For two reasons:
- Because the majority of writers in video game development are white straight boyz.
- Because you can tell from an outside Pov when a white liberal man write a racialized one, especially a woman.
It will be racist to say that video game are made by striaght white men when it will not be the case for the statistical majority of games in the west.
Using the "DEI" argument ? The new buzz word of the far right ? Come on..
Yeah, find me 5.
Again, you are depoliticizing the argumentation. Thinking that it's because they are bad writers that liberals write or create bad videogames. When in reality it's a political question. It's due to the fact that liberals do not understand the big frontieres that minorities, women or activist have to face everyday. They only have a surface knowledge and thus, they depoliticize the content.
So.. Instead of writing young minorities in suburbs or ghettos in precarity .. they write young bourgois minorities in those area who act like poor people. This is why.. They sometimes feel completely disconnected from the people they write.
And it's not some personnal vendetta that I have against liberals, it's just a cold fact. They have a political lenance that will usually prevent them from really understanding the frontieres that face minorities or people in difficulties in front of the system (women/racialized/Psychiatrized/Neuroa/lgbtqi+ etc.).
Take me for example, when I was an hardcore liberal, I started to imagine characters that where white, poor, black in the hope to write something a bit realistic. Well, once I started to go toward the left and the radical left, I saw ALL the flaws and lack of understanding in the characters that I was trying to write. I had imagined a woman like I was writing a white man.. I had imagined an LGBT character like I was writing a straight man etc.
I was completely oblivious to what those characters would face in real life, simply because I had just a surface liberal and progressive level knowledge of what those people would face in real life.
When the game is developped and written by priviledged people that do not care to understand the DEEP frontieres that face people in difficulities in society, they will only write fantasized version of them from a privildged point of view.