LMFAO, I was joking to someone else recently that Usopp will have 10 kids so he can outdo his own father and abandon 10x the amount of kids hahahaha! Oh it was @CoC: Color of Clowns to think of it too!

Usopp better have his adventure before he settles down and not decide to have a midlife crisis and go for an adventure after he goes home and becomes a family man! Guile would be hugely disappointed in him!

That new movie plotline with Kaya and the "mysterious stranger" who makes her "question her feelings" for Usopp isnt helping either!

Me looking at your Jinx pic and thinking why always my Jinx players in team suck so hard...
:josad: Wish to have one time a Jinx player who don´t feed the opposite champs...

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
LMFAO, I was joking to someone else recently that Usopp will have 10 kids so he can outdo his own father and abandon 10x the amount of kids hahahaha! Oh it was @CoC: Color of Clowns to think of it too!

Usopp better have his adventure before he settles down and not decide to have a midlife crisis and go for an adventure after he goes home and becomes a family man! Guile would be hugely disappointed in him!

That new movie plotline with Kaya and the "mysterious stranger" who makes her "question her feelings" for Usopp isnt helping either!

Just call Usopp "Big Daddy"

My stomach churned when I wrote this
LMFAO, I was joking to someone else recently that Usopp will have 10 kids so he can outdo his own father and abandon 10x the amount of kids hahahaha! Oh it was @CoC: Color of Clowns to think of it too!

Usopp better have his adventure before he settles down and not decide to have a midlife crisis and go for an adventure after he goes home and becomes a family man! Guile would be hugely disappointed in him!

That new movie plotline with Kaya and the "mysterious stranger" who makes her "question her feelings" for Usopp isnt helping either!


Don't give Oda Ideas for an Epilogue / continuation.:saitahu::nicagesmile:

Kizaruber Eats

Some of y'all here are the goats genuinely.
Don't give Oda Ideas for an Epilogue / continuation.:saitahu::nicagesmile:
Lmfao I'm sorry!


Btw man in one of my new threads discussing what arcs we would like to see, what arcs we could write, I suggested Sniper Island as part of a Wild West island! A territory associated with it closely! I did want Lodestar to be a wild west island actually but I forgot to mention that lmao.

In fact, here I designed Sniper Island for you too and all fellow Usopp fans ofc!:

Name: Sniper Island (Sogeking Island)

Location: New World, potentially near Elbaf (keeping the connection to Usopp's journey and the giants' potential sharpshooting skills) or in a less explored, more dangerous region.
Climate: Unpredictable, ranging from scorching heat to sudden blizzards. This adds an extra layer of challenge to sharpshooting.


The Island

Still shaped like a giant sniper rifle, but now with volcanic peaks and treacherous cliffs.

Sogeking Volcano:

The highest point, with a crater shaped like Sogeking's mask. Eruptions occasionally rain down volcanic rock "ammo".

Marksman's Mesa:

A plateau with shifting terrain and hidden targets that appear and disappear with the changing weather.

Trick Shot Jungle:

A dense jungle filled with dangerous creatures, camouflaged targets, and ancient ruins with booby traps.

Whirlpool Coast:

A treacherous coastline with swirling currents and unpredictable waves, perfect for practicing long-range shots from a rocking boat.
Hidden Village:

Now built into the side of a cliff, accessible only by a secret path and guarded by highly skilled snipers.



Still Usopp in disguise, but his legend has grown even more fantastical in the New World. He's rumored to have mystical powers related to the island's volatile climate.
The Sogeking Tribe:

Now a mix of different races who have mastered unique sharpshooting styles adapted to the island's harsh conditions. They are wary of outsiders but welcome those who prove their worth.
Mythical Creatures:

Instead of talking animals, we have creatures from One Piece lore, like a kraken that can launch targets into the air, or wind sprites that can alter bullet trajectories.
Points of Interest:

Sogeking Shrine:

Built within a volcanic cave, with glowing crystals illuminating Sogeking's relics and murals depicting his legendary feats.

Sogeking Colossus:

A colossal statue of Sogeking carved into the side of Sogeking Volcano, appearing to emerge from the smoke and ash.

The Sogeking Trials:

A series of deadly challenges involving navigating treacherous terrain, outsmarting traps, and hitting moving targets in extreme weather.

The Sogeking Grand Tournament:

A legendary competition held once a decade, where the best sharpshooters in the world gather to compete for the title of "Sogeking's Successor."
Special Features:

Haki-Infused Environment:

The island's unique energy enhances Haki, particularly Observation Haki, making it a prime location for snipers to train their senses.

Natural Weaponry:

The island provides materials for unique weapons, like volcanic rock ammo, plants that produce poisonous darts, and wood that can be crafted into powerful bows.

Sogeking's Secret Workshop:

Hidden behind a waterfall, filled with advanced technology powered by volcanic energy, where Usopp can create even more powerful and bizarre weapons.

Why Usopp Would Love It:

Ultimate Challenge:

The New World location adds an element of danger and excitement, pushing Usopp to surpass his limits.

Legendary Status:

Sogeking's legend is even greater in the New World, giving Usopp the chance to truly live up to the hype.

Haki Mastery:

The island's unique environment would help him unlock new levels of Observation Haki, crucial for becoming a true sniper king.

Rare Resources:

He could discover new materials and technologies to create the ultimate arsenal of sniper weapons.

And a bonus script too!:


The enormous Great Hall of Elbaf is filled with giants, their once-proud faces now heavy with fear and resignation. Massive pillars carved from stone and ancient trees rise toward the vaulted ceiling, but the grandeur of the hall has been overshadowed by the oppressive rule of PRINCE YMIR. The tyrant, a hulking giant clad in black iron armor with a spiked helmet, lounges on his throne of petrified giants, his trophies of past rebellions. His DEVIL FRUIT power, allowing him to control the very earth beneath them, cements his dominance. He casually hurls boulders at the cowering crowd, his cruelty evident in every dismissive flick of his hand.

(booming voice)
“Is this the mighty Elbaf? A kingdom of giants reduced to trembling worms! Where is your legendary strength, your honor? Pathetic!"
(his eyes narrow with malice)
“From now on, each week, five of your strongest warriors will be sent to fight in my personal arena. The 'Ymir-Tribute.' They will fight for my amusement, while the rest of you… will cower and be grateful for my protection.”

A ripple of fear spreads through the crowd. The once-proud giants glance at one another, uncertainty and hopelessness visible in their eyes. Ymir’s tyrannical decree has broken their spirit. Then, GERD, a fierce giantess with defiant eyes, steps forward from the crowd, her voice ringing with fiery resolve.

(voice shaking, but filled with anger)
“Ymir, this is madness! Our warriors are not your slaves! Elbaf will never bend to a tyrant forever. Your greed and cruelty will destroy us!”

Ymir’s lips curl into a twisted smirk. With a casual wave of his hand, the earth beneath Gerd rumbles, and the floor cracks open with a deafening roar. A fissure forms beneath her, and she is swallowed up to her waist, trapped by the stone itself. The other giants recoil in horror, too afraid to act. Ymir rises slowly from his throne, his voice dripping with mockery.

“Oh? What will you do now, little Gerd? Throw pebbles at me? You can’t even stand!”

Suddenly, the tense atmosphere is pierced by a voice, confident and clear.

"Release her! You overgrown earthworm!"

All eyes turn toward the grand entrance, where a figure stands, silhouetted against the light pouring in from outside. As the figure steps forward, the giants squint, unsure of who—or what—they are looking at. It is USOPP, but not as they know him. His posture exudes confidence, his frame taller and broader than before, and across his face is the familiar mask of SOGEKING. His presence radiates something… divine. His Kabuto, upgraded and glowing with crackling energy, rests confidently at his side.

(snorting in disdain)
“Who dares challenge me?!”
(squinting as Usopp approaches)
“A mask? A trickster hiding behind a mask! Another fool from the outside world. Do you wish to join my collection of failures?”

(grinning beneath the mask)
“Failures? No. I am Sogeking, the King of Snipers! And today, Ymir, I’m here to show you that giants aren’t the only legends in this hall. That helmet of yours, by the way, makes you look like an angry pinecone with delusions of grandeur!”

The giants gasp audibly. No one—not a single soul—has ever dared insult Prince Ymir so brazenly. Gerd, still trapped, stares at Usopp—Sogeking—with a mixture of awe and disbelief. The air crackles with tension.

(voice shaking with fury, eyes blazing)
“You… insignificant worm! You dare insult me?! I’ll tear you apart and feed your remains to the earth!”

Ymir slams his fists into the ground, sending violent shockwaves through the floor, cracks racing toward Sogeking. The entire hall trembles as chunks of stone and earth rise up, ready to crush the intruder. But Sogeking stands firm, unfazed. His voice cuts through the chaos with calm determination.

(his voice carrying a divine authority)
“I’ve faced scarier monsters than a grumpy giant with a bad attitude. You think your power is great? You’re about to see what real power looks like.”

He reaches into his pouch, pulling out a single, shimmering blue seed. The giants whisper to one another, unsure of what this tiny object could possibly do against a monster like Ymir. Usopp holds it high, a dramatic flair in his movements.

(smiling beneath the mask)
“This, Ymir, is no ordinary Pop Green. It’s an Elbaf exclusive, born from the power of the gods. I call it… Thor’s Hammer!”

With a quick motion, Usopp loads the seed into Kabuto and fires. The seed arcs through the air, glowing as it spirals toward Ymir. It strikes his helmet dead-center. There’s a brief pause, a heartbeat of silence, before the seed explodes into a colossal, glowing hammer, reminiscent of the legendary Mjolnir. The energy around it crackles like lightning, and with the force of a thousand thunderbolts, it smashes into Ymir’s head. The impact sends shockwaves through the hall, and Ymir staggers, roaring in pain.

The giants, stunned, watch as the mighty Ymir stumbles. For the first time in ages, they see their tyrant falter.

“Looks like the god of thunder himself just struck you down!”

(howling in rage)
“I will crush you like the insect you are!”

With a roar, Ymir tears the hammer from his helmet and charges at Usopp, the earth splitting beneath his feet. Tremors shake the hall as he moves, like a living earthquake bearing down on Sogeking. But Usopp remains calm, channeling his Haki into his Kabuto. His mask seems to glow brighter, his posture regal and unwavering, as if he is truly becoming the Sogeking, the Sniper God.

(voice steady)
“Big words for a giant who’s already lost.”

What follows is a breathtaking battle. Ymir, desperate and enraged, unleashes a storm of earth-shattering attacks—earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and giant boulders flying toward Usopp. But Sogeking is too quick, too sharp. Dodging each attack with precision, he fires a barrage of Pop Greens—binding vines ensnare Ymir’s arms, explosive runes erupt in his face, and swarms of giant wasps distract him. The tide of battle has shifted.

As Ymir stumbles, struggling to free himself from the vines, Sogeking reaches for his final, most powerful shot. He pulls out a gleaming ammo, infused with his strongest Haki. The giants, wide-eyed, sense something divine in this moment—a power beyond comprehension.

(voice booming with authority, almost like a deity)
“This is for Elbaf! This is for every giant you’ve crushed under your heel! Sogeking’s Ragnarok Special!

With a single motion, he fires. The shot soars through the air, glowing brighter and brighter until it strikes Ymir’s chest with the force of a supernova. The explosion is cataclysmic—energy surges through Ymir’s body as his skin turns to stone, his roar turning to a gurgling cry. Finally, with a final, earth-shattering crash, Ymir falls—petrified into an immobile statue, frozen in his last moment of rage.

The hall falls silent.

Then, slowly, the silence gives way to cheers. The giants, stunned by the divine display of power, erupt into jubilant cries. They rush toward Sogeking, lifting him high above their heads. They chant his name, seeing him not as an ordinary man, but as a true god, sent to save them from their oppressor.

“Sogeking! Sogeking! The Sniper God of Elbaf!”

They carry him on their shoulders, their spirits soaring for the first time in years. Gerd, finally freed, kneels before Usopp, her eyes filled with gratitude and awe.

(bowing deeply)
“We were saved by a god. Thank you… Sogeking.”

Usopp, still in his Sogeking persona, chuckles behind the mask but is humbled by their reverence.

(with a grand, heroic laugh)
“I told you I’d become a brave warrior of the sea!”

As the giants carry him away, celebrating their newfound freedom, Usopp glances up at the sky, a soft smile forming beneath his mask.

(whispering to himself)
“Did you see that, Kaya? I’m a hero.”


On a side note too this is so fucking well made:

Last edited:
Lmfao I'm sorry!


Btw man in one of my new threads discussing what arcs we would like to see, what arcs we could write, I suggested Sniper Island as part of a Wild West island! A territory associated with it closely! I did want Lodestar to be a wild west island actually but I forgot to mention that lmao.

In fact, here I designed Sniper Island for you too and all fellow Usopp fans ofc!:

Name: Sniper Island (Sogeking Island)

Location: New World, potentially near Elbaf (keeping the connection to Usopp's journey and the giants' potential sharpshooting skills) or in a less explored, more dangerous region.
Climate: Unpredictable, ranging from scorching heat to sudden blizzards. This adds an extra layer of challenge to sharpshooting.


The Island

Still shaped like a giant sniper rifle, but now with volcanic peaks and treacherous cliffs.

Sogeking Volcano:

The highest point, with a crater shaped like Sogeking's mask. Eruptions occasionally rain down volcanic rock "ammo".

Marksman's Mesa:

A plateau with shifting terrain and hidden targets that appear and disappear with the changing weather.

Trick Shot Jungle:

A dense jungle filled with dangerous creatures, camouflaged targets, and ancient ruins with booby traps.

Whirlpool Coast:

A treacherous coastline with swirling currents and unpredictable waves, perfect for practicing long-range shots from a rocking boat.
Hidden Village:

Now built into the side of a cliff, accessible only by a secret path and guarded by highly skilled snipers.



Still Usopp in disguise, but his legend has grown even more fantastical in the New World. He's rumored to have mystical powers related to the island's volatile climate.
The Sogeking Tribe:

Now a mix of different races who have mastered unique sharpshooting styles adapted to the island's harsh conditions. They are wary of outsiders but welcome those who prove their worth.
Mythical Creatures:

Instead of talking animals, we have creatures from One Piece lore, like a kraken that can launch targets into the air, or wind sprites that can alter bullet trajectories.
Points of Interest:

Sogeking Shrine:

Built within a volcanic cave, with glowing crystals illuminating Sogeking's relics and murals depicting his legendary feats.

Sogeking Colossus:

A colossal statue of Sogeking carved into the side of Sogeking Volcano, appearing to emerge from the smoke and ash.

The Sogeking Trials:

A series of deadly challenges involving navigating treacherous terrain, outsmarting traps, and hitting moving targets in extreme weather.

The Sogeking Grand Tournament:

A legendary competition held once a decade, where the best sharpshooters in the world gather to compete for the title of "Sogeking's Successor."
Special Features:

Haki-Infused Environment:

The island's unique energy enhances Haki, particularly Observation Haki, making it a prime location for snipers to train their senses.

Natural Weaponry:

The island provides materials for unique weapons, like volcanic rock ammo, plants that produce poisonous darts, and wood that can be crafted into powerful bows.

Sogeking's Secret Workshop:

Hidden behind a waterfall, filled with advanced technology powered by volcanic energy, where Usopp can create even more powerful and bizarre weapons.

Why Usopp Would Love It:

Ultimate Challenge:

The New World location adds an element of danger and excitement, pushing Usopp to surpass his limits.

Legendary Status:

Sogeking's legend is even greater in the New World, giving Usopp the chance to truly live up to the hype.

Haki Mastery:

The island's unique environment would help him unlock new levels of Observation Haki, crucial for becoming a true sniper king.

Rare Resources:

He could discover new materials and technologies to create the ultimate arsenal of sniper weapons.

And a bonus script too!:


The enormous Great Hall of Elbaf is filled with giants, their once-proud faces now heavy with fear and resignation. Massive pillars carved from stone and ancient trees rise toward the vaulted ceiling, but the grandeur of the hall has been overshadowed by the oppressive rule of PRINCE YMIR. The tyrant, a hulking giant clad in black iron armor with a spiked helmet, lounges on his throne of petrified giants, his trophies of past rebellions. His DEVIL FRUIT power, allowing him to control the very earth beneath them, cements his dominance. He casually hurls boulders at the cowering crowd, his cruelty evident in every dismissive flick of his hand.

(booming voice)
“Is this the mighty Elbaf? A kingdom of giants reduced to trembling worms! Where is your legendary strength, your honor? Pathetic!"
(his eyes narrow with malice)
“From now on, each week, five of your strongest warriors will be sent to fight in my personal arena. The 'Ymir-Tribute.' They will fight for my amusement, while the rest of you… will cower and be grateful for my protection.”

A ripple of fear spreads through the crowd. The once-proud giants glance at one another, uncertainty and hopelessness visible in their eyes. Ymir’s tyrannical decree has broken their spirit. Then, GERD, a fierce giantess with defiant eyes, steps forward from the crowd, her voice ringing with fiery resolve.

(voice shaking, but filled with anger)
“Ymir, this is madness! Our warriors are not your slaves! Elbaf will never bend to a tyrant forever. Your greed and cruelty will destroy us!”

Ymir’s lips curl into a twisted smirk. With a casual wave of his hand, the earth beneath Gerd rumbles, and the floor cracks open with a deafening roar. A fissure forms beneath her, and she is swallowed up to her waist, trapped by the stone itself. The other giants recoil in horror, too afraid to act. Ymir rises slowly from his throne, his voice dripping with mockery.

“Oh? What will you do now, little Gerd? Throw pebbles at me? You can’t even stand!”

Suddenly, the tense atmosphere is pierced by a voice, confident and clear.

"Release her! You overgrown earthworm!"

All eyes turn toward the grand entrance, where a figure stands, silhouetted against the light pouring in from outside. As the figure steps forward, the giants squint, unsure of who—or what—they are looking at. It is USOPP, but not as they know him. His posture exudes confidence, his frame taller and broader than before, and across his face is the familiar mask of SOGEKING. His presence radiates something… divine. His Kabuto, upgraded and glowing with crackling energy, rests confidently at his side.

(snorting in disdain)
“Who dares challenge me?!”
(squinting as Usopp approaches)
“A mask? A trickster hiding behind a mask! Another fool from the outside world. Do you wish to join my collection of failures?”

(grinning beneath the mask)
“Failures? No. I am Sogeking, the King of Snipers! And today, Ymir, I’m here to show you that giants aren’t the only legends in this hall. That helmet of yours, by the way, makes you look like an angry pinecone with delusions of grandeur!”

The giants gasp audibly. No one—not a single soul—has ever dared insult Prince Ymir so brazenly. Gerd, still trapped, stares at Usopp—Sogeking—with a mixture of awe and disbelief. The air crackles with tension.

(voice shaking with fury, eyes blazing)
“You… insignificant worm! You dare insult me?! I’ll tear you apart and feed your remains to the earth!”

Ymir slams his fists into the ground, sending violent shockwaves through the floor, cracks racing toward Sogeking. The entire hall trembles as chunks of stone and earth rise up, ready to crush the intruder. But Sogeking stands firm, unfazed. His voice cuts through the chaos with calm determination.

(his voice carrying a divine authority)
“I’ve faced scarier monsters than a grumpy giant with a bad attitude. You think your power is great? You’re about to see what real power looks like.”

He reaches into his pouch, pulling out a single, shimmering blue seed. The giants whisper to one another, unsure of what this tiny object could possibly do against a monster like Ymir. Usopp holds it high, a dramatic flair in his movements.

(smiling beneath the mask)
“This, Ymir, is no ordinary Pop Green. It’s an Elbaf exclusive, born from the power of the gods. I call it… Thor’s Hammer!”

With a quick motion, Usopp loads the seed into Kabuto and fires. The seed arcs through the air, glowing as it spirals toward Ymir. It strikes his helmet dead-center. There’s a brief pause, a heartbeat of silence, before the seed explodes into a colossal, glowing hammer, reminiscent of the legendary Mjolnir. The energy around it crackles like lightning, and with the force of a thousand thunderbolts, it smashes into Ymir’s head. The impact sends shockwaves through the hall, and Ymir staggers, roaring in pain.

The giants, stunned, watch as the mighty Ymir stumbles. For the first time in ages, they see their tyrant falter.

“Looks like the god of thunder himself just struck you down!”

(howling in rage)
“I will crush you like the insect you are!”

With a roar, Ymir tears the hammer from his helmet and charges at Usopp, the earth splitting beneath his feet. Tremors shake the hall as he moves, like a living earthquake bearing down on Sogeking. But Usopp remains calm, channeling his Haki into his Kabuto. His mask seems to glow brighter, his posture regal and unwavering, as if he is truly becoming the Sogeking, the Sniper God.

(voice steady)
“Big words for a giant who’s already lost.”

What follows is a breathtaking battle. Ymir, desperate and enraged, unleashes a storm of earth-shattering attacks—earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and giant boulders flying toward Usopp. But Sogeking is too quick, too sharp. Dodging each attack with precision, he fires a barrage of Pop Greens—binding vines ensnare Ymir’s arms, explosive runes erupt in his face, and swarms of giant wasps distract him. The tide of battle has shifted.

As Ymir stumbles, struggling to free himself from the vines, Sogeking reaches for his final, most powerful shot. He pulls out a gleaming ammo, infused with his strongest Haki. The giants, wide-eyed, sense something divine in this moment—a power beyond comprehension.

(voice booming with authority, almost like a deity)
“This is for Elbaf! This is for every giant you’ve crushed under your heel! Sogeking’s Ragnarok Special!

With a single motion, he fires. The shot soars through the air, glowing brighter and brighter until it strikes Ymir’s chest with the force of a supernova. The explosion is cataclysmic—energy surges through Ymir’s body as his skin turns to stone, his roar turning to a gurgling cry. Finally, with a final, earth-shattering crash, Ymir falls—petrified into an immobile statue, frozen in his last moment of rage.

The hall falls silent.

Then, slowly, the silence gives way to cheers. The giants, stunned by the divine display of power, erupt into jubilant cries. They rush toward Sogeking, lifting him high above their heads. They chant his name, seeing him not as an ordinary man, but as a true god, sent to save them from their oppressor.

“Sogeking! Sogeking! The Sniper God of Elbaf!”

They carry him on their shoulders, their spirits soaring for the first time in years. Gerd, finally freed, kneels before Usopp, her eyes filled with gratitude and awe.

(bowing deeply)
“We were saved by a god. Thank you… Sogeking.”

Usopp, still in his Sogeking persona, chuckles behind the mask but is humbled by their reverence.

(with a grand, heroic laugh)
“I told you I’d become a brave warrior of the sea!”

As the giants carry him away, celebrating their newfound freedom, Usopp glances up at the sky, a soft smile forming beneath his mask.

(whispering to himself)
“Did you see that, Kaya? I’m a hero.”


On a side note too this is so fucking well made:

Lol, that sounds like a funny tread you created there. I like this. Sniper Island is one of these things I actually believe will somehow become reality.

Kizaruber Eats

Some of y'all here are the goats genuinely.
He did lol

Think he's just done with this place. Like raid was his big goodbye I guess.

This feels immensely and morbidly ironic right now. Also that video is Shanks final scene in the story /s.

Post automatically merged:

What doesnt make sense too, is that GUI made this whole ass dedicated thread to becoming a GFX artist for here, showing off his work so far just to delete his account days after at most? WTF?


I'm quite worried about his mental state now especially.
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Kizaruber Eats

Some of y'all here are the goats genuinely.

Post automatically merged:

On a side note too btw, I had some chicken and cheese pasta bake with broccoli and peas in it too and it was TO DIE FOR! An absolutely simple but insanely delicious meal! Simple meals are usually the best by far! So satisfying when you realise how little effort/prep and ingredients they need but still tastes amazing and has so much depth!

The recipe for those curious too:

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Kizaruber Eats

Some of y'all here are the goats genuinely.


Funnily enough, after Kaido beat and captured Kidd, I wanted him to mentor Kidd, to try to recruit him and even though Kidd would refuse ofc, Killer would try to convince him pragmatically on why its a good idea to take his training at least (they can try to usurp Kaido and get revenge later too) BUT they both hate the WG and are the same kind of stubborn, resilient, badass, brutish, straight to the point, all in motherfuckers so I think him and Kidd would get along under different circumstances.

Kidd could have unlocked his awakening training under extreme circumstances with Kaido, like life or death and Kaido giving him major haki boost and training. Queen helping Kidd under Kaidos orders with the whole engineering/tech side and they benefit each other then, helping Kaido bolster his armory and army with Kidd's creations, ideas and such.

One of Kaidos favourite islands was very tech heavy looking, very futuristic and some of his crew like cyborgs and more modern weaponry type shit, artillery and such. Kidd could have applied awakened magnetism to Kaidos ships and given them the ability to too with his awakening. Electomagnetic antigravity or w/e? Think Mario Kart 8 with the anti gravity driving ofc.


