Controversial Whats a theory that you agreed with that crashed and burned?

Personally speaking I can't say anything. One can like It or not, It's fine. However, outside of Wano and all the Ryuma plot Zoro killing Kaido Is just him killing a strong enemy; nothing more.
Enma's plot had a sense in Wano, now what could be? Hurting Kaido even more? And for what objective?
What remains is forging Enma black; if you think that could happen against Kaido, then maybe.

ZKK had sense because of Zoro new Ryuma, because of the dragon killed over the Capital like Ryuma, because of the Oden plot. Now Is all well and gone.

Zoro killing Shanks' brother or an Admiral or a Gorosei would be more intresting and way more plot connected.
It’s not just killing a strong enemy :choppawhat: It’s killing the unkillable creature that is kaido. To quote chapter 795: No People were able to kill him and that included himself. I said in one of my post to white crane maybe we were to ambitious in wanting to attribute to much to zoro in wano. Ultimately luffy is the Mc and upon the end of wano he got such things as the dawn,comparison to ryuma(which to me is luffy and zoro hype),toki hype etc. We know luffy does not kill so that’s the end of that basically.

Zoro on the other hand his connection with enma,the permanent scar, genuinely being that monstrous Samurai kaido needed, kaido saying death completes a person etc. the list could go on, could come later when oda/zoro is ready to make it happen then all the narrative set up in wano makes sense.

Also and I could get some push back, but Zoro is not ryuma…. He will be better than ryuma ever was he does not technically have to slay kaido over wano just like ryuma killed a dragon it would be just like oda to have the unkillable kaido killed on a grander scale for everyone in the op world to see. Narratively and power wise it could still make sense.