I know. I took the blow on purpose.
No. It's when there is an intent to make a lot of people die. And we know there is a political intent.
Of course it will. It will at least prevent a lot of violences (
Leftist Library):
- [ARTICLE AND STUDIES] - Yes ! Gun controls do in fact have a positive effect on gun violences !
- [DEBUNK] - Myths about Gun violences debunked
- [SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS] - Scientists agree: Guns don't make society safer
- [VIDEO] - Police should not respond to mental health calls
- [VIDEO] - We need to reform the police (and not only in the US) - Last Week with John Oliver
Sorry, the Police is one of my political ennemy. Don't expect me to say good thing about it.
You are the ones who keep bringing up my situation and personal life in the mix to attack me. If you can take the heat, don't bring the heat.
I'm defending myself here. If you want, I can start to do the same with you, but really, you won't like that. I don't think you understand that I'm being VERY KIND not to retaliate on your rethoric guys. I could say a LOT of things that could be very mean. So don't push me and stop attacking people on their personnal lives or experience.
What I get is a RIGHT people fought to get. It's toward THEM that I'm grateful, I should be grateful to NO ONE ELSE.
Then don't bring it.
Another lie ?
No I should not.
I'm mocking no one mate here. You do.
That's because you don't read what I actually say. I've concede more in this thread alone to people that the majority of you guys in this entire forum.
Pay more attention to what I say, you might get surprised.
Again. You pay 0 attention to what I say. In fact, you don't even remember that I was empathic to your own situation once.
Really, pay attention.
What you said was not harsh, it's was false.
You are confusing political opinion with your own personal situations. You are confusing my strenght of defense against bigotry as a dehumanization process.
I understand you, but you do not understand me. You will never be able to understand me with this belief system.
I know how mean, hurtfull and destroying I can become when I really want to hurt someone's feeling. Trust me, you do
NOT want me to attack on the personal. So please, refrain yourself from doing that.
No. That's not how human society work.
MATERIAL conditions have pushed us to create those structure. Our beliefs, our systems, it's the result of material condition > Hence why we talk about "materialism".
When you are poor, your are not more likely to go toward crime because it's our nature, you will go there because the material conditions will push you to go toward crime.
The material condition are the reason why some are rich and some are pure. They are the reasons why people are oppressed are others are not.
To get a better society, we need to improve the material conditions and thus improve the structure that shape society.
This is why I ended up creating a thread asking you guys to act on the STRUCTURE of the forum and stopped reporting people. Because by changing the material structure of society, we change the behaviors.
This is a scientific fact.
There are also far less reason to do crimes. Bad analogy.