless tales of adventures, mishaps and everything inbetween.

@Light D Lamperouge, If I were to speak unfiltered truth from the depths of my heart, then I will say that you were always a sort of idol to me. Not in the sense that I view you as someone superior to me, but rather inspired by your charismatic, enthusiastic and caring character. You're in a way a bit like my personal Johan, where for some reason I just feel like I can tell you everything - whether that's good or bad, well, who's to say. But what is undisputable is the fact that you are missed, and I believe I always have a good time with you around!

@Jew D. Boy even outside of Mafia, you were one of the most iconic trolls and beautifully eccentric brotherly figure on this entire forum.
You have a really poetic, fun and witty way with words that is just enchanting and contagious. Your escapades and theatrics in and outside of games have been some of the most era-defining "trends", like the mishmash of random status messages amalgamating into hillariously nonsensical poetry.
I really miss you brother, and I know times' have changed, but I am hopeful that one day we will make true on the barbecue party once foretold! (And maybe once in a while surrender your sanity to the hopelessness of Mafia)

@Lindltaylor, like a ninja you've enshrouded yourself in the darkness and dead of night, silent and slick like a cat you've hidden away.
Lind, I have nothing but warm words for you; You're easily one of the most pleasant people to play with, and you have a genuinely warm personality that can ease even the tensest of people.
You're quick witted, calculated and well spoken - and you have good taste to boot!
Playing with you throughout the years has been a great honor, and while I am talking a bit more generalistic here, it's because you're just consistently such a joy and a treausure, and I'll be here to tell you that any time of day!

@Finalbeta I know a lot of people have different opinions, but I for one enjoyed your presence!
Crystallized vs Liquid intelligence, your wholly unique and crazy solves/ theories, and your fearlessness of posting completely out there tinfoils - amongst other things makes for quite a impressionable player in games.
I have a lot of fun memories of games we've played together, it's always a joy to read the world you're seeing as we banter and catch scums/ trick each other!

Going to lump two together here - @Natalija Super happy to be playing w/ u in weebs, but your Serbian Majesty is sorely missed in general!
we've not played much together lately which saddens me, and since I am pretty much region locked to Mafia (when I am perusing the forum, which also has been reduced in later times), I also haven't been gracing your profile that much either!
But, times be as they may, you'll always have a spot in my heart <3
@TheAncientCenturion, A lot of the same as I said to Nat applies to you too; Your personality and mannerisms have such a great synergy with many people, and playing with you almost guarantees a funny storyline spawning.
My favorite storyline together with you is undoubtedly the weebs '22 Councilman Campaign Trails, where Hatsune Miku endorsed candidate TAC F. Kennedy ran head to head with Dio Brando the dangerously handsome devil for a spot in the Council.
Dio campaigned on the promise to defeat TAC F. Kennedy, and to bring peace once more from his political tyranny.
As fate would have it, the stars aligned for Dio, and not only did he get his placing on the council, but he won a opportunity served on a silver platter to make good on his promise - and what ensued was nothing short of a spectacle and theatrics even Shakespeare would find awe inspiring!
Love you though, hope to see you around a bit more occasionally!

I've spent a long time on this post already, so I'm going to do a bit of a rapid-fire, and if I failed to mention someone, no ill intentions - only lapse of my cognition! For those of you it applies; I love you too, and thank you so much for being part of the community and all you bring with you!

@Dr_Professor83 Crazy son-of-a-baboon, you're the Dazai Osamu of the community whose only wish is to enact a double suicide pact - but in all seriousness, you're an endearing, loveable RASCAL.
If you were an action figure, you'd be in the same package as Fuji - you two complete each other. Fuji is your Yin and your Fuji's Yang

@BROKI-SENPAI, AKA. MUUGEN, While comparatively with a lot of other people here, our history together may be a bit shorter - but I never really felt this way. Long before I even talked or played with you for the first time, your name was echoed throughout. A man whose name became a Legend so mythical and primally alluring that the conclusion he was part of the Mafia Pantheon to be the most logical.
~Poetry aside, I do feel we got along pretty well from the getgo - despite your reputation of being a bit hotheaded, I could only see a fun-loving MuuMuu! Always a blast with you, so here's a toast for our prophecised bromance!

@Worst, a man who peered into the fountain of antithesis so long that his name was altered into its opposite meaning; He is for that fact, the Best.
What is he the best at? Or best for? Does it really matter? He is just simply the BEST!
I really really love your quick wit, sharp intuition, and for following up on my shitty roleplay without a second thought or consideration!
You'll forever be our detestable, yet irresistably lovable Mosquito.
Love you, now and forever, Always such a blast playing with you!

@Adam 🍎 Have to give you your own quick-fire mention, if not solely for the Greed Island game, which still to this day is easily Top 3 games I've played in my career thus far. And that is no mean feat! Especially considering some of the absolute peak games I've played.
That will probably be the strongest association I have with you; But to separate the man from the art, I do have to say that you're a really fun personality to have in the community and in the games.
Just by the merit of being Balkan you just ooze chaotic energy, and I am all for it.
Love you and the energy you bring, stay beaming, KING!

@Mr. Reloaded you may be a convicted furry, but I will give my word of appreciation for your contribution to the community!
You're always laidback, engaged and just a pleasant dude. I'll never stop making reloading jokes, no matter how abysmal or stupid they are. It is simply your destiny.
Perhaps the bond between us aren't as close as some others here, but even if you're not my sidekick (that spot is reserved for a guy who unfortunately isn't on this forum), you're still the DON - MISTAH RELOADED!
The GOAT on a Fantastic Boat - Kontiki V
Thanks for sticking around with the Mafia crowd, you're definitely a King who wear no crown!

@Peroroncino Same to you, you're a joy and a solid specimen who always have a positive impact on any game you're in, and even though you're not playing so often anymore - you're always welcome and we all (or at least I do) love you and want to see you more!
Just a solid based Giga Chad that has capped off literally the entire Nen-Chart, Specialist included.
Always fun to perverse your name into something different, and it's always much appreciated that you're humoring my trolling and memes!
Keep radiating in brilliance, Perorerorero-chan!

@Zemmi Gotta give a quick shoutout to Flower's Mentor, Grand-Grand-Master in Mom-fu, Whoop-yo-ass and MuuJutsu.
Not to mention my primary WG contact to talk all things GW2, is much appreciated and valued as outside of the actual in-game, I have next no nobody to discuss it with.
There is so much that I could and want to say, Zem, but just by the merit of having been such a pillar for our common friend Chris, you are always gonna be exalted with me!
Much love, as always!

@MonochromeYoru unexpected Light alt mention!
You just came to mind, which probably means something, haven't played with you in a moment and a half, but just being memed as being a Light alt is in itself a compliment and testament to your DIO level of Charisma and charm.
Hope you're doing good, we all still love you, or in the very least I do!
We're here with open arms waiting for your Grand Comeback Arc, Lord Monochrome Chadu
To be clear, the reason why this is short and sweet is because being called a Light alt is such a loaded sentiment already!!

@Naomi Naomi, my beloved!
I remember in my early days here, you'd mostly be a participant for Weebs only, but you've put on the Big Lady pants and really been engaging with the community and the games here! I want you to know that you're a sweet person, and I really enjoy playing with you!
Maybe this is a bit personal, but it was actually in a way really touching when you reached out to me on discord for a fresh pair of eyes on something you had on your mind- You know where you have me, I'm always happy to chat and play with you ^^

I was almost about to forget @Kiwipom but I will not forget, for I am the Fruitperor of the Holy Mango Empire!
Your irresistable charm and gracefully serene aura that can diffuse even the ficklest of bombs from going off.
The Fruit Empire is not the same without you, we greatly miss your lovable Pink name that reminds me of the better days when I was part of the exclusively elusive Pink Name Pantheon.
Your lack of presence is greatly felt throughout the realms, we are eagerly awaiting your return!
Love you, and hope that life is treating you well!

Okay, again, I repeat; I've been writing for hours on end now, if you weren't mentioned, don't worry, you're mentioned in my heart!
Much much love from your one and truly;



Hustlerversity Graduate
Think I was the first member of the previous version of this forum.
I was rushing to join because I was gonna be travelling through the less internet friendly places in Europe. When I returned to civilisation, it was gone.

These 5 years flew by, ironically due to stagnation. Life was so much better back then and this forum in a weird way reminds me of the better times.
2019 was peak.

2020s onwards is just stagnant decline


Tripple Hoyo Player
Kudos to the Mafia section being the unsung heroes of the Forum

Shoutouts to @Flower for being the defacto Mafia addict, playing upwards of 5 games at a time in different forums, and seemingly never getting enough. A true cornerstone of the Mafia community irrespective of what certain people say.
We may have all have our ups and downs, but a big personal shoutout for all the fun games - and storylines we've experienced together over the span of the years here and adjacent platforms!
I am your destined God Father!

@Ratchet for moderating, and being a pillar of the section to lean on. Truly our guardian spirit, a true veteran looking out for the mafialings - and possessing an ever intimidatingly professional diplomacy skill and effective interrogation of suspects that instill a fearful respect in those unfortunate enough to find themselves in a opposing faction of yours.
Thank you for your service and continuous blessings.

Special personal shoutout to @Rej for despite unfortunately being less involved in the section in recent times, has been a important figure in my Mafia and Forum adventure. It has always been a blast and educational working with you on some of the mafia projects I have worked on.
You're one of the very few players whom I played with even before coming to this forum, and I will never ever forget the Greed Island game hosted by @Adam 🍎 on TB where your Neuralink powered Dominion of Mankind aspirating Elon Musk teamed up with the most dishonest and greedy game dev; Todd Howard teamed up. A billionaire alliance which was lore-accurately devolved into top secret intell being sold off to outside parties, cold hearted betrayals and Pandemonium.
You will always remain a true G to me, and I'll let you know that you are very much appreciated!

@Fujishiro you get a big massive shoutout as well; You came, you saw, you conquered.
Truly, as I said earlier when you mentioned the "drama" surrounding a certain individual; You truly were a rising star in the section, and you settled for no less than a meteoric rise to the pinnacle of the section.
I think it is safe to say that you've easily etched your name deep into the foundation of the community as a household name and an ardent member of the community.
One thing I admire a lot about you is how you've completely embraced the role of earnestly and fearlessly spread the love, it may be a trifling action in a vaccuum, but your compassion and warm words does undoubtably make a difference!
I could go on and on, but long story short- Like you spread the love and positivity to those around you, these feelings are reciprocated as I, and I'm sure I talk on the behalf of many, have nothing but love and respect for you in return!

@Dragomir unfortunately you're at this point in time an echo of a memory now past, but I wanna give a quick shoutout as you're the one who headhunted me to join WG, and subsequently get involved with a few other platforms and overlapping communiites.
Though if you were here, I also want to mention that prior to your unfortunate departure that you were undoubtably a core driving force of the section and a magnetic and eager personality that glued the community together.
Your absense was strongly felt from the very moment you left, and even today it certainly feels like you've left a void in our hearts and community in your wake, but if you should for whatever reason see this message; I will make the excecutive decision to wish you on behalf of the community all the best wishes, blessings and luck for all of your current and upcoming endeavors!
We still love you and have you firmly imprinted in the back of our minds!

Some personal shoutouts and honorable mentions to people/ players who have made a huge impression and impact in my WG(+) mafia career that is very rarely or not playing anymore;

@AL sama, I have to give you a shoutout, as though I know getting you to play Mafia is probably a tall order - but even outside of that I want to give you a word of endorsement, encouragement and appreciation!
You were the first to welcome me on WG, and in a way you reminded me a lot of Syed back in the OJ days, who was the very very first to welcome me into these Forum Landscapes.
In a certain kind of way you are to me a sort of Beacon that carries on with it the light that is the legacy and memories of the treacherous journey of Oro Jackson. True to the name of the ship it got its name from, OJ forged a hell of a Odyssey and legend. A legendary crew, a formidable foe, and countless tales of adventures, mishaps and everything inbetween.

@Light D Lamperouge, If I were to speak unfiltered truth from the depths of my heart, then I will say that you were always a sort of idol to me. Not in the sense that I view you as someone superior to me, but rather inspired by your charismatic, enthusiastic and caring character. You're in a way a bit like my personal Johan, where for some reason I just feel like I can tell you everything - whether that's good or bad, well, who's to say. But what is undisputable is the fact that you are missed, and I believe I always have a good time with you around!

@Jew D. Boy even outside of Mafia, you were one of the most iconic trolls and beautifully eccentric brotherly figure on this entire forum.
You have a really poetic, fun and witty way with words that is just enchanting and contagious. Your escapades and theatrics in and outside of games have been some of the most era-defining "trends", like the mishmash of random status messages amalgamating into hillariously nonsensical poetry.
I really miss you brother, and I know times' have changed, but I am hopeful that one day we will make true on the barbecue party once foretold! (And maybe once in a while surrender your sanity to the hopelessness of Mafia)

@Lindltaylor, like a ninja you've enshrouded yourself in the darkness and dead of night, silent and slick like a cat you've hidden away.
Lind, I have nothing but warm words for you; You're easily one of the most pleasant people to play with, and you have a genuinely warm personality that can ease even the tensest of people.
You're quick witted, calculated and well spoken - and you have good taste to boot!
Playing with you throughout the years has been a great honor, and while I am talking a bit more generalistic here, it's because you're just consistently such a joy and a treausure, and I'll be here to tell you that any time of day!

@Finalbeta I know a lot of people have different opinions, but I for one enjoyed your presence!
Crystallized vs Liquid intelligence, your wholly unique and crazy solves/ theories, and your fearlessness of posting completely out there tinfoils - amongst other things makes for quite a impressionable player in games.
I have a lot of fun memories of games we've played together, it's always a joy to read the world you're seeing as we banter and catch scums/ trick each other!

Going to lump two together here - @Natalija Super happy to be playing w/ u in weebs, but your Serbian Majesty is sorely missed in general!
we've not played much together lately which saddens me, and since I am pretty much region locked to Mafia (when I am perusing the forum, which also has been reduced in later times), I also haven't been gracing your profile that much either!
But, times be as they may, you'll always have a spot in my heart <3
@TheAncientCenturion, A lot of the same as I said to Nat applies to you too; Your personality and mannerisms have such a great synergy with many people, and playing with you almost guarantees a funny storyline spawning.
My favorite storyline together with you is undoubtedly the weebs '22 Councilman Campaign Trails, where Hatsune Miku endorsed candidate TAC F. Kennedy ran head to head with Dio Brando the dangerously handsome devil for a spot in the Council.
Dio campaigned on the promise to defeat TAC F. Kennedy, and to bring peace once more from his political tyranny.
As fate would have it, the stars aligned for Dio, and not only did he get his placing on the council, but he won a opportunity served on a silver platter to make good on his promise - and what ensued was nothing short of a spectacle and theatrics even Shakespeare would find awe inspiring!
Love you though, hope to see you around a bit more occasionally!

I've spent a long time on this post already, so I'm going to do a bit of a rapid-fire, and if I failed to mention someone, no ill intentions - only lapse of my cognition! For those of you it applies; I love you too, and thank you so much for being part of the community and all you bring with you!

@Dr_Professor83 Crazy son-of-a-baboon, you're the Dazai Osamu of the community whose only wish is to enact a double suicide pact - but in all seriousness, you're an endearing, loveable RASCAL.
If you were an action figure, you'd be in the same package as Fuji - you two complete each other. Fuji is your Yin and your Fuji's Yang

@BROKI-SENPAI, AKA. MUUGEN, While comparatively with a lot of other people here, our history together may be a bit shorter - but I never really felt this way. Long before I even talked or played with you for the first time, your name was echoed throughout. A man whose name became a Legend so mythical and primally alluring that the conclusion he was part of the Mafia Pantheon to be the most logical.
~Poetry aside, I do feel we got along pretty well from the getgo - despite your reputation of being a bit hotheaded, I could only see a fun-loving MuuMuu! Always a blast with you, so here's a toast for our prophecised bromance!

@Worst, a man who peered into the fountain of antithesis so long that his name was altered into its opposite meaning; He is for that fact, the Best.
What is he the best at? Or best for? Does it really matter? He is just simply the BEST!
I really really love your quick wit, sharp intuition, and for following up on my shitty roleplay without a second thought or consideration!
You'll forever be our detestable, yet irresistably lovable Mosquito.
Love you, now and forever, Always such a blast playing with you!

@Adam 🍎 Have to give you your own quick-fire mention, if not solely for the Greed Island game, which still to this day is easily Top 3 games I've played in my career thus far. And that is no mean feat! Especially considering some of the absolute peak games I've played.
That will probably be the strongest association I have with you; But to separate the man from the art, I do have to say that you're a really fun personality to have in the community and in the games.
Just by the merit of being Balkan you just ooze chaotic energy, and I am all for it.
Love you and the energy you bring, stay beaming, KING!

@Mr. Reloaded you may be a convicted furry, but I will give my word of appreciation for your contribution to the community!
You're always laidback, engaged and just a pleasant dude. I'll never stop making reloading jokes, no matter how abysmal or stupid they are. It is simply your destiny.
Perhaps the bond between us aren't as close as some others here, but even if you're not my sidekick (that spot is reserved for a guy who unfortunately isn't on this forum), you're still the DON - MISTAH RELOADED!
The GOAT on a Fantastic Boat - Kontiki V
Thanks for sticking around with the Mafia crowd, you're definitely a King who wear no crown!

@Peroroncino Same to you, you're a joy and a solid specimen who always have a positive impact on any game you're in, and even though you're not playing so often anymore - you're always welcome and we all (or at least I do) love you and want to see you more!
Just a solid based Giga Chad that has capped off literally the entire Nen-Chart, Specialist included.
Always fun to perverse your name into something different, and it's always much appreciated that you're humoring my trolling and memes!
Keep radiating in brilliance, Perorerorero-chan!

@Zemmi Gotta give a quick shoutout to Flower's Mentor, Grand-Grand-Master in Mom-fu, Whoop-yo-ass and MuuJutsu.
Not to mention my primary WG contact to talk all things GW2, is much appreciated and valued as outside of the actual in-game, I have next no nobody to discuss it with.
There is so much that I could and want to say, Zem, but just by the merit of having been such a pillar for our common friend Chris, you are always gonna be exalted with me!
Much love, as always!

@MonochromeYoru unexpected Light alt mention!
You just came to mind, which probably means something, haven't played with you in a moment and a half, but just being memed as being a Light alt is in itself a compliment and testament to your DIO level of Charisma and charm.
Hope you're doing good, we all still love you, or in the very least I do!
We're here with open arms waiting for your Grand Comeback Arc, Lord Monochrome Chadu
To be clear, the reason why this is short and sweet is because being called a Light alt is such a loaded sentiment already!!

@Naomi Naomi, my beloved!
I remember in my early days here, you'd mostly be a participant for Weebs only, but you've put on the Big Lady pants and really been engaging with the community and the games here! I want you to know that you're a sweet person, and I really enjoy playing with you!
Maybe this is a bit personal, but it was actually in a way really touching when you reached out to me on discord for a fresh pair of eyes on something you had on your mind- You know where you have me, I'm always happy to chat and play with you ^^

I was almost about to forget @Kiwipom but I will not forget, for I am the Fruitperor of the Holy Mango Empire!
Your irresistable charm and gracefully serene aura that can diffuse even the ficklest of bombs from going off.
The Fruit Empire is not the same without you, we greatly miss your lovable Pink name that reminds me of the better days when I was part of the exclusively elusive Pink Name Pantheon.
Your lack of presence is greatly felt throughout the realms, we are eagerly awaiting your return!
Love you, and hope that life is treating you well!

Okay, again, I repeat; I've been writing for hours on end now, if you weren't mentioned, don't worry, you're mentioned in my heart!
Much much love from your one and truly;

you're a goat, love ya bruva