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Day 6, VC N+3
up to post #26,621


TheAncientCenturion - 8
ConquistadoR - 5
Ultra - 3
Flower - 2
Michelle - 1
Luka - 1
Pot Goblin - 1

Invalid wagons (as far as I know, you should ask host tbh)

Bisoromi Bear Sama -2 (pretty sure it was invalid last time you checked)


The Orca: > Ultra
Ultra: Flower
TheAncientCenturion: Flower > Zemmi > Michelle
Saber: TheAncientCenturion > York > ConquistadoR > TheAncientCenturion
Zemmi: TheAncientCenturion > Ultra > ConquistadoR
SoulKiller: TheAncientCenturion > York > Ultra > York > Bisoromi Bear Sama
Naomi: TheAncientCenturion > Worst > Ultra > TheAncientCenturion > Ultra > TheAncientCenturion
xenos5: TheAncientCenturion
Yoho: Luka
Emil: TheAncientCenturion
Lanji CUCKSMOKE: York > TheAncientCenturion
Alwaysmind: TheAncientCenturion
Flower: ConquistadoR
Reborn: York > Ultra
Lord Melkor: York > Wing the Wildfire > ConquistadoR
Rej: TheAncientCenturion
hime: ConquistadoR > Bisoromi Bear Sama
Ratchet: ConquistadoR
Michelle: Pot Goblin > ConquistadoR
Apollo: ConquistadoR > TheAncientCenturion
ConquistadoR: Hime > Pot Goblin > TheAncientCenturion > Flower
Pot Goblin: TheAncientCenturion
Peroroncino: Pot Goblin
Ariess: Ultra > Ultra (again)


Red Night

QUOTES (new ones)

@Fujishiro @Dr_Professor83 @Alwaysmind @York @Rej @Zemmi @The Orca @TheAncientCenturion @Peroroncino @Ratchet @Yoho @MangoSenpai @Pot Goblin @Apollo @Saber @Naomi @Luka @Lord Melkor @Reborn @hime @Ariess @xenos5 @Flower @Red Night @Worst @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Ultra @Michelle @ConquistadoR

Let me know if i made a mistake, tagged someone who's dead, didn't tag someone who's alive, etc. Also again, idk which votes are valid or not. If someone was removed from the game or sth, just look at their vote history and ignore their vote.
And please don’t entertain the tree stumps and think you can work with them. They profit from the current game state more than anyone as, even if we manage to kill the scum teams by the time we‘re done they will already have parity with us. They‘re the enemy. Thank you.
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