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the only people angry here are the bitter zolo fans desperately trying to scrap together whatever they can to salvage something resembling a W after years of over-promising and under-delivering. They are angry at Oda, just like how they are angry at Sanji, just like how they're angry at anyone privileged enough to have things like "a stable job" a "girlfriend"
Gear 5 is getting spammed as well, it is what it is tho

Zoro was leaking flames out of his blades against Lucci in a panel, then tons of black lightning leaked out of his first attack against Lucci, seemingly CoC coating, given Zoro's attacks didn't used to look like that except when he fought King in KoH mode.

Meanwhile Gear 5 became Gear 3, Luffy will just spam that. Gear 4 was being used against Seraphin's at first sight

We only saw IJ twice after Wano (counting with this one here). Given he is pissed with Nami being in danger, im sure this doesn't qualify as a spam.
Imagine Zoro using a KoH attack on Luffy and his response be ouch.

You can use any cope mechanism you want but you cant recover from that.
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