Memories of the fallen

@Luka / Dabi has been killed​

[Passive : Burning Resolve] If you are targetted you will burn one of their x shots.
[Active : Cremation] Target a player and render them vanilla for a cycle.[1 shot]
[Active : Flash Fire]
Strongman Faction kill twice per game.[2 shot]
[Active : Inferno]
Target a player and duel them.[1 shot]

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the villains.

@Ultra / Hawks has been killed

[Passive - Silent Wings] You cannot be tracked.
[Active - Feather Blades] Target two players and bus drive them.[3 shot]

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the heroes.
Day 3 begins
You have 48 hours to discuss
finally some red dead .-.

dayum, kinda shocked Ultra wasn't protected, he's kinda perfect kill target, you know, strong player subbing in the game with struggling town

are these all living people?

The Orca
Polar Bear
Random Asshole

4 mafia members wouldn't be too much, right? Is Dabi member of some group? Like 3-members/4-members group i mean.
k alxeis/reloady scum reads
charlie and ratchet feel a bit off, in ratchet's case he probs intentionally mailing it in
gonna say if charlie turns out non town as well then im 2 for 2 so far from this list

maybe we go ratchet next lads, im feeling emboldened
So Ekko was the Odd Vig and you can bet that he shot. Can reasonably assume he shot between Ratchet and Charles here. I don't think he bothers shooting Alexis without using his boost because Alexis claimed he could protect himself.

One of these is guaranteed to be scum and frankly wouldn't be surprised if it were both