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But you did.

Ultra running scared that the called his scummate scum early and now he wants to back out of that claim faster than *redacted*
So let me get this straight

You put Soul on your ""scum"" list, then you move him to your town list, now you're saying he's my scum partner

Got some early vibes that aren't quite jelling with what I would expect strong vibes would feel like.


All have overarching vibes of town but don't quite get there.

Naomi feels not as loosy goosy, more uptight (i still love ya) like the one scum game from her.....but her posts are in the town range

Soulkiller went into a tunnel and I was like wtf that didn't make sense and came out of unlike his scum games he is trying to control the thread proactively and not reactively

Fuji being overly defensive feels like an indy but starts to vibe as town

Ultra posts feel town but he has had no resolve that I could tell and his interaction around soulkiller feels honestly like a mirror image of one he made on me when we were both scum
So are those your town reads or what its kind of confusing.
So let me get this straight

You put Soul on your ""scum"" list, then you move him to your town list, now you're saying he's my scum partner

I haven't posted a scum list. The fact you are saying this still and are still lying about this proves you've got nothing to stand on.

Your striking out faster than *redacted* trying to debate *redacted*
Polar's displaying his biggest scum tell which is being frozen and playing from behind

Think he also *tries* to sound more formal/serious as scum and kinda abandons his more trolly behaviors like going for someone at complete random
All of those folks have overarching town vibes but have things holding them back from full town vibes and then I go on to explain each
Your presentation here doesn't really read like these are town leans, you emphasize your reservations specifically, and leave yourself open to suspecting them

Literally right now you're saying me/Soul are scum mates lmao
Your presentation here doesn't really read like these are town leans, you emphasize your reservations specifically, and leave yourself open to suspecting them

Literally right now you're saying me/Soul are scum mates lmao
I dont know they felt like town leans tbh.
But you did.

Ultra running scared that the called his scummate scum early and now he wants to back out of that claim faster than *redacted*
Whats the buildip to you scum reading Ultra and SK btw? You town leaned on both.
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