General & Others Akainu never fought the Wbp + Croc etc

No wayyy Shanks' Haki is even close to Joy Boy idgaf what giants say.

Joy Boy can potentially defeat Shanks same way Imu defeated saturn. That will be kind of Haki only Luffy and Zoro will get.
“I’m going to completely ignore what the manga said because Shanks being that strong hurts my Zoro agenda”
you are living in turkey , you don’t know anything about America lmao. I am using real life example to get through your skull . Go ask greence , Eastern European men what they about ottaman empire .
I am living everywhere I want, I lived in USA Miami, Europe England, you just talk from your clown ass. You have no history and no knowledge about history you little homeless punk :gokulaugh: Where is ''greence'' what language is that ''angry white American'' language you said before? :vistalaugh:

Did this lil homeless punk ever go another country? I bet when you go to another country it doesn't end well for them. LMAO.

Lol that is not even cheap shot , when Kuzan say Blackbeard pirates attack him first . Is that Turk language, sneak attack someone but get ass kicked amd say he is cheap shot you . lmao

Pizarro DF never increased durability or endurance dumbass Turk . It is literally pica 2.0 amd dude scream in pain by fodder level fire .

I just compare Kuzan to mihawk as both are underling to buggy and Blackbeard. Read carefully. Turk man.

Kuzan become teach bitch is laughable take . Let me show and my example,

‘’I am guy who beat your crew in rage because I lost to another guy for job position but I say your family attack me first , and I can prove it.
‘Then I calm my sense off and decide hang with you by talking amd drinking .
Then your dumbass crew member want to kill me, I rage and threat kill everyone on sight on rage and hurt your crew members . You panic and smooth talk and you will offer me a job cause I have angry guy who has no job and cops try hunt down.
‘I accept your offer
Boom I become crew member of Turk crew .

Thst is not becoming bitch like begging for mercy from Whitebeard , begging employers please give a Job , etc.

Then sayimg Kuzan is teach bitch is like saying mihawk is buggy bitch .
Mihawk beats Buggy like you just admitted ''angry white American'' beats you in night :vistalaugh:

What Aokiji did vs BB? Nothing, he admitted BB is stronger and joined.

If you are so interested about getting beat up by ''angry Turks'' you can try your chance but won't end well for you and you will end up homeless.

Bro my dick has more muscles than you, so you are the last guy who should be talking about fighting :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure:
Feeling insecure now suddenly we start talking about fighting? Lhishio classic scared lil bitch. You wouldn't last 1 second against a real fighter such as me.
He still can be
Doesnt mean the history got passed on
Hmmm nah, I don't buy it. It would be quite the massive plot hole for a figure from the void century to be this widely well known and for his corpse and sword to apparently be the only pieces of lost history worth saving and remembering.
Hmmm nah, I don't buy it. It would be quite the massive plot hole for a figure from the void century to be this widely well known and for his corpse and sword to apparently be the only pieces of lost history worth saving and remembering.
Dude how do you think the new wano was formed? By the people from old wano
Shocking right?
I am living everywhere I want, I lived in USA Miami, Europe England, you just talk from your clown ass. You have no history and no knowledge about history you little homeless punk :gokulaugh: Where is ''greence'' what language is that ''angry white American'' language you said before? :vistalaugh:

Did this lil homeless punk ever go another country? I bet when you go to another country it doesn't end well for them. LMAO.

Mihawk beats Buggy like you just admitted ''angry white American'' beats you in night :vistalaugh:

What Aokiji did vs BB? Nothing, he admitted BB is stronger and joined.

If you are so interested about getting beat up by ''angry Turks'' you can try your chance but won't end well for you and you will end up homeless.

Feeling insecure now suddenly we start talking about fighting? Lhishio classic scared lil bitch. You wouldn't last 1 second against a real fighter such as me.
So you travel the world yet still doesn’t get it, that is even worse . Lmao . I use analogy get through thick skull of yours. Mr. Turk man

Yet another thread you claim captain mean stronger when mihawk , buggy exist . By logic , buggy > mihawk .
So you don’t even believe captain > crewmate, mean you will believe zoro > luffy.

Kuxan literally threat to fight Blackbeard and his crew. Kuzan accept Blackbeard offer a job doesn’t mean he admits Blackbeard is stronger . Kuzan is 10th titanic captain.
So why Blackbeard didn’t use black hood choke on kuzan like he did boa Hancock ?
You have strong guys work bosses who are weaker than him. Strong man work under weaker man because weaker man offer him a job . It is called labor work and farmers who has strong muscular body.

Talking about fighting we say ? Well I have I and you as to explain Kuzan and teach . If you think you stronger than a guy who threat to fight/kill you snd members and your way to offer him a job and he accept it , Then you are really dumb . B

“Feeling insecure now suddenly we start talking about fighting? Lhishio classic scared lil bitch. You wouldn't last 1 second against a real fighter such as me”
Lol anyone can last one second fight against you . You must be on drugs if you actually believ.
“Feeling insecure now suddenly we start talking about fighting? Lhishio classic scared lil bitch. You wouldn't last 1 second against a real fighter such as me”
Lol anyone can last one second fight against you . You must be on drugs if you actually believ.
You have army experience like me now lil homeless clown? :suresure:

So you travel the world yet still doesn’t get it, that is even worse . Lmao . I use analogy get through thick skull of yours. Mr. Turk man

Yet another thread you claim captain mean stronger when mihawk , buggy exist . By logic , buggy > mihawk .
So you don’t even believe captain > crewmate, mean you will believe zoro > luffy.

Kuxan literally threat to fight Blackbeard and his crew. Kuzan accept Blackbeard offer a job doesn’t mean he admits Blackbeard is stronger . Kuzan is 10th titanic captain.
So why Blackbeard didn’t use black hood choke on kuzan like he did boa Hancock ?
You have strong guys work bosses who are weaker than him. Strong man work under weaker man because weaker man offer him a job . It is called labor work and farmers who has strong muscular body.

Talking about fighting we say ? Well I have I and you as to explain Kuzan and teach . If you think you stronger than a guy who threat to fight/kill you snd members and your way to offer him a job and he accept it , Then you are really dumb . B
Aokiji froze Sanjuan, Vasco and Doc Q, then he froze DFless Pizarro and Vasco, thats it. Only few members, majority were not frozen.

It looks like this lil clown still don't get the difference:

Mihawk is actively lying to be look weaker than Buggy. Aokiji is not. They could be equal partners like Mihawk and Croc, or Kaido and BM, but nope, Aokiji accepted to be inferior. There were 1000 copes from clowns like you saying Aokiji is ally not underling, then its revealed I was right, because they didn't want to admit Aokiji was weaker so they were coping with ''ally'' thing.
You have army experience like me now lil homeless clown? :suresure:

Aokiji froze Sanjuan, Vasco and Doc Q, then he froze DFless Pizarro and Vasco, thats it. Only few members, majority were not frozen.

It looks like this lil clown still don't get the difference:

Mihawk is actively lying to be look weaker than Buggy. Aokiji is not. They could be equal partners like Mihawk and Croc, or Kaido and BM, but nope, Aokiji accepted to be inferior. There were 1000 copes from clowns like you saying Aokiji is ally not underling, then its revealed I was right, because they didn't want to admit Aokiji was weaker so they were coping with ''ally'' thing.
A homeless guy doing better reading than you ? lmao okay.

“Aokiji froze Sanjuan, Vasco and Doc Q, then he froze DFless Pizarro and Vasco, thats it. Only few members, majority were not frozen.”

Some tell your idol Blackbeard , it just few froze people , not all my people are frozen outside.
DFless Pizarro- except his fruit never increased durability or endurance. His fruit is aint zoan. Kuzan can freeze ocean in second .

“Mihawk is actively lying to be look weaker than Buggy. “
No, mihawk want peace and quiet , not he decide to pretend weaker than buggy . Lmao

“Aokiji is not. They could be equal partners like Mihawk and Croc, or Kaido and BM, but nope, Aokiji accepted to be inferior. There were 1000 copes from clowns like you saying Aokiji is ally not underling, then its revealed I was right, because they didn't want to admit Aokiji was weaker so they were coping with ''ally'' thing”

. No kuzan didn’t admit inferior to Blackbeard . Blackbeard talk Kuzan as he offer him a job . Literally nothing do with strength . The Kuzan literally threat fight Blackbeard crew before Blackbeard offer Kuzan a job position. Teach even apologize to Kuzan. Kuzan didn’t beg Blackbeard for mercy , or ask for protection, or show sign of weakness to Blackbeard as supposed how Kuzan join Blackbeard crew.

Erkan12, offering people a job doesn’t mean you are stronger than him.