Who did More to capture Garp?

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CoC: Color of Clowns

Call me Barqbeard, the Shaggy
Same with supernova crews and the grand fleet. My dumbass actually got hyped for faust(WHO?!), heat, wire, gotti, Vito etc. Only laws crew got any love in the end. Surprisingly.

Yeah I've wanted Hawkins and Drake for Law since forever. Capone, Kidd, Bonney would be a hilarious combo too. I wanted Kidd or Law to get page one and ulti too, I can't think who would be funnier with ulti on their crew. With Law it would kinda be like mihawk and perona dynamic wise but ulti would be more ballsy and aggressive ofc.

I hope Kidd, Law, barto unite. With capone, Hawkins too. Idk what Oda has planned for Drake and Sword but I hope he does something truly great for Drake especially giving him awakening after almost dying now too.
You, me, and Tekking just patiently waiting for Faust to do something.

Hawkins is the kind of guy to tell his crew to do something else related to his fortune readings while he's in Wano, though. Like Law with his crew in Zou when he was in Dressrosa.


"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
I’m still salty Kubo showed how Tsukishima was the perfect counter to Yhwachs powers and still left him out of the final fight
Tsukishima while having a busted ability is not a physical fighter and would most likely get bodied quite qucikly. I actually wanted Ginjou to do more considering he is a Soul King candidate according to CFYOW

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Technically Yhwach is not even dead, his somewhat alive corpse is being used as the soul king currently. An ironic fate for him really considering how he feared death.
Oh yes ofc! Also really morbid given his origins too. That's bitterly ironic given soul king is his dad too.
Classic trope of villain fears death, tries to gain immortality and gains in it a fate worse than death, I love that shit.

I don't think hidan feared death iirc but what happened to him via shikamaru was hilariously hardcore, savage and cathartic too.

This makes think of similar storylines and fates in the absolutely incredible horror game Eternal Darkness : Sanity's Requiem too.
Tsukishima while having a busted ability is not a physical fighter and would most likely get bodied quite qucikly. I actually wanted Ginjou to do more considering he is a Soul King candidate according to CFYOW
True but I feel Tsukishima and Ginjou fighting side by side Ginjou for the physical fighting and Tsukishima for the ability would’ve been really cool along with Ichigo and Aizen
The poison was real and meant to kill luffy, but shanks never expected barto to drink it, to save face he said it was a test, and before he could die from poison shanks rushed and blew him under water with yassop's help
Would be hilarious is the other group goes to Elbaf and Usopp never gets there
It would lol but no way is Luffy going to leave them behind.

If I had to theorise, they disappeared in the middle of the sea, and we're having a lot of hints towards a return to the White Sea (Punk Records, Haredas, the Mother Flame, Morgans are all in the sky). Maybe we get to Elbaf that way. I'm thinking maybe the UFO that took Capone.
They can't have

Even Wb vs Roger wasn't even that all serious . If they really fought seriously, the island would be devastated. They would be heavily damaged
Instead we only got few bandages
Luffy and shanks will fight seriously because they have something to seriously fight for aka the one piece
Luffy and shanks don’t care they both about the smoke
One problem:
Coup du burst
Luffy being luffy fixes that problem
He’s about the smoke and challenges
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