I am living everywhere I want, I lived in USA Miami, Europe England, you just talk from your clown ass. You have no history and no knowledge about history you little homeless punk

Where is ''greence'' what language is that ''angry white American'' language you said before?
Did this lil homeless punk ever go another country? I bet when you go to another country it doesn't end well for them. LMAO.
Mihawk beats Buggy like you just admitted ''angry white American'' beats you in night
What Aokiji did vs BB? Nothing, he admitted BB is stronger and joined.
If you are so interested about getting beat up by ''angry Turks'' you can try your chance but won't end well for you and you will end up homeless.
Feeling insecure now suddenly we start talking about fighting? Lhishio classic scared lil bitch. You wouldn't last 1 second against a real fighter such as me.