In short, You have no argument.
What do you want to reply to something like that ? You just show how little you understand what you are talking about and I know that no matter what I will say, you will parade like you killed the game by saying more BS... It's useless with post like this.

Using the term left wing and right wing to label political families originated the French Revolution of the late 1700s. France revolted against the monarchy, and when it was time to decide what role the King would play in society, those who supported to the old monarchy sat on the right side of the National Assembly. Those who supported the revolution and the new republic sat on the left. Hierarchy and staus quo on the right and later become conservatism, emancipation and liberty on the left and later become progressive. This became the core values that got more broad as centuries passed.

Then there's the history of liberty and freedom as a political value dating back to Ancient Greece, Acient Rome and the Athens. To keep this part from being too long, they settled on the definition of freedom as being "Freedom is both ruling and being ruled by, and the being able to live as one wishes without interference from others." During the conceptualization of Democracy, they made it quite clear that Freedom and Democracy is impossible without equality.

From history alone, Equality, liberty and freedom were left wing ideals.
Funny because what you just explained in your first paragraph (about the national assembly) is what I described here:

You do not or refuse (i don't know) to understand why there is a left and a right wing in the first place. This opposition is not here simply because groups of people are disagreeing. I's here because two fundamental visions of the world have been clashing for millenias.

Change VS Conservatism or more precisely Materialism VS Idealism
What you don't get on the other hand, is that politics evolves with time. What is left now is not the same as what was left then.

Back then, the left and the movement of revolution was pushed by the progressist bourgeoisie for the interest of the people. This was the birth of liberalism and capitalism as we know it today. Since then this alliance between the bourgeoisie and the working class was ruptured. Today, the dominant class is the bourgeoisie and thus the battle of the past are not the same as the struggles of today.

While the fundamental values remains the sames (reformism/change/progressism/materialism/equality VS conservatism/idealism/authoritarism/hierarchy) the struggle, actors and overall value are completely different.

When the problem - in the past - was feodalism and the monarchy, the current problem is now capitalism and the class domination of rich over poor.

The bourgeoisie of today is far more progressist than the bourgeoisie of the past. So while liberty and freedom were mainly used by the bourgeoisie for the people in the past to push reforms and change, it's now used by the current bourgeoisie to keep it's priviledges and thus liberty and freedom are used by BOTH sides for two very DIFFERENT things:

Reformism VS Conservatism : The liberty to profit from capitalim and the freedom to live a normal life without oppression.

So now, those who are fighting to maintain "freedom" are usually not leftists, unless we are talking about social movement or minorities, they are rightist. This is why those who talked about freedom the MOST in this thread are people like Ravager or Nameless or you who keep on saying that I want to end "freedom of speech".

The left do not need to speak about freedom 24/7, it's in our blood, we know what it means, our fight are indivisible from the notion of freedom ! But you guys... are appropriating this notion to serve your own interest, to defend the status co and to attack those, like me, who actually want to change things... by pushing an actual change actively.

In other words, you guys are my political enemies, not because you are on the right side, but because you do things that goes AGAINST change by using liberty and freedom as an excuse.

And this is why there is a left and a right today, different from what they were 3 centuries ago and why telling me that I have a narrow minded vision of what the left is or should be is a proof that you don't understand how the political battlefield has evolve across the ages and that you are - without realizing - placing yourself on the side of the dominant class and not the side of those who are oppressed or exploited.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
What you don't get on the other hand, is that politics evolves with time. What is left now is not the same as what was left then.
I literally said the terms became more broad as centuries passed, blatantly saying they changed. At least get that right when you preach.

And once again, stick to how things are now, instead of using your own idealism to create new versions of words under the guise of "language evolves." Your versions are yours alone.
True you do hold the mirror to your own face.
I'm the mirror. I'm only showing you who you are :)

I literally said the terms became more broad as centuries passed, blatantly saying they changed. At least get that right when you preach.
Saying it and understanding it are two different things. When you claim that I don't understand the left and you give me the state of the left of the first french assemblee... It gives me the message that you don't really get how it evolved.

And once again, stick to how things are now, instead of using your own idealism to create new versions of words under the guise of "language evolves." Your versions are yours alone.
My version is not my "own".. it's simply how leftism is today. Like I already told you many times before, I'm not an extrem leftist and I'm mainly showing you things that make consensus on the left.

Idealism was part of leftism 3 hundreds years ago. That's why it's not pertinent to talk about a real conflict between materialism and idealism then (even tho it was already there), the problem was the monarchy and to defeat it, we needed to be idealists and materialist at the same time, we needed to think outside of the divine carcan.

This is not the case anymore. Now, we can see why idealism do not work and why a materialist approach is a necessity. THIS, is the current state of the right VS the left today.

So yeah, you don't get that, because where you live (if I recall you live in the US ?), idealists have the power when materialists are not even organized enough to fight the streets efficiently.

This is not me inventing words or relying on the evolution of language. This is the state of the major conflict today, that might change our society forever !

ANYONE that call themselves an idealist and a leftist today, do not understand their real place on the political spectrum !
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Hot take

I think there is legitimate cause for US military intervention in Mexico. The cartels are pumping fentanyl into American cities that is killing thousands of Americans. In 2023, 70k people died from fentanyl.

What’s more, these cartels are harming Mexicans as well. My friend’s grandmother was murdered by the cartel.

Not to mention the migrant crisis at the southern border.

America needs to invest in Mexico to make it strong enough to shut down the cartels and deal with the migrants so they don’t all pour into the US.

Why we are more focused on the Middle East, I have no fucking clue.
Hot take

I think there is legitimate cause for US military intervention in Mexico. The cartels are pumping fentanyl into American cities that is killing thousands of Americans. In 2023, 70k people died from fentanyl.

What’s more, these cartels are harming Mexicans as well. My friend’s grandmother was murdered by the cartel.

Not to mention the migrant crisis at the southern border.

America needs to invest in Mexico to make it strong enough to shut down the cartels and deal with the migrants so they don’t all pour into the US.

Why we are more focused on the Middle East, I have no fucking clue.
yeah no
Hot take

I think there is legitimate cause for US military intervention in Mexico. The cartels are pumping fentanyl into American cities that is killing thousands of Americans. In 2023, 70k people died from fentanyl.

What’s more, these cartels are harming Mexicans as well. My friend’s grandmother was murdered by the cartel.

Not to mention the migrant crisis at the southern border.

America needs to invest in Mexico to make it strong enough to shut down the cartels and deal with the migrants so they don’t all pour into the US.

Why we are more focused on the Middle East, I have no fucking clue.
Neither government cares.
Hot take

I think there is legitimate cause for US military intervention in Mexico. The cartels are pumping fentanyl into American cities that is killing thousands of Americans. In 2023, 70k people died from fentanyl.

What’s more, these cartels are harming Mexicans as well. My friend’s grandmother was murdered by the cartel.

Not to mention the migrant crisis at the southern border.

America needs to invest in Mexico to make it strong enough to shut down the cartels and deal with the migrants so they don’t all pour into the US.

Why we are more focused on the Middle East, I have no fucking clue.
70k people is insane. Trump is planning something similar to what you said.
what Asmon is saying applies to majority of the people


Reactionnaries that are so voided of arguments that they are starting to understand that they are repeating an empty argument simply because they are not equiped to understand that there is absolutely no argument to make to begin with...

"It's turning into a buzzword"

LMAO, it took this guy more than 6 years to understand that "woke" was used as a buzzword just like SJW was at the time to attack radical leftism. Meanwhile, we had time to adapt and reappropriate both words without them being aware of it..

"At the end, there was a wolf out there, but there was so many false claims of there being a wolf that people didn't helm him"

So.. what is the "wolf" in woke game standards ? 2 lesbians instead of one ? A trans woman instead of a cis woman ? The possibility of being non binary instead of having just a new playable woman character ? These guys are really funny. They are so completely lost in their own BS that they are ridiculizing themselve by making list AND ridiculizing themselve because they are criticizing their own list because they are afraid to miss the real "woke" politic. (that is actually not where they are looking)

Peak nonsence and clownery, it's almost art.
