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More excuses, why is it ''fake as fuck'', this came after Ratchet told me I was being voted.
Making a post stating 'Bruh' acting dumbfounded/surprised that I voted you when my vote is literally first post of the game is fake as hell, if you are townie, you would completely ignore it and go on about your day and scum hunt. Because why would it even threaten you? why would one mesely vote first post would get you so worked up? lol.

Didnt you say it was WIFOM defence from me lol.
Because it is lol, to that specific response you made.

Except its an established fact that I answered Naomi who mentioned me or quoted me first in the game first, this is verifiable.
nobody saying you did not reply to naomi who mentioned you first though. I am saying, it seems like you are ignoring the game and cruised over the thread and decided to reply to that post first specifically.

This point is as dumb as the your pushes in Weebs, you are willfully ignoring the factual point that Naomi was the first person who quoted me and or mentioned me in the game, and I answered her first. Then I went and answered other quotes or read them and then I started reading the game from page 1, which right now youre saying Im ignoring the thread while at the same time calling me on on answering your post which was in page 1 as I was reading through the game, so which is it Soul, am I answering targetted posts and ignoring the thread or not?
Not sure what previos games have to do with this one, but okay?

>It's how things went down fuji, you ignored everything and replied to a player vote, felt like you are ducking.
>You then pretended to be surprised that I voted you when my vote was literally first post, there is no way you did not see that and I do not believe that reaction post was geniune.
>You got extremely defensive, acting like the game been going on for ages and accusing me of why I have my vote on you and how I do not have any candidates or any reads when I have the most interactions with any player so far lol.
>You being OMGUS right now.

Like I fail to see how a townie could be this frustrated, I told you if you are townie then show me you are townie, but this is not the way lol.

Okay cool, if you have candidates why is your vote still on me.
Because of your reactions and how you behaved so far? tell me, if you are townie as you proclaim, then why are you on edge here?

I am not, you are. And when you say game or stuff like 20+ hours it is you trying to disqualify my point and make my look bad.

"Why did you keep your vote on me the entire time when I didnt make a single post SK?"

How many times are you going to keep missing the point here, like this cant be a real thought. Youre focusing on a point I never said and doesnt matter.
It's the intention fuji, you making it seem like I am damned scum for putting a pressure vote on you and not moving it 1 hour into the game lol.

Oh so now youre moving goal posts to you keeping your vote after I posted, I see. Very nice, kek.
I mean, yes? my initial vote is a pressure vote, how you handled yourself here I did not like and is scummy and hence why I am keeping it. Do you geniunely believe I placed my vote on you in my first post with the intention to keep it all game? lmao. I wish i was a prophet in a mafia game, but sadly that's not the case.

This is me caring about your thoughts and feelings.

Trying to bargain with me with "If you are townie please dont vote me Im town I swear'' isnt going to work. Its your or me, or both idc really.

Strike 4. Die.

Hoho are you saying that you basically in not interested in making reads, interacting with other players and this is a situation where either me or you need to die or even both of us? now why would townie fuji think that?
Gth I'd say Fuji is town but why is blud SHAKEN and CRYING over two votes.
Less shaken and more so wondering why SKs vote didnt evolve at all, notice how Im not bothering with Ekko here. Just SK.

And I guess Ratchet now because he thinks me asking Naomi to join the Dark Side over her question of if Im scum is a ''bad start''.
Basically @Ratchet I added you in as the third voter, Ultra said I was crying over two votes. I told him I didnt care about Ekko just SK.

And added you in because I was a bit frustrated at your answers to me and thinking a fluff post is a bad start when I do it all the time.
Making a post stating 'Bruh' acting dumbfounded/surprised that I voted you when my vote is literally first post of the game is fake as hell, if you are townie, you would completely ignore it and go on about your day and scum hunt. Because why would it even threaten you? why would one mesely vote first post would get you so worked up? lol.

Because it is lol, to that specific response you made.

nobody saying you did not reply to naomi who mentioned you first though. I am saying, it seems like you are ignoring the game and cruised over the thread and decided to reply to that post first specifically.

Not sure what previos games have to do with this one, but okay?

>It's how things went down fuji, you ignored everything and replied to a player vote, felt like you are ducking.
>You then pretended to be surprised that I voted you when my vote was literally first post, there is no way you did not see that and I do not believe that reaction post was geniune.
>You got extremely defensive, acting like the game been going on for ages and accusing me of why I have my vote on you and how I do not have any candidates or any reads when I have the most interactions with any player so far lol.
>You being OMGUS right now.

Like I fail to see how a townie could be this frustrated, I told you if you are townie then show me you are townie, but this is not the way lol.

Because of your reactions and how you behaved so far? tell me, if you are townie as you proclaim, then why are you on edge here?

It's the intention fuji, you making it seem like I am damned scum for putting a pressure vote on you and not moving it 1 hour into the game lol.

I mean, yes? my initial vote is a pressure vote, how you handled yourself here I did not like and is scummy and hence why I am keeping it. Do you geniunely believe I placed my vote on you in my first post with the intention to keep it all game? lmao. I wish i was a prophet in a mafia game, but sadly that's not the case.

Hoho are you saying that you basically in not interested in making reads, interacting with other players and this is a situation where either me or you need to die or even both of us? now why would townie fuji think that?
You were on him before he posted and you've colored every component of his reaction as scum
So the concept of pressure vote to see how a person react also falls in deaf ears with you?

I mean, how does his reaction look townie to you? lol. Maybe he can prove to me otherwise when he is more calm or whatever, but this is not the way for sure. Like I find it difficult to see this from a townie pov.


The End and the Beginning
You were on him before he posted and you've colored every component of his reaction as scum
This is a fair point, and he was doing the same with me. I would still lean towards it being suited to generating behaviour from players, but I can't deny this aspect of his pushing at all.
I think you need to divorce yourself from this. Take your OMGUS away for a sec
I do not OMGUS as town, never. Many people voted me in other games and I didnt give a shit.

- Soul *has* engaged with several slots, I could reconcile basically all of this from him as wanting to generate something to get it going. Now he could be nitpicking at every little thing as scum but I fi d that unlikely, he's going to need some supporters and instead he's out here pressing on anyone for every little thing. That's to answer your post about what I think about your points too.
Who is he pressing? A vote is towns strongest weapon and he parked it on me and did nothing with it.

Did you not see how he was trying to downplay what I said and twist my words saying Im acting as if he was voting me for the entire game or day when I said time? I corrected him about it and said he shouldnt try to shade me like that and the dude doubled down on it and kept saying it.
Do you think picking up the gauntlet and getting very aggressive towards something he could very easily dismiss or ignore is a scummy reaction
I am not being aggressive at all though, I merely voted for the dude and called his post about acting surprised fake and did not like how he reacted. Like I am merely interacting with the dude and addressing his points. He is literally melting for no reason.


The End and the Beginning
I mean you do know I was on discord talking right? You literally saw me there, I didnt even know i had votes on me. But go off King.

The fact that you knew I wasnt reading the game because I was on discord posting and you saw me there and wrote to me while at the same time making this claim is mindnumbing.
How tf am I supposed to know what you have or haven't read. You don't dual-wield devices like Darth Maul?
I am not being aggressive at all though, I merely voted for the dude and called his post about acting surprised fake and did not like how he reacted. Like I am merely interacting with the dude and addressing his points. He is literally melting for no reason.
Spouting lies and saying Im melting when Im presenting actual arguments in a calm manner is called gaslighting.

You love gaslighting as scum dont you "Soul Chan"


The End and the Beginning
Just because I wonder why youre calling it a bad start from me doesnt mean I scum read you, I wasnt even scum reading SK when I asked that.

It his response that made me scum read him.
Yes but you said that you are only bothering Soul and I and leaving Ekko be. But if you think I'm town as basis for your Soul read, there's no real reason to bother me either.


The End and the Beginning
In all sincerity Naomi where do you think your accuracy rate on reading me? I roll scum all the time so take that aside, I ask because I think you certainly can find me town at times, but then at others you come into the game and just don't.
This is a fair point, and he was doing the same with me. I would still lean towards it being suited to generating behaviour from players, but I can't deny this aspect of his pushing at all.
Once he saw you voting me and I had 3 votes now, his felt more justified and thus he doubled down on it seeing a valid wagon on the horizon by pushing me and painting everything I say as bad and or literally making shit up about me.


The End and the Beginning
Did I bother you? Am I tunneling you right now? No so whats the point of this post lol.
I'm asking why did you not bother Ekko who is sat on the sidelines (a default scummy position) but you did me who you seemed to think was town at that point anyway.
What reaction exactly? I come to the thread reponding to Naomi, two of you say its a bad post and then Ratchet vote me, I ask Ratchet why hes voting me he says because youre scum and refuses to elaborate, then Im like ok lol. I go reading the game from page 1 and see that you indeed voted me, I respond bruh you call it fake and rant about it. Then Im like wait SK voted me on the first post of the game and didnt change it at all? Thats weird. So I ask you and your response was not satisfactory at all.

Hence why Im going to tunnel you now, until you die.
You really coming here and telling me 'what reaction' you can't be serious my guy, you literally melted. Like the fact that you are not willing to even play and decided that either me or you have to die or even both of us die is a weird play.

Plus, no one here is trying to sour your mood, you are getting yourself worked up here and letting it bothering you. I am here to catch scum. If you are not scum, then your play will show and give me a reason to town read you. You know I been interacting with literally everyone right? I am not targetting you here specifically, but I am replying to you at this moment.


The End and the Beginning
Basically @Ratchet I added you in as the third voter, Ultra said I was crying over two votes. I told him I didnt care about Ekko just SK.

And added you in because I was a bit frustrated at your answers to me and thinking a fluff post is a bad start when I do it all the time.
You being frustrated is a better answer and more or less satisfied my question.
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