Super Role Madness Cinematic Mafia: Into the DC Verse

I'm unfamiliar with that, to my knowledge I am the only one who has hosted a game with that system in Post-OJ era

If Shrike has hosted one such game, it is outside of my metaphysical awareness

would be cool if it was true though, there's some solace in knowing I am not the sole enjoyer of that system
Xlaw hosted the Antagonist game in Reg style and there were a bunch on Thrillerbark.
Well that's the thing with Saber, there's not really a read on him.

I was working on my impressions of him being mentioned a handful times by individuals such as yourself prior, and with a tendency towards the red side of the spectrum.

So now I'm trying to dig a bit deeper on his slot, and I'm working under the conjecture that Worst is likely teamed with Yasheen - and also quite possibly Pot Goblin.

I do have some doubts on a Pot - Saber team, but I can't disregard the possibility of distancing/ bussing either. For context - Saber pretty much chimed in on my suspicion on Worst, where he highlighted a 'interesting' post by him where he asked what a multiball is.
It should be pretty safe to assume that Worst knows what multiball is - as he has played several games that has been multiball.

That being said, Saber did not follow up on it - and to my knowledge and awareness - Worst didn't reply to that either.
So, in hindsight, it is not strong enough evidence to rule out a possible team here.

That builds into your question who my reads are right now, I'm operating under the Triad of Yasheen - Worst - Pot Goblin - as being my top candidates for the evil wrongdoer pile.
Though Yasheen is pretty much the way I see it, got his pants down caught in 4K, now I'm just trying to hammer in how this narrative adds up.

On a tetriary - can be looked into - level I have the likes of Saber, Jinri, Ekko, Luka, Possibly polar for the sole reason of his constant misrepresentation and misleading the plenum about specifically the Brainiac reveal post by Aries.

Otherwise, I'm feeling pretty good on Mr. Reloaded, Fuji, RA, Orca
Honestly, I vibed with Saber early in the game but the read was purely vibes, him dipping this much is not a good look, if he is scum, I would like to think his actions is a bit calculated and with purpose, but in a game with this scale and magnitude, I can't be assed about checking the mechs and what did what lol. But yea, he does not show some progress, don't mind yeeting him tbh.

I think Indigio and Orca are my strongest town reads tbh, I would comfortably put these two in that pile.

I saw that post of flower questioning polar on why he is town reading her when she just subbed in, I thought that was a good look on flower, if she is scum, me would think she would be glad to have that free townie read from polar.

Charlie, Kweh, Mango, BoaHancock, Bill Slipton, Reloaded, Watson, Jagurak are probably townie lean.

Fuji I want to town lean him, but i thought him backing off the yasheen agenda and voting him instead after getting pressured by indigio gave me a pause tbh with you. Today while skimming I saw him saying he is okay with a second wagon on me, and he was saying that to ekko, who he had as scum lean last DP, but now all of a sudden he is fine for my wagon being second wagon for reasons??? thought process followup is not there.

Ratchet can go either way tbh with you, like if I wanna go off of vibes I guess he can be townie.

Don't have much of a read in the rest really, but scum is in that slot probably. Beside having LM and Ekko as my strongest scum reads so far, and we know Yasheen is outed, there is a chance he is an indie tbh not gonna hold you. But after that lynch avoid, I think it's less likely to say the least and obviously should be the lynch for this DP. Unless if he gets yeeted to the cosmos, in which case, probably gun for ekko or LM here. Probably ekko.
Honestly, I vibed with Saber early in the game but the read was purely vibes, him dipping this much is not a good look, if he is scum, I would like to think his actions is a bit calculated and with purpose, but in a game with this scale and magnitude, I can't be assed about checking the mechs and what did what lol. But yea, he does not show some progress, don't mind yeeting him tbh.

I think Indigio and Orca are my strongest town reads tbh, I would comfortably put these two in that pile.

I saw that post of flower questioning polar on why he is town reading her when she just subbed in, I thought that was a good look on flower, if she is scum, me would think she would be glad to have that free townie read from polar.

Charlie, Kweh, Mango, BoaHancock, Bill Slipton, Reloaded, Watson, Jagurak are probably townie lean.

Fuji I want to town lean him, but i thought him backing off the yasheen agenda and voting him instead after getting pressured by indigio gave me a pause tbh with you. Today while skimming I saw him saying he is okay with a second wagon on me, and he was saying that to ekko, who he had as scum lean last DP, but now all of a sudden he is fine for my wagon being second wagon for reasons??? thought process followup is not there.

Ratchet can go either way tbh with you, like if I wanna go off of vibes I guess he can be townie.

Don't have much of a read in the rest really, but scum is in that slot probably. Beside having LM and Ekko as my strongest scum reads so far, and we know Yasheen is outed, there is a chance he is an indie tbh not gonna hold you. But after that lynch avoid, I think it's less likely to say the least and obviously should be the lynch for this DP. Unless if he gets yeeted to the cosmos, in which case, probably gun for ekko or LM here. Probably ekko.
Saber is a dude? Lol XD
I can't if I want to:
Pay rent
Afford water
Stay warm during winter

Lol. I havent taken off work for years because I can't afford to. I live paycheck to paycheck, and no other jobs with actual benefits are hiring or more specifically they aren't hiring me XD got over 100 job application rejections to prove that sadly
That's rough man, just keep hustling and applying, I am sure something will come around eventually.


Argonauts, roll out!
@Fujishiro where is the impossible 8th force of the universe - the mythical "Fuji Drive" - taken place?

I feel like that I am a cataclysmic flud of words that plagues the game thread - desperately in need of a equal and opposite force capable of repelling my insurmountable amount of gibberish that seems to be spawning from my deepest, most desolate reaches of my incomprihensibly trifling intellect that is contained within my corporeal vessel in which I have been accursedly bound to by the extradimentional human concept of God - as he gleefully watches his meticulously crafted stage play gets enacted by us - the unknowing and unconsenting actors, day in and day out enjoying to see the fruits of his labor - Our fates predestined, or perhaps not - it is mayhap within the logical application of thought that one could think that perhaps the Hand of Fate, The Great Playwright, only writes our preludes - the introduction and inclination - yet however our ultimate fate and purpose is there for us to grab a hold of. Not to be lost in the details, each and every one of us has the power and capability to take back what is rightfully ours.

And so I will abruptly cease my demented ramblings for the sake of.. Peace...

One Peace..
