Powers & Abilities Is this first time Sanji clearly using so called hardening on panel?

Okay, now I get where the confusion lies.

Advanced CoA usage has 2 levels, emission & internal destruction as stated by that old man in Wano prison.

Because of that, some think that basic CoA usage also has 2 levels, the invisible coating and the blackening coating.

This is part of the topic ITT, did Sanji finally "upgrade" from the 1st level invisible coating (post timeskip/FI Haki level) to 2nd level blackening coating (when using Ifrit)?

However some people think invisible & blackening Haki as the one and the same.


I for one believe the latter, simply because later on Sanji would be able to use Hell Memories with Ifrit fire, which means coating his entire body with Haki.

But obviously he won't be all black. Even if he does, it will get overshadowed with Ifrit's blue white color anyway.
Possibly. Kaku described it as a vision created by Zoros sheer will. So wouldn’t be shocked if Oda retconned it into CoC
Rayleigh calls conquerors haki "the embodiment of the users spirit". Embodiment is making something physical. Kaido calls asura conquerors haki. Putting all this together, Asura is Zoro making his spirit physical with conquerors haki
Rayleigh calls conquerors haki "the embodiment of the users spirit". Embodiment is making something physical. Kaido calls asura conquerors haki. Putting all this together, Asura is Zoro making his spirit physical with conquerors haki
It wouldn't be a retcon for Oda to make Asura CoC, actually it would make the most sense and I see no contradiction at all.

I would hope it be more in-depth than just another CoC side-effect like black lightning and touchless punches. It has to be supernatural
You dumbass, Hardening = Haki

Fighting logias require hardening

Goofy said Sanji has haki along with him, Zoro, and Law who ALL have shown hardening

Stop being a fucking dumbass agenda poster and think for once. Oda made it simple for a 5-yr old to understand
he did, which is why it's so weird that you don't understand it.

Luffy hits Caesar with regular haki and hurts him. Caesars says "That hurt." He is bleeding. That's still not enough damage so Luffy uses Hardening. He says Hardening. His fists only turn black when he uses hardening. Caesar sees his blackened fists and reacts to this with fear because he knows it would hurt more.

These 4 pages are right after each other. This should not be hard to understand for anyone.
can you just not see these pages? are they showing up on your screen? did you read punk hazard?
You dumbass, Hardening = Haki

Fighting logias require hardening

Goofy said Sanji has haki along with him, Zoro, and Law who ALL have shown hardening

Stop being a fucking dumbass agenda poster and think for once. Oda made it simple for a 5-yr old to understand
How can you call another one dumbass when you are so stupid you can't even differentiate between armament and hardening?
can you just not see these pages? are they showing up on your screen? did you read punk hazard?
Why are you using Oda’s inconsistencies as a way to force some bullshit headcanon of yours

Here is Cracker using “invisible CoA” while Goofy is “hardening”

“His CoA is TOO HARD
Are you gonna be smart and say that Cracker’s basic CoA is too hard compared to Goofy’s G2/G3 hardening forms? Goofy is so retarded he feels the need to compare Cracker’s basic CoA to his more advanced CoA? :gokulaugh:

Or how about Goofy using “hardening” to break off cuffs
Yet when he releases Yamato he has no hardening on

The only CoA advanced form that exists is emission and that’s it. Every other CoA application is hardening whether Oda cares to shade in or not
Why are you using Oda’s inconsistencies as a way to force some bullshit headcanon of yours

Here is Cracker using “invisible CoA” while Goofy is “hardening”

“His CoA is TOO HARD
Are you gonna be smart and say that Cracker’s basic CoA is too hard compared to Goofy’s G2/G3 hardening forms? Goofy is so retarded he feels the need to compare Cracker’s basic CoA to his more advanced CoA? :gokulaugh:

Or how about Goofy using “hardening” to break off cuffs
Yet when he releases Yamato he has no hardening on
yeah you're just not able to understand this "so easy a 5 year old can understand it" power system, im sorry. yes, cracker's CoA was strong. That was the entire point. His crackers are already as hard as steel or whatever without haki. He doesn't need to use Hardening to make them Hard.

You can use haki without using Hardening. You can use internal destruction haki without using Hardening. Luffy freed Hyogoro without getting specific training, just by haki bloom and forcing it to happen. He freed Yamato after being trained. Why use extra techniques if they aren't necessary?
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or, honestly, lack of shading could always be an art mistake lol