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I don't really think this is true. Depends how present Ekko for example was, and Yoho was fairly recalcitrant anyway in Weebs.

That said, I could see Ekko being Town. Just not satisfied with what is "clearing" him currently off the back of what is otherwise pretty scummy play. I felt he was on Naomi far too long for that to be genuine suspicion. But it's hard to get past the Polar thing hence why I need the other three to either flip or confirm themselves. Think I'd like Orca, Mango and Red Night to all claim today.

Also, if we have 3 scum left we are basically in LyLo right now.
I don't see why scum Ekko shoots a guy being tossed off a cliff so to speak, knowing the inevitable result. Doesn't really fit his risk profile as scum which you know is to play like a pussy. Killing you I can give you that
In the last scum game you killed me Night 2. So I don't really think this stands up.
This is fair, but again, you basically where innocent child in that game lmao, especially if all your scum team mates wanting to kill the confirmed player So like, yea.... why keep any good player who is innocent child alive ya know???

That being said, I think Yoho ending the day early yesterday is probably tactical, which would lean to you being Town.

In terms of PoE, I would say Reloaded, Mango, York and then Ekko on the outside. Ekko on play reads like scum and he would also kill me early, but he did counter claim Polar which would be weird to do as scum. York could be town, I dunno. Mango doesn't feel like Town. Reloaded first though.
I do think York can be town here, don't see her fumble like this tbh as scum. She is much more savage as scum lol.

You think Orca is town here?


The End and the Beginning
I don't see why scum Ekko shoots a guy being tossed off a cliff so to speak, knowing the inevitable result. Doesn't really fit his risk profile as scum which you know is to play like a pussy. Killing you I can give you that
Who did he shoot? Also, I think you need to go back and read the pattern of play again. He softly counter claims Polar and then adds "he could be lying for whatever reason" which suggests some element of TMI to me. Because it's just a weird thing to I produce and didn't really fit with the certainty he was peddling. I'll be frank - if it wasn't for Fuji I would have pushed Ekko to be lynched Day 1, and the counter claim on Polar is the only reason to town read him. That said, I could easily see him being Serial too, with the way he has played, in fact I'd pick more likely to be Serial than Mafia as of right now.


The End and the Beginning
This is fair, but again, you basically where innocent child in that game lmao, especially if all your scum team mates wanting to kill the confirmed player So like, yea.... why keep any good player who is innocent child alive ya know???

I do think York can be town here, don't see her fumble like this tbh as scum. She is much more savage as scum lol.

You think Orca is town here?
I'm not confident on Orca but I could see him bei g town.

My preference currently would be Reloaded > Mango > York, but if York can be cleared I would replace York with Ekko. Mango TBD.
Well, you can go on with assuming I'm lying about it then. How the hell am I supposed to provide a "satisfactory explanation" when I am just as in the dark as everyone else in regards to the identity and motive of the culprit.
Girl, can't you like ask the host on why you cannot use your duel ability? lol
Well, I was really confident on my read on polar because of his play, to give you a better context in the bullet game I played where I was indie/scum I was able to crack holes into his arguments and get him lynched and he had mech to back him up too in that game. So looking at his play this game striked me as extremely townie pov and not at all from scum pov, even when he claimed. It didn't look like a scum claim to me, like I was extremely confident in my read in that slot. When ekko came forward etc, I initially tbh with you did not like how he went on about it. Lying about what??? it's extremely subjective here and sure you can assume the obvious, but when I have a player who I am extremely confident that I town read and then some other player who is in my null/scum radar comes and approach the situation and accuse polar of lying, it accused me as maybe ekko is trying to secure a mislynch here not gonna hold you. Because polar did claim amp and not motivater (he said LM calls it amp, but he likes to think of it as motivator, but i do agree that the way polar claimed is bad and dude did not help himself at all. Like there was just soo much I can do to get the dude out of the grave he digged for himself, but even then his lynch is not necessairly bad despite it being as mislynch because of the info it gave us.
Here's my *main* gripe with the bolded, none of this shit you actually said at the time. Or at least in explicit detail. If you would have said "Ok so one of Ekko/Polar is lying, I think it's Ekko let's get both claims and lynch kekko". What you did was you kinda weakly asked for his claim and then gave up and started asking Reloaded to claim and such

Assuming the person coming forward with info voluntarily is lying is something you should know from experience usually is not the case under those circumstances, and that you risk outting info for no reason.
You should be asking g Melkor if there is a co edition to your duel or why a roleblock that resolves in the night affects a Day ability. Unless your duel also needs to be activated at night? Again, these are details you have not provided, and your story as it stands does not stand up to scrutiny. If you're getting hosed by the host, that's one thing, but I can't really accept what is obviously not lining up. Ball is in your court here.
Host told me that its not from my role so someone else is using an ability on me. Thats all I got, and its the information I have relayed. If you want more, tough luck


The End and the Beginning
I actually really do think Ekko is the Serial the more I think on it. The way he has played has been to attract as little attention as possible, his claim is fairly benign too. The counter claim could be his fake claim which would explain his position from a risk analysis standpoint as he wasn't really burying Polar. Reloaded always goes first, but to borrow I think he needs to be cross-examined.

Mango needs to play today, as does York, as does Orca, as does Red Night. We won't win this game if 3/4 of those slots are Town.
So from reading this page I can surmise that Ultra/ Fuji are being suspected?

I also got a tag from Fooj to vote for SK

Also skimming that page where I got pinged I saw Ratchet implying Fuji was reacting poorly to a vote on him.

Haven't read anything else though, but it's clear that Fuji is in the forefront of things rn.

Vote Lynch Fuji
right off the bat he votes for fuji with a justification for doing so - he's seemingly barely caught up
Am I to understand that scum reading you equates to being an Ultra sympathiser?


Vote Lynch Polar Bear
Vote Lynch Ultra


I'll blindly take your word for it
this reads like throwing darts with a blindfold on in an isolation tank
Damn, you have conviction

Vote Lynch SoulKiller

I'll follow you

sheeping, tracks with reading as little as possible
Damn, okay, I'll stick to Ultra then

Couldn't tell you if I were or not.
Why you ask, someone visit me?

It's not about timezone so much as it's about if I am alive at all
Anyway, I'll *try* to get my ass in it
deflecting from some questioning
Imma sheep this

Vote Lynch Yoho

Kekko will guide me to Jerusalem

bad look in retrospect
Is there any confirmed towns outside of Ratchet?
i am assuming there's a point behind this post
If Yoho gets lynched and he flips red, isn't Naomi doing a suicide play then?
Damn, this is a unanimous vote on Yoho, is he outed or something?
feel like he's feigning lack of knowledge
Naomi is mafia isn't she

facetious post, nothing substantial he's really adding. I
in fact nearly all of his posts have little substance
Why haven't you voted her then?

dubious shade
I cannot confirm or deny that claim, not because I am unwilling, but because I am unable to.
Yes, I do not possess a night action, therefore I did nothing.

Not vanilla however, I can only use my ability during the day.

I can use it on you if you are town
vague ambiguity

not liking what i see in this ISO.
Conversely Soul I feel like you've been using me as a bit of a punching bag and haven't followed your reasons why you're being hesitant with me, like you put me on the backburner but I haven't seen you give basically any reason for reading me town. Does feel kinda fake.

Has everyone posted yet?
I actually really do think Ekko is the Serial the more I think on it. The way he has played has been to attract as little attention as possible, his claim is fairly benign too. The counter claim could be his fake claim which would explain his position from a risk analysis standpoint as he wasn't really burying Polar. Reloaded always goes first, but to borrow I think he needs to be cross-examined.

Mango needs to play today, as does York, as does Orca, as does Red Night. We won't win this game if 3/4 of those slots are Town.
I would find indi much easier to reconcile as I don't think mafia would have both Refiller and Motivator
Here's my *main* gripe with the bolded, none of this shit you actually said at the time. Or at least in explicit detail. If you would have said "Ok so one of Ekko/Polar is lying, I think it's Ekko let's get both claims and lynch kekko". What you did was you kinda weakly asked for his claim and then gave up and started asking Reloaded to claim and such

Assuming the person coming forward with info voluntarily is lying is something you should know from experience usually is not the case under those circumstances, and that you risk outting info for no reason.
I mean, I did ask for ekko to elaborate on the lie here actually. But got mad resistence on it. But true I probably should of worded it a bit better.

Well, I did back away from it because it is right that no point for him to spill his role here when he voluntarly outed. Like if ekko is scum here, there is no point to do that and just axe the guy.

Speaking of ekko claim, it is a strong claim, outing as master yoda is well... I have my reserves on such claim. But let's see how things play out per the flips. I do think he is probably townie here.
Just from like, a statistical standpoint, do you think it's likely you're a prime target
I think I'm the kind of target I would target in a situation like this, so its fitting that this is happening to me. But overall, no, not super likely.

Likely or not, its happening, though.
Conversely Soul I feel like you've been using me as a bit of a punching bag and haven't followed your reasons why you're being hesitant with me, like you put me on the backburner but I haven't seen you give basically any reason for reading me town. Does feel kinda fake.

Has everyone posted yet?

Well, I elaborated on my notes if you truly read them really and I feel like I been following up with my thought process regarding you the most this game actually. But I do see an angle where you can be townie to be honest with you. Like your thoughts generally speaking feels natural. Out of my PoE I prefer to have you last, if orca and by some miracle reloaded/Rm flip townie here then I do think you should get nuked.
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