Questions & Mysteries Any idea who Zoro‘s Elbaf matchup gonna be?

ngl, it might be Mihawk tbh

the race for the fourth road poneglyph might happen in the later stages of the elbaf arc when other factions come into play

else I don't think that Zoro will have any business with the giant warriors
Do you think mihawk will be in elbaf? I mean that would be cool. I don‘t care when mihawk vs zoro happens as long as it happens


Tripple Hoyo Player
as you can see your opening post got edited and I also unapproved another thread of yours for the time being

don't read spoilers if you can't contain your hype
oh shit, did that nibba spew some shit?

Do you think mihawk will be in elbaf? I mean that would be cool. I don‘t care when mihawk vs zoro happens as long as it happens
in the later stages everything can still happen. alot of people believe the 4th road poneglyph will come into play later and that could mean the cross guild will participate in this arc.

would also be fun if Road gets on bad blood with the strawhat pirates and ends up splitting off from Hajrudin's crew just to join the Cross Guild lol

the Cross Guild already has great ties to Elbaf, Oda just can use it whenever he likes if he wants to
The old norse manuscripts describe Surtr as the first of the fire giants to emerge from the flames of Muspelheim, the realm of fire. He's a primordial jötunn, half-brother of Ymir and Audhumbla, embodiment of chaos and fire. He's also represented as holding a immense fire SWORD.
During Ragnarök
In Ragnarök, Surtr will lead the army of fire jotnar from Muspelheim to invade Asgard by the Bifrost bridge and enter in the battle field.
Surtr is destined to fight with the god Freyr, who unfortunate is killed by the flame sword of the giant because he gifted his own sword to his friend Skírnir long before the battle.
In the end of the battle, Surtr will shake his weapon and spread the primordial Muspelheim fire to all the Yggdrasil, consuming the Nine Realms and killing practically all the living beings in the cosmos, including himself and his own species.

an opponent for Zoro