One Piece Episode 934 - A Big Turnover! The Three-Sword Style Overcomes Danger!

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  • Episode was a big tease by design. A minute or two of Zoro vs Kamazou at the start to lube up the audience. Title: Three-Sword Style Overcomes Danger. Finish it off with a few more minutes of Zoro vs Kamazou with the final shebang Oni Giri. I mean, that's one way to get people to watch the Udon content.
  • Carebear man hit the lottery, an impact-absorbing bear body is outright superior to the standard Bear Zoan. A lime green bear though? :suresure:
  • I have to praise how the Gifters have been turned into a genuine threat by the anime. Anime-only must be thinking These guys are forcing the 5th emperor to use haki, and Kaido has 500 of them?
  • Advanced armament haki effects looking beautiful so far. This stuff actually makes sense as opposed to the red eyes and red body aura effects inserted randomly for flashiness.
  • A full Soba Mask in the bath flashback. Kyoshiro vs Komurasaki again. Happiness punch again. Oof. I am so sorry I complained about Rayleigh and Kaido flashbacks last week.
  • Orochi's highly animated crying face. Love to see it.
  • Intruding on Law and Shinobu's argument with limited context looks just as weak as it did in the manga. The anime could have easily improved it by showing us how Bepo, Shachi and Penguin actually got captured and what danger they're in right now.
  • It's all on you, Kamazou. You can't just commit to Zoro and then pull out like that. :giogio: Should have used the other scythe and gone for his neck while you were in perfect range.
Zoro vs Kamazou was not as creative or well choreographed as last week, but my goodness that Rengoku Oni Giri. That is straight up one of the best animated sequences in the OP anime. Period. The sheer distance Zoro covered to chase Kamazou. Swiggity swoggity, purgatory is coming for that booty :madmonk:. I also liked how Kamazou unleashed a few flying slashes and attempted to clash with Zoro despite one scythe, instead of giving in like Monet. And you can never got wrong with infrastructure getting leveled from a clash. Pica was a giant golem but Kamazou never gave Zoro the opportunity to destroy the environment as you would expect from a master swordsman.

Good episode overall. As I said last week, this whole thing would have worked better as a single episode dedicated to Ringo -- uninterrupted as in the manga. Zoro's belly growling might not look like the plot kicking in if the anime inserted a moment in the middle of the fight where Zoro was feeling hungry. Like Snakeman yelling I'M SO HUNGRY!! to clear his head. But to be fair, Zoro did ask Komurasaki for food and drink.


Lead them to paradise.
Jesus that was sweet

Anime team knows its wano and eyes are on Zoro so they milk that shit and its the right move fuckin wish oda would too

that shit was beast and over the top hype...exactly what gets you pumped up and how a fight with another SN should be
Can you imagine the big mom/kaido clash and fight ? It’s gonna look way more hype than this I hope given it’s been like 500+chapters since two other top tiers clashed.
Fingers crossed 🤞
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Can someone fucking tell me how people are still doubting food poisoning and blood loss combo as the reason for Zoro's fainting?

Like wtf? Do people really hate the GOAT that much???
I guess the people hating want him to struggle a bit, and not be mr perfect. That’s a trait Mary Sues have. Kinda boring.

Don’t hate the guy tho, just trynna explain why some may dislike him.
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Zoro vs Kamazo was cool and all, but the real star of the show was this guy.:steef::madmonk:
Is that bepo cousin or some shit wtf is that
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Can you imagine the big mom/kaido clash and fight ? It’s gonna look way more hype than this I hope given it’s been like 500+chapters since two other top tiers clashed.
Fingers crossed 🤞
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I guess the people hating want him to struggle a bit, and not be mr perfect. That’s a trait Mary Sues have. Kinda boring.

Don’t hate the guy tho, just trynna explain why some may dislike him.
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Is that apoos cousin or some shit wtf is that
Apoo what :lawsigh:
Episode was epic!!!
Luffy vs Bear man was well animated...Anime showed Advanced Haki well!!
I can feel Luffy is slowly progressing towards advanced armament haki......

Zoro vs Kamazou was godly :steef:
Sword play even before final rengoku onigiri was fantastic!!
Rengoku Onigiri was just amazing!!! TOEI spent a lot for animating I think and results are clear!!

Hats off!! Great episode
Has anyone ever considered, that Zoro fighting Killer is what made his stomach rumble?
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Rengoku Onigiri was just amazing!!! TOEI spent a lot for animating I think and results are clear!!
That was just the legendary One Piece animator Katsumi Ishizuka.

His a veteran of the show and has been doing cool stuff like this for the last two arcs.
Like the episode and the anime again answer probably one question which we fans have the last year when Kamazou vs Zoro come in manga.

They focus similar like the manga on the GLURG to make clear that Zoro was kinda nerfed! Either poisoned water/food or hunger, Zoro was kinda nerfed alongside the fact that he also didn't have his all swords.
Probably without the hunger/poison he would also take down the other dude, Zoro show pre ts far better endurance feats and it was kinda unlogical that he just go down by a single cut, happy that the reason was not because of the wound himself, more like because of the hunger/poison.

Toei again answer one question similar like to the Sanji vs Pageone fight(I also see it like the anime with Sanji don't defeating Pageone, not because I think Sanji couldn't but because of some major points. We see what happen already when "just" Holdem was defeated, Jack arrive in Kuri, defeating the second highest rank member who is almost have same hype as calamity where even Law fear them, everyone would know about Pageone defeat and would talk about it which isn't the case, also defeating such high member would mean to send something similar like enraged army with was not the case and defeating a flyer is a huge thing, but Oda never makeany point about it, so because that I can see the anime ending for Sanji vs Pageone is most like the right thing), both things get discussion a lot in the past,happy that Toei do a great job on it.

Seeing Zoro animation, can't wait for the other stuffs who coming in the future:
Roger vs Whitebeard, Oden vs Kaido.
He mentionned food several times before his fight To différent people
To Luffy; to Yasu; to Hiori; probably why noone ''considered'' that...
He mentioned food and booze, but thats not necessarily indictive that he was starving or anything like that.

Zoro asks people for food and booze rather regularly. Its a common thing for him to do.

He did the same when he saved Otsuru, and we know he wasn't hungry during that encounter.

With that in mind I think its reasonable to assume that fighting Killer was the cause of his stomach rumbling.
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They focus similar like the manga on the GLURG to make clear that Zoro was kinda nerfed! Either poisoned water/food or hunger, Zoro was kinda nerfed alongside the fact that he also didn't have his all swords.
Probably without the hunger/poison he would also take down the other dude, Zoro show pre ts far better endurance feats and it was kinda unlogical that he just go down by a single cut, happy that the reason was not because of the wound himself, more like because of the hunger/poison.
I think the fight made him hungry.

The fight dragged out so long because he didn't have all his swords and it made him hungry, even though he won fairly handedly when he got serious.

Sort of like what happened when Luffy fought Don Chinjao. He beat Chinjao when he got serious, but the fight was still tiring.
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Episode was epic!!!
Luffy vs Bear man was well animated...Anime showed Advanced Haki well!!
I can feel Luffy is slowly progressing towards advanced armament haki......

Zoro vs Kamazou was godly :steef:
Sword play even before final rengoku onigiri was fantastic!!
Rengoku Onigiri was just amazing!!! TOEI spent a lot for animating I think and results are clear!!

Hats off!! Great episode
Honestly I know some people dont like the dragon ball z effects but this is what One Piece needed post timeskip.Fights with eye popping visual effects. You attract a lot of audiences when you do things like that. Honestly the fights in the Wano anime really shit on the manga. Luffy vs Kaido is the only fight in wano that really hit in the manga the rest were just meh...... or offscreened when they were starting to get good. Overall The Anime in Wano is just a completely different Vibe from the manga, they feel like two different series honestly. Characters are doing things we've never seen them do in the manga.
He mentioned food and booze, but thats not necessarily indictive that he was starving or anything like that.

Zoro asks people for food and booze rather regularly. Its a common thing for him to do.

He did the same when he saved Otsuru, and we know he wasn't hungry during that encounter.
That is you biased interpretation mate; it was made abunduntly clear that Zoro was hungry throughout Wano.
He kept talking about food and didn't get any since he arrived (except some poisonous meat that he mentions to Luffy).
The 'gurgl'' in the Manga and the Anime confirms it; but you didn't believe it back then (we had the exact same argument) and you still don't believe it...for some reason...
Honestly I know some people dont like the dragon ball z effects but this is what One Piece needed post timeskip.Fights with eye popping visual effects. You attract a lot of audiences when you do things like that. Honestly the fights in the Wano anime really shit on the manga. Luffy vs Kaido is the only fight in wano that really hit in the manga the rest were just meh...... or offscreened when they were starting to get good. Overall The Anime in Wano is just a completely different Vibe from the manga, they feel like two different series honestly. Characters are doing things we've never seen them do in the manga.
At most you could say thats Luffy just getting angry, or you could say that Luffy using his haki recklessly(ie, wastefully letting off energy) if you're really that pedantic around giving things meaning.
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That is you biased interpretation mate; it was made abunduntly clear that Zoro was hungry throughout Wano.
He kept talking about food and didn't get any since he arrived (except some poisonous meat that he mentions to Luffy).
The 'gurgl'' in the Manga and the Anime confirms it; but you didn't believe it back then (we had the exact same argument) and you still don't believe it...for some reason...
Like, I guess, but I don't see any reason to suggest that his fighting ability was significantly impaired or anything like that, and nothing suggested he was really starving. Again, he was strong enough to find and kill wild animals, and had done so before.

I thinks its a massive stretch to suggest he was starving to death.

My point is, the gurgle is because he was tired and hungry from the fight with Killer. Considering the gurgling wasn't present before the fight, I think its more than reasonable to assume he expended a lot of energy during that confrontation.

Besides, considering the time frame of things, Zoro is more than capable enough of controlling his hunger for several days. I think its far more reasonable to assume that an intense fight tired him out than he was persistently fasting(even though he mentioned he had been eating stuff).
At most you could say thats Luffy just getting angry, or you could say that Luffy using his haki recklessly(ie, wastefully letting off energy) if you're really that pedantic around giving things meaning.
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Like, I guess, but I don't see any reason to suggest that his fighting ability was significantly impaired or anything like that, and nothing suggested he was really starving. Again, he was strong enough to find and kill wild animals, and had done so before.

I thinks its a massive stretch to suggest he was starving to death.

My point is, the gurgle is because he was tired and hungry from the fight with Killer. Considering the gurgling wasn't present before the fight, I think its more than reasonable to assume he expended a lot of energy during that confrontation.

Besides, considering the time frame of things, Zoro is more than capable enough of controlling his hunger for several days. I think its far more reasonable to assume that an intense fight tired him out than he was persistently fasting(even though he mentioned he had been eating stuff).
You are obviously wrong (again) for so many reasons but suit yourself :)
Nearly a perfect episode.

The only thing that bought down this episode at all for me was that the flashbacks to the O Soba mask bath house episodes were a bit lengthy. Aside from that, everything was pretty much on point.

Although the action animation in the beginning of the episode wasn't particularly impressive, it was serviceable enough, and well directed. Nagamine seriously deserves props for making an episode that could go between chill and intense on a beat. All the scenes landed effectively. Nagamine likes his eye shots, as well as having the camera shift focus to make his scenes more engaging, and it worked for the most part(again, the overly lengthy 932 flashback being the only real drawback for the episode, and even then, only the first lengthy cutaway particularly bothered me at all).

I particularly enjoyed the Udon filler surprisingly enough. I loved the animation in the bear man fight, and the anime has done a good job hinting about what Luffy is trying to do.

The scenes that really stole the show though was obviously Zoro vs Kamazou, which had quiet possible Katsumi Ishizuka's most impressive piece of animation ever, and thats saying something. I could not be more delighted with it. The stuff leading up to it in the second half was also well done.

Overall, the anime is smartly handling how it spreads out action inbetween narrative beats, just as I hoped they would.

Next episode looks like it'll be good as well, with Tu Yong Ce seeming to appear in the preview.


Lazy is the way
the fight scene choregraphy was weaker than last week for me : last week Killer and Zoro was hype and fluid this week it was a bit more stationary. Don't really like too the purple aura, this was a bit too much. We couldn't even really see the blades and scythe covered with haki, i prefer something like that : I think this has more style

The aura was a mess and it blurred everything.

So not really a big fan of the last attack, no bad, but I prefer a simplier and a raw animation. And they made the onigiri like Kamazou was one kilometer away from Zoro.

The Luffy haki part was not so bad.

Bath scene flashback had no use except filler.

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