
What could have been...
he was pretty co-operative when I prodded him earlier today.

Not that you asked me, but fmpov he's good.

But I'll let him talk for himself
thanks for the status report, captain wango

we need to find cult leader asap b4 they spread. we got any leads beside ratchet?

we need more mech flying around


What could have been...
@SoulKiller need ur updated read on me cuz i dont rly believe u think im the best yeet here at this point. while ur tone seemed townie earlier, uve largely done nothing as a defense to ur wagon other than cry about it and omgus it's starter


What could have been...
I am coming with my reads list.
Town Reads:
Muugen: Lock Town.
Polar Bear

Scum Leans:
Worst (this is a work in progress, could change, I never been good at reading him)

Pretty much everyone else.

still got a bunch more catching up to do...
we've played together since like 2020, and in not a single game.. not one.. do i recall u reading me town

im not sure what it is, spite? hatred? skill issue?

whatever it is, idk if it shud be allowed / tolerated. im glad u dont play alot, it'll make the games unbearable.

what made me laugh here is the line u added to the read on worst. u know u've been wrong in ur read of me for over 70% of the games, the other 30% u just lucked out that i randed scum in, but u dont even make an attempt to read me townie, or say that the read is just spite.

on another topic, i find it interesting that ur locking muugen town, is this mech related? pls answer like a human or im putting u bk on ignore, i'll only tolerate one post