
World's Strongest Swordsman
you are in a manga forum, speak in english or japanese not in hindi. I hope u two got that.
If not create a Hindi thread
Its annoying if they speak in a language u don't understand. If u want to speak in some other language create a thread and have fun thr
Who the fuck are you. They can speak whatever language they want.
Bro, use Google translate. Or just ignore them. It's not that serious.
He probably gets butthurt about the Korean spoilers bc he don't wanna translate them
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I didnt stop them from using their language in the forum, but they can use it in specific thread not in a common chat room and btw I speak Hindi at home
BTW don't be a prick man. Have some respect then aye?


I didnt stop them from using their language in the forum, but they can use it in specific thread not in a common chat room and btw I speak Hindi at home
This is the waiting room where ppl spam random shit left, right, and center. The posts here don't even increase your post count. It ain't gonna hurt nobody if someone is speaking their foreign language a little.

Just as long as it ain't everybody lmao. Might be a little problem then.