Controversial Whats a theory that you agreed with that crashed and burned?

It's a fool me twice type of thing, and we manage to fall for it way more than twice.
We did the same thing with the light gloves, believing they'd be used to hurt Kizaru or beat him, but nope, Chekhov's Gun just isn't a thing to Oda.
Though like you said sometimes he really does follow through on it, like the Minks not being able to look at the moon thing being brought back and properly explained in WCI (though that's more like foreshadowing).
True lol, the Light Gloves. Actual usage: none.

And you made me think of another one that made me crazy in Wano: the Nidai Kitetsu.
I love the Kitetsus and Oda managed to show one and made it the most useless sword in all the manga. Nothing, and I mean nothing, came from It. Not only for Zoro, but even for Momo or any other.
I ain't trying to rain on your parade, but it's like @nik87 said, if Lolda insists on bringing Kaido back somehow just to have Zoro kill him for some reason, that still won't qualify as ZKK.

After all, it will be no different from a throwaway fight like Zoro vs Lucci.

And at that point, cutting down a dragon like Kaido will no longer be that impressive a feat for Zoro, anyway.

Zoro killing kaido won’t qualify as Zoro killing kaido :choppawhat:It’s all on how oda delivers it imo killing the unkillable kaido would still be an impressive feat:goyea: I don’t think many would downplay the moment beside feat hungry people. Narratively though it has its importance if oda brings it backs and makes it happen and I think that matters more than anything….. well for oda at least
Zoro killing kaido won’t qualify as Zoro killing kaido :choppawhat:It’s all on how oda delivers it imo killing the unkillable kaido would still be an impressive feat:goyea: I don’t think many would downplay the moment beside feat hungry people. Narratively though it has its importance if oda brings it backs and makes it happen and I think that matters more than anything….. well for oda at least
Why don’t we have a r-tard button? I know oda has been going through the motions to get to the climax, but this was just zoro fixating with so much false hope.


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Not a theory but the fact Kaido and BM didn't have awakening was bizarre L
My coping method for that is Big Mom did awaken her fruit but it has more of a passive effect that we've seen her use before, not interesting enough to be highlighted in the manga. Maybe her being able to summon those lifespan taxers idk

And for Kaido, my cope is that he was more than strong and skilled enough, but wasn't able to awaken it because the azure dragon is usually portrayed as more benevolent

I believe the same applies to Whitebeard and the Gura but it suits Teach
Zoro killing kaido won’t qualify as Zoro killing kaido :choppawhat:It’s all on how oda delivers it imo killing the unkillable kaido would still be an impressive feat:goyea: I don’t think many would downplay the moment beside feat hungry people. Narratively though it has its importance if oda brings it backs and makes it happen and I think that matters more than anything….. well for oda at least
The thing is, ZKK doesn't refer literally only to Zoro Killing Kaido, but an entire circumstance. The night of Wano liberation and the dawn that follows, as well as the Ryuma legend comparison and the fulfillment of Toki's prophecy, are also elements of ZKK theory as a whole but have all now been assigned to and received by Nika. In short, Zoro killing Kaido right now does not fulfill all of the ZKK theory, but only one part of it, that's why I said it won't be true ZKK if it does happen now.

To add, Lolda doesn't really have a way to make Zoro kill Kaido now without it feeling like it is completely shoehorned only to prolong the already overlong story. I think the ZKK ship has sailed and it's best to move on from it.
I'll agree with the Egghead Light Gloves and Carrot joining the crew.

Carrot was around for so long by the time Wano ended, I just took it for granted that she'd join, like Jinbe. I still miss Carrot, she and Chopper seemed to hit it off.

And the Light Gloves being a Chekov's Gun for later in Egghead just made so much sense that I figured it was a no brainer.

As for some more "unique" theories that have proven to be false:

That Vegapunk would tell us all about Dragons on Egghead during his message. Although, I'm convinced he still knows something he didn't tell us. He was cloning Dragons, after all. This is probably copium, but I still think this theory hasn't fully crashed and burned. One of the engines just blew up, but we're still gliding! I still feel like SOMETHING regarding a Dragon Race is coming down the line.

That the Gorosei were all Joyboy's crew from the Void Century who mutinied against him. Again, this hasn't been fully deconfirmed. But, this one I'm willing to give up hope for. With Saturn's death, it seems pretty unlikely that these guys have been around for the last 800 years. I doubt Imu would get rid of someone who's been with them for the last 800 years so unceremoniously. So, chances are they all did join up at different times, instead of all together like I thought they might. It's possible some version of the original Gorosei were around 800 years ago, I suppose, but that wasn't really the "spirit" of this particular theory.

Here's a weird one, see if you can follow my logic here. I thought that maybe Bonney hadn't actually eaten her Devil Fruit yet. This was before we found out about Saturn's experiments. I thought the unique "time travelling" properties of Bonney's Age Fruit would be used more in her "origin". I thought that, sometime in the future, Bonney would eat her Fruit while she was in her 5 year old body. Therefore, because of the power of the Age Fruit, she would gain the power of her Age Fruit whenever she was in her 5 year old body, anywhere in time. Which means, she got her Fruit in the past because she was just as old as she would be in the future when she eventually ate it. (Could anyone follow that?) I'll admit, this was pretty unlikely just due to how confusing it would be. I just thought it'd make for a fun time travel "joke". Like a parody of how time travel stories work.

I thought that Kuma was visiting Foosha Village, not to check in on Luffy, but because the Ancient Weapon Uranos was actually originally there. I thought that they were going to reveal that Luffy's hometown was going to be where the Ancient Weapon was buried. This was before Imu's weapon was revealed to be Uranos, so I thought the "Mother Flame" was actually going to be revealed to be a new artificially created Ancient Weapon. I thought they were going to make Luffy's hometown special, and maybe make it a target for the Final War.

Personally, I thought they were maybe teasing Sanji turning evil during Wano, and Zoro would have to fight him for real. He seemed to be using his Raid Suit more and more, and it seemed to be corrupting him. His eyebrows were staying reversed longer and longer. But, then that plotline just kind of stopped. I guess it might come back up later, but it doesn't really feel that way right now. So, I don't know if this is still a ongoing plotline or something that Oda just dropped.

I thought Lucci and CP9 would come back as allies for the Strawhats after they left in their cover story. Because it kind of felt like that was where the story was going after that cover story, they left and said they would return. And I guess I just assumed they meant "for revenge". But, either Oda changed his mind, or I was reading some iffy translations?

I honestly didn't think Pedro would stay dead on Whole Cake. If only because there had been SO many fakeout deaths in the manga before then. I kept waiting for him to show back up for a dramatic moment, but it never happened.

For a while I thought Imu was the Mother Ocean/Mother Nature. The entity that originally "cursed" the Devil Fruits so no one who eats them can swim. And this hasn't been fully deconfirmed, but I don't think it's too likely now. I just don't think it makes sense for Imu to live ALL the way up on the Red Line if they secretly have Ocean/Water powers. Why live so far away from the element that you supposedly control? I, personally, just don't think it makes sense anymore.

I thought that maybe Imu was the person who inspired the creation of the Nika Fruit. Basically, I thought "Nika" was Imu when they were younger, and before age and time wore them down and turned them into a different person. A person who had to make SO many compromises and tough choices that it changed who they were. A person who their younger self wouldn't even recognize anymore. This seems pretty unlikely now that we've seen how shaken Imu was just by sensing Joyboy's Haki Knot. Still, I think it would have made a interesting idea. A person having to face off against their younger, more idealistic self.

I thought that Rocks found a way to "edit" or "change" or "create" Devil Fruits on God Valley. Like, maybe there was a crashed spaceship or something on God Valley that had technology that would allow you to change or create any Devil Fruit you wanted. Because, I just found it odd that Rocks's Crew had so many odd and powerful Devil Fruits. I just thought that since Kaido's Fruit was actually a type of Fish Fruit, maybe it got changed artificially into the stronger Dragon Fruit. I know that's based on the legend of a carp turning into a dragon, but I just found it odd from a practical standpoint. So, I thought maybe Rocks would find this Devil Fruit Making Device on God Valley and give his entire crew incredibly powerful broken Fruits. Like Big Mom's Soul Fruit, Shiki's Float Fruit, and Whitebeard's Quake Fruit. I thought maybe THAT'S why the World Government nuked the island. Because this incredibly powerful piece of technology had fallen into the hands of someone who WOULD exploit it to make his entire crew unstoppable.

I thought it was possible that Luffy was NEVER going to find out about eating the Nika Fruit instead of the Gum-Gum Fruit. I thought Oda would just keep the information away from him, somehow until the end of the story. Then Luffy would hear the story about Nika and how he's prophesied to be reborn someday...and then Luffy would go on a NEW adventure to try to find this guy because he'd want him to join his crew, because he sounds like a fun guy. Basically, ending the story with the Strawhats going on another around the world adventure, where they didn't even know that they were already with the guy they were looking for. An endless fun adventure that would never end, because they just didn't have this key piece of information that Luffy IS the reincarnated Nika, already. I just thought it'd be a funny way to end the story. And kind of a fitting way for these characters to sail into the sunset. This seems PRETTY unlikely now that they're on Elbaf, where they worship Nika. Not fully deconfirmed but, Oda would have to work overtime for none of the Strawhats to learn ANYTHING about Nika.

And there are probably a BUNCH of theories of mine that will be deconfirmed pretty soon. But, that's the nature of the theory-crafting game. It's still fun to think about how all these puzzle pieces could fit together.
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The thing is, ZKK doesn't refer literally only to Zoro Killing Kaido, but an entire circumstance. The night of Wano liberation and the dawn that follows, as well as the Ryuma legend comparison and the fulfillment of Toki's prophecy, are also elements of ZKK theory as a whole but have all now been assigned to and received by Nika. In short, Zoro killing Kaido right now does not fulfill all of the ZKK theory, but only one part of it, that's why I said it won't be true ZKK if it does happen now.

To add, Lolda doesn't really have a way to make Zoro kill Kaido now without it feeling like it is completely shoehorned only to prolong the already overlong story. I think the ZKK ship has sailed and it's best to move on from it.
Sure i get all of that but maybe its not as deep as we want it to be for zoro since wano slapped us in the face that luffy is undoubtedly the mc. As u said Luffy got attributed some of the key elements that we pushed for with zkk like The dawn that follows,ryuma comparison (which in my head is still zoro/luffy hype) ,fulfillment of toki prophecy all was attributed to luffy ultimately.

For Zoro though and oda vision of it, it could be as simple as kaido return,zoro slays him, more ryuma/joyboy hype etc. and that all she wrote,as much as we wanted all those elements to go to zoro it might be a bit more cut and dry,and as i mentioned before killing the one man that is known to be unkillable (assuming luffy did not do this) is still something that is very respectable.
Also i know i am not on here pushing it like i did in the past :milaugh:zkk just narratively makes sense,i still believe oda will make it happen and i do believe oda will give zoro his shot to finish the fish dragon that is kaido. Sure it might not be exactly how i would have done it in wano but i think oda will pull through. For myself i am happy with zoro killing him and having a comparison to ryuma/luffy whether or not oda takes us back to wano, or gives it to me on a much grander scale like kaido showing up at the final war and it happening there i won't complain.

Also to those that are going to say this yes i know its copium :jackcopium::jackcopium::jackcopium::jackcopium::jackcopium::jackcopium::jackcopium:


EDIT: We also know luffy does not kill he crushes people dreams so zoro getting the killing blow later could also just be all oda is aiming for with zoro vs kaido.
Back in WCI arc I still had faith in Oda so when BM in chapter 899-900 started her wicked song after regaining her sanity I was sure Oda was gonna deliver something comparable to a Sabaody 2.0 (the SH ship seemingly was sunk at the end of chapter 899) because it wasn't possible for Luffy to step in in a yonko HQ with half his crew (no Zoro, no Sanji until the end, they were there to save him) yet he humiliated the whole country: beat Cracker, beat Katakuri, made BM go mental and attack her own people, stole her road poneglyph etc. if that wasn't enough Luffy made the same identical mistake as Ace did when he went to fight Kata who was trapped in the mirror world when he could have just run away (and his crew was also in danger on the top of that). And until that point the SHs had turned the whole BM pirates into a joke and paid absolutely nothing. That was payback time, the ship was also sunk... Yet Oda delivered a shameful fake tension moment (the ship was actually switched at the last moment with the fishman ship by Wadatsumi) and if that wasn't enough Oda had also the audacity to make Jinbei cover the retreat so that the unaware reader would worry about Jinbe's safety, what a joke.
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The thing is, ZKK doesn't refer literally only to Zoro Killing Kaido, but an entire circumstance. The night of Wano liberation and the dawn that follows, as well as the Ryuma legend comparison and the fulfillment of Toki's prophecy, are also elements of ZKK theory as a whole but have all now been assigned to and received by Nika. In short, Zoro killing Kaido right now does not fulfill all of the ZKK theory, but only one part of it, that's why I said it won't be true ZKK if it does happen now.

To add, Lolda doesn't really have a way to make Zoro kill Kaido now without it feeling like it is completely shoehorned only to prolong the already overlong story. I think the ZKK ship has sailed and it's best to move on from it.
ZKK had sense when and where It was conceived. Not before not after.

Zoro "randomly" Killing Kaido would just be a powerlevel step like any other. You can have Zoro killing Dragon (just to mantain the dragon-theme) and It would be the same.

Zoro wasn't publicly recognized as the new Ryuma, but Luffy was (lol); Zoro wasn't the one that fought the main invader like Ryuma, It was Luffy; Zoro didn't cut a Dragon above the capital as Ryuma did (well, Oda made Zoro cut King's dragon, which was basically insulting since the premise lol. Oda almost trolled).

Now It's done. There are other things ahead.