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Im voting you because your response to me was unsatisfactory I said it multiple times. And you once again try and discredit it and say its because Im pissed about it when I didnt give a shit about Ratchet and Ekko voting me. You read me answer this multiple times and you keep using the crying votes argument, this makes you disingenuous and not worth arguing with.
Alright let's digest this post, you hop into the thread ignoring people posts and acting like you did not read literally anything from the game. You then acts suprised and shocked (which was fake as hell if you ask me) about my vote on you that was literally the first post in the game, which is by itself hard to miss. But you act surprised anyways cause why not right? When I ask you about it, this is your response

I check my tags first, I was in a discord chat with Ratchet and some others talking there.
your defence was that you check your tags allegedly first which if that is the case, you should of gotten tagged by the host to start posting and my post is literally under it by 1 post lol. So you not seeing my post first is just full of shit and your defence was can be brushed under the WIFOM category.

You then come to me and act concerned as of why I had my pressure vote on you when the game barely started.
Why did you keep your vote on me the entire time when I didnt make a single post SK?

He was town last game what do you mean by again? In fact he wasnt scum in a while.
Now the way you said this did not sound necessairly townie. You make it seem like I been placing my vote on you for the entirity of the DP when that is not the case, the game was barely 1-2 hours into at the time. So why are you acting like it's damning that I have a pressure vote on you to see your reaction? apparently to you, that is extremely scummy.

I reply to you with this quote

I like how you word this with 'why did you keep your vote on me the entire game', game just started fuji chan, and I like my odds of you flipping scum right now ngl.
You grab this part and you run with it and say that I am twisting your words etc and use it as an excuse to place your vote on me. Which I elaborated on multiple times actually that it's intention of what you posted fuji. You making it seem like I have my vote on you for 20+ hours here. But I find it funny you glossed over my explanation multiple times, because? no one knows. All you care about is that I said "game" instead of "time" here and apparently because of that, I am lying and twisting things here.

You then, ask a question which if you paid attention to the thread I already answered. But you make it seem that I have my vote on you for entire DP or something and you made no posts still which is not the case. You make it seem grander or longer than what it looks, the game is barely 1-2 hours in fuji. Why I placed my vote on you? no particular reason, it was my first post and RNG landed on you. Saw how you handled yourself and don't think you look good per say and mix it with fakeness.

You are focusing too much on the word 'game' and 'time' here fuji, with the way you said it.

"Why did you keep your vote on me the entire time when I didnt make a single post SK?"

This seems like someone acting like I kept their vote on them the entire DP. The game barely started and I decided to place my vote on you. Game is barely 2 hours in now I think, like why you acting or making it such a big of a deal that I had my vote on you early in this game? do you not perhaps think to yourself that it's a pressure vote and wanna see how you behave?
But ofcourse, my explanations do not matter to you, nor does the context matter. All that matters to you is that I said 'game' instead of 'time' when the way you phrased it was basically blowing things out of proportions because again, at the time the game BARELY STARTED. But nooo how dare I had my vote on fuji 1 hour into the game for mere pressure vote to see his reaction.

Moving forward, you then seem hell bent on me being scum because??? oh yes my bad because I had a pressure vote on you, and didn't like your pikachu fake ass reaction post to the first post of the game and how you entered the thread.

You then tell me that I am basically lacking candidates and not questioning or interacting with anyone else. When matter of fact, I was.... with almost all the players, ratchet brought it to your attention too. But that doesn't necessairly mean I should just vote them, I wanted to see how you behave to my vote on you which you did not respond well to at all and accused me like I should have my vote on other players this early in the game when I wanted to see how you behave. But nope, none of that matter. How dare I place my vote on fuji early in the game for test reaction.

You claim you are not frustrated, but you clearly are super frustrated and actually malding fuji, just look at this post of yours.

Come here to chill and relax after Weebs and I get idiots who seem hellbent on souring my mood.
But no, you are clearly calm and thinking straight here right? You like to play victim here when you are infact just mad. Hell even when I tried to tell you why are you souring your own mood, you replied with me with this

Nobody is hell bent on souring your mood though? only you are souring your own mood. Like fuji, I find it hard to see this type of reaction from townie pov. Only scum pov would be this pissed off ngl with you. Like I did not one time insult you, but here you are calling me an idiot because??? oh yes, I am playing mafia and trying to catch scum.

If you are truly townie, you need to actually play the game and not be hyper fixated in one player. You got time so no rush, if you are townie we will find out.
What reaction exactly? I come to the thread reponding to Naomi, two of you say its a bad post and then Ratchet vote me, I ask Ratchet why hes voting me he says because youre scum and refuses to elaborate, then Im like ok lol. I go reading the game from page 1 and see that you indeed voted me, I respond bruh you call it fake and rant about it. Then Im like wait SK voted me on the first post of the game and didnt change it at all? Thats weird. So I ask you and your response was not satisfactory at all.

Hence why Im going to tunnel you now, until you die.
You see? this is not someone who is 'calm', this is clearly someone who is just malding like a kid. You doubling down and saying you will tunnel me to death is even more funny. You make that statement again here too

I think you need to divorce yourself from this. Take your OMGUS away for a sec - Soul *has* engaged with several slots, I could reconcile basically all of this from him as wanting to generate something to get it going. Now he could be nitpicking at every little thing as scum but I fi d that unlikely, he's going to need some supporters and instead he's out here pressing on anyone for every little thing. That's to answer your post about what I think about your points too.

But obviously it does not matter because in your world I am just scum. Now why would townie pov even entertain such thoughts from the get go? didn't you think of reading the game before our interactions and see if there is any glimpse that I might possibly be townie here? nope, why? because you don't give a flying fuck fuji. You said that you will tunnel me to death but when I interact with you, you tell me 'we are done, i made up my mind. Don't speak to me.', it's kinda sad. You then tag everyone and request them to vote me because??? oh yes I am 100% scum in your world because I pushed you abit. Just top kek material.

Fuji I hate to break to you, but unlike you, despite your horrible play and your weird obsession on me. I am townie, and you ain't about that life where you spew nonsense about wanting to get yourself lynch first so I can go. You are just doing a mutual destruction if you are by some miracle townie. Your entire vote and case on me is just OMGUS, you are behaving like a kid, a child if you are truly townie for not wanting to widen your perspective. I find it very difficult to see your pov as townie here because why would townie fuji be this hell bent? If you are scum, you just got caught like that and you are salty you got caught. But if you are townie, then this play of yours makes no sense. You can't be this childish now can you?

Youre asking me to move forward but why should I ? Appealing to me to move on when I scum read you is just going to make me scum read you harder.
Asking you to actually play the game and not be obsessed over me is for 90% of this game is me giving you an olive branch to see if by somehow you possibly can be townie here.

When I ask you where do you go when I flip townie, you freeze and tell me I ain't gonna flip townie, that is some next level delusion right there.

@Naomi @Polar Bear @Yoho @Indigo @The Orca @Ratchet @MangoSenpai

Please read if you care about solving the game that is.
Alright let's digest this post, you hop into the thread ignoring people posts and acting like you did not read literally anything from the game. You then acts suprised and shocked (which was fake as hell if you ask me) about my vote on you that was literally the first post in the game, which is by itself hard to miss. But you act surprised anyways cause why not right? When I ask you about it, this is your response

your defence was that you check your tags allegedly first which if that is the case, you should of gotten tagged by the host to start posting and my post is literally under it by 1 post lol. So you not seeing my post first is just full of shit and your defence was can be brushed under the WIFOM category.

You then come to me and act concerned as of why I had my pressure vote on you when the game barely started.

Now the way you said this did not sound necessairly townie. You make it seem like I been placing my vote on you for the entirity of the DP when that is not the case, the game was barely 1-2 hours into at the time. So why are you acting like it's damning that I have a pressure vote on you to see your reaction? apparently to you, that is extremely scummy.

I reply to you with this quote

You grab this part and you run with it and say that I am twisting your words etc and use it as an excuse to place your vote on me. Which I elaborated on multiple times actually that it's intention of what you posted fuji. You making it seem like I have my vote on you for 20+ hours here. But I find it funny you glossed over my explanation multiple times, because? no one knows. All you care about is that I said "game" instead of "time" here and apparently because of that, I am lying and twisting things here.

But ofcourse, my explanations do not matter to you, nor does the context matter. All that matters to you is that I said 'game' instead of 'time' when the way you phrased it was basically blowing things out of proportions because again, at the time the game BARELY STARTED. But nooo how dare I had my vote on fuji 1 hour into the game for mere pressure vote to see his reaction.

Moving forward, you then seem hell bent on me being scum because??? oh yes my bad because I had a pressure vote on you, and didn't like your pikachu fake ass reaction post to the first post of the game and how you entered the thread.

You then tell me that I am basically lacking candidates and not questioning or interacting with anyone else. When matter of fact, I was.... with almost all the players, ratchet brought it to your attention too. But that doesn't necessairly mean I should just vote them, I wanted to see how you behave to my vote on you which you did not respond well to at all and accused me like I should have my vote on other players this early in the game when I wanted to see how you behave. But nope, none of that matter. How dare I place my vote on fuji early in the game for test reaction.

You claim you are not frustrated, but you clearly are super frustrated and actually malding fuji, just look at this post of yours.

But no, you are clearly calm and thinking straight here right? You like to play victim here when you are infact just mad. Hell even when I tried to tell you why are you souring your own mood, you replied with me with this

You see? this is not someone who is 'calm', this is clearly someone who is just malding like a kid. You doubling down and saying you will tunnel me to death is even more funny. You make that statement again here too

But obviously it does not matter because in your world I am just scum. Now why would townie pov even entertain such thoughts from the get go? didn't you think of reading the game before our interactions and see if there is any glimpse that I might possibly be townie here? nope, why? because you don't give a flying fuck fuji. You said that you will tunnel me to death but when I interact with you, you tell me 'we are done, i made up my mind. Don't speak to me.', it's kinda sad. You then tag everyone and request them to vote me because??? oh yes I am 100% scum in your world because I pushed you abit. Just top kek material.

Fuji I hate to break to you, but unlike you, despite your horrible play and your weird obsession on me. I am townie, and you ain't about that life where you spew nonsense about wanting to get yourself lynch first so I can go. You are just doing a mutual destruction if you are by some miracle townie. Your entire vote and case on me is just OMGUS, you are behaving like a kid, a child if you are truly townie for not wanting to widen your perspective. I find it very difficult to see your pov as townie here because why would townie fuji be this hell bent? If you are scum, you just got caught like that and you are salty you got caught. But if you are townie, then this play of yours makes no sense. You can't be this childish now can you?

Asking you to actually play the game and not be obsessed over me is for 90% of this game is me giving you an olive branch to see if by somehow you possibly can be townie here.

When I ask you where do you go when I flip townie, you freeze and tell me I ain't gonna flip townie, that is some next level delusion right there.

@Naomi @Polar Bear @Yoho @Indigo @The Orca @Ratchet @MangoSenpai

Please read if you care about solving the game that is.
I already posted our entire conversation and tagged @Indigo and @The Orca and you cut out huge chunks of it lol, you are gaslighting once again.
Honestly I like that answer. Shows he has conviction in you actually being scum
No, he is just full of shit. If he is townie, he is basically throwing the game. He decided mere 2 pages of interactions that I am sealed scum and he is willing to die on that hill. Fragile ego that cannot take a step back to look at the game, which he should be doing if he is townie.

He ain't about that life, because he is willing to go down on a mutual destrucitve path because I ain't flipping scum.
No, he is just full of shit. If he is townie, he is basically throwing the game. He decided mere 2 pages of interactions that I am sealed scum and he is willing to die on that hill. Fragile ego that cannot take a step back to look at the game, which he should be doing if he is townie.

He ain't about that life, because he is willing to go down on a mutual destrucitve path because I ain't flipping scum.
'' He aint about that life'' ''P-please Fuji sama I ask you for the 100th time lets not do this please move on if you are town omg pls''

I already posted our entire conversation and tagged @Indigo and @The Orca and you cut out huge chunks of it lol, you are gaslighting once again.
You are the one playing the victim card here, stop with this gas lightning nonsense. You are full of shit fuji, you can't control your emotions and just crying right now. If anyone gas lightning anyone it's you by trying to guilt trip people when you are the one who is just full of shit here. I included what matter in that post to drive home the points. People are more than welcome to go back and read our interactions like how I suggested multiple times already.
You are the one playing the victim card here, stop with this gas lightning nonsense. You are full of shit fuji, you can't control your emotions and just crying right now. If anyone gas lightning anyone it's you by trying to guilt trip people when you are the one who is just full of shit here. I included what matter in that post to drive home the points. People are more than welcome to go back and read our interactions like how I suggested multiple times already.
Nah you cut out the huge chunk of our conversation, focused on the ones where I was venting to say I wasnt calm and then tagged some people to read your edited versions of the fact.

That my friend, is scummy as shit.
'' He aint about that life'' ''P-please Fuji sama I ask you for the 100th time lets not do this please move on if you are town omg pls''

Yea you are just scum here. Like you are just fragile human being. Me asking you to actually play the game and not be obessed over one player because he pushed you and you decided to OMGUS the shit out of it is just next level kek worthy. Unlike you here, I am trying to be open minded about your slot due to consideration from ratchet here and other players who played more with you the past year. But ofcourse you will label it as such. You cannot see a world where I am townie here because??? no reason. That is not a townie pov, you don't even have scum reads beside me. Garbage read list by the way.
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